Tips for losing chest fat

One of my main areas of focus is my chest and I don't really know what the best exercise for the chest is. I know cardio is always good and so is bench press/chest press, which I already do some of.
I guess what I'm asking is: what's the best and quickest way to lose chest fat and firm that area up?
I will gladly accept any tips or suggestions, it's been a battle for most of my life and I'm eager to take care of this "problem". :)
Thanks friends!


  • biggphatdaddy
    Most shoulder exercises help with the chest gotta figure the shoulder muscles assist in holding the pecs in the right place....its gonna take time no matter what, unless you know a cheap plastic surgeon...Hey The Rock got a chest tuck back in the day, can't be all bad...
  • Topxgun
    Topxgun Posts: 38
    As far as I know, spot reduction isn't possible.
    Like, you can't work out your arms to get rid of arm fat. You'll just have muscle and fat that way.
    The only way to get rid of fat is to get of all of it at once until you're happy with yourself.
    But if you want good pecks, just do push-ups.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    Spot reducing unfortunately doesn't really work (in my case, the area I would want to spot reduce would be the hip/thigh area...but I just have to take what I can get!). The best thing to do is focus on overall weight/fat loss, and also focus on toning & strengthening your body. Chest presses, chest flies, push-ups, and any number of moves while holding yourself in a plank pose are my top picks for working the chest area.
  • Iron_Biker
    Iron_Biker Posts: 104 Member
    The best way to get rid of chest fat is the same way to get rid of fat in the abdomen, or anywhere else: balanced diet and regular excercise.

    There are no "local-fat-burning techniques", and those myths (like crunches burning belly fat) have been long dead in the water. The body burns the extra energy, no matter where it was stored. The "storage place" depends on your genes, hence some people tend to acumulate fat in the abdomen, while others accumulate fat in the thighs, and so on.

    On the other hand, there are many nice muscle-defining exercises for the chest and upper body area. I recommend some of them: barbell bench press (horizontal and inclined), crossover with cables, dumbbell flye (horizontal and inclined), horizontal flye (with machine), and the good old regular pushups (along with the many variants). If you need some details on the excercises, or want some suggestions on more advanced ones, feel free to PM me or add me as a friend.
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    Most guys carry their fat on their chest (and stomach) and a lot of people I know cite it as the most difficult part of their body to build.

    Lately my muscle growth there is definitely accelerating, but that's in the context of a workout provided by my trainer which is kind of part II or II of a progression so I won't get into it.

    However, there are a couple of specifics that I'm definitely finding good...

    - I currently do my bench press as "thirds" (and immediately followed by crab pressups). Thirds go like this..
    Lower the bar to just above your chest, do 8 short (say 3 inch) presses near your chest.. press up to the mid-point and do 8 short presses there, then up to near top and 8 short presses there. Lower back down and repeat all that, then finish with 5 full reps. It is the most direct thump on my pecs I have ever got, especially as you get a bit into the second lot of those short presses.
    - I used to bang my shoulders around a bit until I discovered why, and correct bench technique definitely isolates the pecs more and minimises the use of shoulders and arms. The key is, keep your shoulder blades pulled together on the bench throughout the press. Do not roll your shoulders up to press.
    - Press-ups on the flat side of a stability board I find much more direct on pecs than ordinary press-ups.

    Just me, as I am similar in wanting to hit my chest more than any other body part and these are some specifics that seem to be working for me.

    Edit - although fat won't melt away overnight, building better muscular shape definitely looks better than fat and no muscle if you follow what I mean.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Agree with the above. And also add dips to the exercise list when you can bench press at least 110% of body weight.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Agree with the above. And also add dips to the exercise list when you can bench press at least 110% of body weight.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I like my chest fat. :)
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    I like my chest fat. :)

    YOUR chest fat is probably amazing but for us guys it just doesn't work. :-)
  • gorefan82
    gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
    awesome, I appreciate all the responses. I know that regular exercise is the best and that's what I've been doing and so far it's helping! Too bad we can't just say POOF and it be gone haha.