Too Much Water?

Hello, I'm new to the site. I consistently drink more than 8 glasses of water a day. I typically drink 12-18 glasses a day. Is that too much water? I know 8 glasses is what's recommended, but when is it too much?


  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Depends on why you're drinking that much water. If you're constantly thirsty, you should check with your doctor--extreme thirst is a symptom of diabetes. If you're just drinking it because you like it, then there's probably no problem.

    Keep in mind that "glass" is not a fixed unit of measurement, either. The MFP page uses "glass" to mean "8 fl oz"--so they recommend 64 fl oz of water per day. If your glasses are smaller, you might be drinking less water than you think. But I have seen other sites and sources that recommend up to 12 8 oz glasses per day, so you're still in that range.
  • jvjlpenn
    jvjlpenn Posts: 14
    I think a good way to determine how much to drink is if you are trying to lose weight, you should drink half your body weight in ounces each day. I think you can drink too much but I think what matters is to try and keep it the same everyday. If it fluctuates very much you could retain water. Like if you drink 100oz one day then 60oz one day, on the low day your body would retain some thinking you weren't going ot give it enough. But also the thirsty thing is correct. If you are that thristy you should probably go to the dr.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    As long as you're not drinking enough water to make you sick, you're fine. There is such a thing as water intoxication though. If you feel lightheaded, nauseous, or experience headaches and vomiting, that's when you should start to worry. It takes a lot to cause water intoxication, so I don't think you should worry. :) Haha.

    In your case, there's no such thing as "too much water."

    EDIT: And just to reiterate what everybody else is saying... If you're drinking that much water because of constant thirst, contact your doctor immediately!
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    I've heard the same thing about drinking 1/2 your body weight in oz of water every day. I've been getting into the habit of making sure to do that lately, and I really think it's helping!
  • MikeRay
    MikeRay Posts: 47
    I drink over a gallon a day, but thats cause I am trying to add muscle mass. I think that you will be fine with the 96oz-144oz.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If your pee is darker than a pale yellow, you're not drinking enough. I drink just enough that by the end of the night, it's almost clear. I typically don't drink anymore after dinner depending on how much I've had to drink (if I haven't met my goal of 120 oz., I'll drink 'til I go to bed and try to pee before I fall asleep).

    I go by the half your weight in ounces rule...but MY minimum, what I know works for me, is 120 oz. per day.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    8 glasses is more of a guideline. Drinking half your weight in ounces is a better idea, so you're probably doing great! I'm 187-188 lbs, and try to get about 90 oz of water daily, so about 12 glasses.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Also the other thing to remember is that when we are drinking so much water in our efforts to better our health through weight loss, you will also be peeing out some of the essential nutrients due to so much water. I find that when I am drinking lots of water, I will start to have leg cramps due to losing too much potassium. Might want to think of a multi-vitamin/mineral supplements to help ensure you don't lose nutrients.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    Ok, I hadn't really heard the half your weigt in ounces rule yet. That makes sense, I weigh 204, so 12 glasses a day is ok for me. I don't feel super thirsty all the time, but drinking this much is kind of a hang over from when I used to smoke. I would cough so much, I couldn't stand not having a bottle of water with me at all times, and now that I quit, I still like having a bottle of water with me at all times. I was just putting the amount of water I drank into the food tracker when I realized I was drinking way more than the 8 glasses a day. Thanks guys!
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    As long as you're not drinking enough water to make you sick, you're fine. There is such a thing as water intoxication though. If you feel lightheaded, nauseous, or experience headaches and vomiting, that's when you should start to worry. It takes a lot to cause water intoxication, so I don't think you should worry. :) Haha.

    In your case, there's no such thing as "too much water."

    EDIT: And just to reiterate what everybody else is saying... If you're drinking that much water because of constant thirst, contact your doctor immediately!

    There is indeed such a thing as water intoxication! When I was a kid I'd use it to get out of undesirable situations. lol.
  • Kris93
    Kris93 Posts: 11 Member
    I honestly don't think so. I would consider yourself lucky to be able to drink that much water a day! Water is VERY good for your skin, circulation, metabolism, fighting wrinkles, etc. ,etc.

    I try to drink a lot of water because it helps a WHOLE lot with reducing the appearance of my dark under eye circles (because of the extra circulation). EVERY single time I drink at least 8 glasses, I always get compliments on how my skin looks the next day. It gives my skin this type of natural and pretty "glow".

    However, I do agree with Maddox22 if you're constantly thirsty, to go see your doctor.

    But it's probably not that big of a deal. :tongue: