Endometriosis and Weight Gain



  • Thank you! :)
  • Okay my fellow Endometriosis sufferers, I have good news! Let me introduce myself first, I am 20 years old, I was diagnosed with endometriosis one year ago, i'm actually having a second surgery on May 20th. I have seen my weight fluxtuate, but let me tell you, It's NOT and i Repeat, NOT fat. It's simply swelling of the abdomen. Best way to decrease this? Heat, Aquatherapy. And what i mean by aquatherapy, Is simply sitting in a nice hot bath for 20 minutes a day. You're swelling will go down.
    I work out 3 times a day, 7 days a week, Going for walks also decreases swelling. I know all of this because i see the best doctor in the united states for this disease. (Literally, the best). If you have any questions, feel free to message me and ask away. I am very knowledgable about this disease.

    So remember, It's not weight gain, It's simply swelling of your insides!!!! Don't get down. (: But also keep in mind, what works for other women, may not work for you! Every woman's disease is different, even though we're all suffering! Talk to a doctor and see what is best for YOU!.
    Love Hayley.
  • Yoga is FANTASTIC for endo sufferers!!!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Count me as another person plagued by endo. I was doing great last summer - finally losing weight and getting into some great new habits. However, to combat the endo pain (and a 21 day cycle), I was popping copious amounts of ibuprofen every 3 weeks. It was scaring me to continue to do so. I didn't know at the time what the pain was from. I saw a new gyno in the fall who agreed to remove my right ovary (the source of the pain). Through phyical exam it appeared to be fused to my abdomen. I had the surgery in November and had the ovary removed. That's when she confirmed the endo. I was happy it was over. It was a good month before I wasn't sore to the touch though, so no exercise there. Then at the appointed time in December - the same awful pain. In the same spot. Where there was no longer an ovary. It's such a depressing feeling, to try everything in the world and have the pain always returning.

    As a last resort (no way am I doing the Lupron shots), I asked to be put on bcp's. I'm no longer having children and had a tubal a few years ago (it's own roller coaster of disaster). Except at the appointed time in January, the pain returned with such a vengeance that I counted 2400 mgs of ibuprofen that I took in a 24 hour period. Scary stuff. So I started taking the pills continuously. I haven't had any pain since that horrible bout in January. But I found out yesterday after noticing my years-old jeans suddenly wouldn't zip... I've gained 20 pounds. Since January. I know it's from the pills - my eating habits really haven't changed, even though I haven't been working out reguarly. So now I'm really bummed. Do I get fat from pills or suffer the pain? Or get a hysterectomy and worry about hormonal changes and weight gain from that? It's such an insidious condition to be diagnosed with. I feel disgusting, after stepping on the scale I'm pretty sure I LOOK disgusting, ugh.

    Well, I'm not going to get any fatter. I'm losing the 15 I lost last summer and another 15 while I'm at it. Starting the JMBR on April 29th with the kickstart week. Hoping the BCP's won't hinder the weight loss though. Glad and yet sad at the same time to see that there are others out there who know what I'm going through. Gotta love being female!
  • Myself4good
    Myself4good Posts: 25 Member
    Hello to all fellow endo suffers! I have stage 4 endo, PCOS, and suspected adenomyosis diagnosed via lap. The main thing that has helped me the most is staying away from gluten,dairy, red meat, and processed sugar as much as possible. Carolyn Levett's books have a lot of good info regarding the Endo Diet. She explains why in detail these types of changes are so beneficial. She also has a great website, endo-resolved.com that is very informative. I don't believe myself, however, that these changes will cure endo, but they do help tremendously. Before joining MFP, I lost 20 pounds just cutting these things out of my diet and doing walking/pilates. Hang in there ladies! It's nice to know we're not alone. :)
  • saltwrangler86
    saltwrangler86 Posts: 1 Member
    Endometriosis is a hard thing to live with. I've had it since I was born. Its been genetically passed down through the women in my family. We all struggle with pain and all struggle with the weight loss problems. Our bodies cant function properly with all those hormones running around. For pain I went on a birth control pill. I skip all periods (doctor recommendation) to manage pain and to prevent tumors. Its been working great (painless for almost a year) and wont have future side affects on pregnancy. The doctor recommends this because having a period causes our uterine wall to thicken and shed(bleed) and that's when the tumors pop up and attached to the wall. If the wall is thin they cant find a home and that's exactly what the skipping does- it thins the walls....no period- no tumors. the only other thing to be done after is to have your hormone balance checked to make sure the BC is keeping everything on tract and lowering pain. As for the weight loss the only thing to do is cut out the bad- move in the good- and get the heart rate up. Our bodies need at least 1hr 4-5 days per week of intense calorie burning. (average heart rate of 170+) tied with a well balance organic or natural based diet. Fatty foods, bad carbs, oils, additives, hormones and fructose sugars all cause our bodies to shut down and clog. If your clogged you've got too many hormones and poisons. this causes major weight loss issues because your liver cant process it all and goes on strike. Your liver says what stays and what goes so if you only put in good, it will have energy to kick out the bad and put the good stuff to good use. And before trying herbs for liver health Google them. I just found out Milk thistles helps heal the liver and boost weight loss but in people with hormone issues it acts like a super hormone and can cause bad hormonal issues. So be careful out there and good luck. I hope my story helped.