Paleo Diet

So I just got done reading about the Paleo diet and I am all in. It's funny because I never knew that it had a name but i have always thought "cavemen never ate Cheetos" etc. and now there is a diet that emphasizes eating like our ancestors!

So what i want to know is what is the best way to start this? I have a bunch of stuff in my pantry right now such as boxed pastas etc. and i am not a person that likes to waste food, and honestly I don't really want to get rid of it all and start from scratch.

Any suggestions?



  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Caveman would have eaten as much Cheetos as you could provide them and then begged for more. Probably would have been their sole form of nutrition if they had an endless supply vs their other food options.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I like it and think it's a great approach. I followed it fairly strictly for all of 2012, but not so much now.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    So I just got done reading about the Paleo diet and I am all in. It's funny because I never knew that it had a name but i have always thought "cavemen never ate Cheetos" etc. and now there is a diet that emphasizes eating like our ancestors!

    So what i want to know is what is the best way to start this? I have a bunch of stuff in my pantry right now such as boxed pastas etc. and i am not a person that likes to waste food, and honestly I don't really want to get rid of it all and start from scratch.

    Any suggestions?


    good luck eating bugs, worms, and carrion. also, drinking from stagnant pools of water... the way real cavemen actually did and not those actors in the GEICO commercials.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member

    "What people seem to ignore, he said, was that the fresh fruits and vegetables forming the basis of the Paleo Diet were created by the same agricultural process that produced cereal grains.

    “Nearly every food item you currently eat today has been modified from its ancestral form, typically in a drastic way, ” he began. “The notion that we have not yet adapted to eat wheat, yet we have had sufficient time to adapt to kale or lentils is ridiculous."

    There is no need to cut food groups unless you have an allergy. If you are really set on doing this, donate to a food bank, but it is a notion made up to sell books. Eat at a deficit. Exercise.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Cavemen also didn't use the wheel, but we're rollin' 4 deep now, aren't we? :wink:
  • mireinmeyun
    just cut back on it. eat equal amounts of meat and vegetables with your pasta, then you will not waste it, but your consumption will be lessened.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    The actual diet is (well, CAN be) pretty good, the science and followers? LOL sometimes.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    Is it better to eat "wholer" foods than crap with powdered cheese? Um yes! But really I don't get the paleo thing- I'm pretty sure it would vary from one region to another- so if you are eating fruits and veggies that are fresh but not native to the area is that really paleo?

    Please note I don't have an aversion to powdered cheese here and there!
  • babymaddux
    babymaddux Posts: 209 Member
    there are a couple paleo groups on here, you're best joining one and asking them. threads on the general boards tend to deteriorate pretty quickly...
    i followed it and liked it, but my bank balance didn't :cry:
  • ks1795
    ks1795 Posts: 6 Member
    You should check out (good place to start) and (great recipes).
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Start with one class of stuff you don't want, take it to the local food bank and replace it with the good stuff. I have found it is best to work into this by gradually getting rid of the most refined grains (ie pasta) and replacing them with higher protein and more vegetables. I've ended up eating a modified version of this diet, and it works for me. I have lots of energy and am usually satisfied by my food. No cravings. Better discipline.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member

    Here are a couple good sites to get you started. One is paleo, the other is primal which is similar, but less restrictive.

    As far as your boxed food goes, either eat it before you start paleo, or keep it around in case you decide paleo isn't for you. I'm guessing it'll take a while for it to go bad.

    Good Luck!
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I've been eating this way for the past few months, but I don't really call it Paleo. I say that I stopped eating breads, pastas, and processed foods, because that's all it really is to me anyway. If someone asks where they can read more information on this lifestyle, THEN I will reference specific paleo books. If you want to be a hardcore Paleo-er and quit all dairy, pretty much anything containing wheat, gluten, legumes, seed oils, and only consume fresh organic vegetables, grass-fed beef, cage-free/organic eggs and chickens, it could become costly if you are used to buying breads and pastas which in my experience are always cheaper.

    I told myself in the beginning of my 'journey' that I was going to stop eating bread. Cold turkey, that's it. I don't see any nutritional value to it that I can't get elsewhere. A few months later and I don't even miss it. I rarely eat cheese too, but I will not deprive myself if I am craving a slice (which is rare. I thought the cheese was going to be the hardest part. I used to LOVE CHEESE! I would cook with it in practically every meal. Now I'm like, what's cheese?) Milk- I drink almond milk because I like that better. Again I see no nutritional value in milk that I can't find elsewhere and I don't think cow's milk is meant for us to drink anyway, unless you want to find raw unpasteurized milk.

    All you're really doing is consuming more fresh vegetables and less of the processed junk. If you want something that isn't according to bible Paleo standards, just eat it. All in moderation. I disagree with what someone said up there about how vegetables now are in the same class as how grains are produced today- unless they are genetically modified organisms, I can't see how these are nutritionally equal. I may be new to this lifestyle but I agree in the fact that maybe our bodies are just not meant to be able to process grains. I used to think people were pretentious snobs when I would see them buying only organic vegetables/fruits, organic grass-fed beef, etc. but there is a science behind it.

    People take it too literally when referencing the "caveman" diet. Of course we aren't going to eat bugs or drink murky pond water, idiots. That's missing the entire point!
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    I tried this, and like Carissar said above it is really just healthy eating. Check out the Whole30 website, they have lots of great recipes and a good message board.

    I ended up stopping and going back to a more low carb way of eating as certain things affected my food intolerance's (namely fruit), but I would recommend it as a good, well balanced diet to follow.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    The actual diet is (well, CAN be) pretty good, the science and followers? LOL sometimes.

    SO MUCH THIS. I eat this way, and I cannot stand the freaks, Paleo Nazis, caveman speculation, and yeah...a lot of the science is highly questionable. In case anyone reading is interested in that last statement--Mat Lalonde does a lot of debunking of nutritional "science". Not just Paleo stuff, but he doesn't shy away from debunking Paleo studies and such as well.

    I have food intolerances/allergies and a blood sugar problem I have to deal with, so this is how I have to eat, and it's been pretty great for my situation that this is now a "thing". There are all sorts of really great recipes, lots of other people don't eat the stuff I can't eat, etc.

    Like someone else said, nobody NEEDS to make any food off limits in order to lose weight unless they've got some sort of medical issue(s). If you want to eat your pasta and rice, do it. Don't let the dumb Paleo groupthink rule your world.