losing it for good challenge

nikki128 Posts: 42
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
Hi -

I am new here and I am challenging myself to lose 12 lbs by August 7th. It would be really great to have some support in this journey. My plan is to ride the recumbent bike 30 minutes 6 times a week and drink 6-8 bottles of water a day. I also will keep my calories to the 1200 MFP suggests plus my exercise calories. Let's support each other. When I reach -12 I will have lost 20 pounds in 6 months. They say slow and steady is better.

Love and Light


  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Hi -

    I am new here and I am challenging myself to lose 12 lbs by August 7th. It would be really great to have some support in this journey. My plan is to ride the recumbent bike 30 minutes 6 times a week and drink 6-8 bottles of water a day. I also will keep my calories to the 1200 MFP suggests plus my exercise calories. Let's support each other. When I reach -12 I will have lost 20 pounds in 6 months. They say slow and steady is better.

    Love and Light
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    There are a lot of challenges out there - I would encourage you to join one of them. Best of luck :bigsmile:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Can I join your challenge? I am also trying to lose about 12lbs by August...so maybe we can encourage and support eachother!! I'll weigh myself tonight to get an official starting weight! :happy:
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this!! :heart:
  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    You can certainly count me in for support.. and weigh ins :) !! Anything that can help keep me going and motivated during this new lifetime journey! I know it sounds silly.. But I just want to be "myself".. :happy: I know that it's my inner me.. dying to get out.

    At least if I'm trying to lose 12lbs by August, I won't gain any :bigsmile:
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Alie- I would be thrilled to have some company.

    Lilprnss- We can do this. Welcome aboard.

    I am a bit bummed today. I ate at a restaurant last night and can feel I am, bloated. I had to much sodium. I stayed within my calories but the scale is showing a 2 lb gain. I won't log it I'll wait until tomorrow to see if it goes away. Some days I just don't feel like cooking ! What gets me is when I was eating the food I knew it was crazy salty and it even did not taste that great. I would have rather had a home cooked meal. We usually go out on the weekend. However, I am going to cook tonight and tomorrow I will get bf to do burgers on the grill .... then I can eat morning star spicy bean burgers.
    I hope you all have a good day. I am off to lay by the pool a couple of hours after I ride the bike for 30 minutes. Today is day 5 of exercising for the week :)

    So as of this moment the scale is showing 174.0 I was 172.8 yesterday so I hope it goes back down by a little later today. As I said I won't change my ticker until tomorrow. I just want to be accountable for everything.

    Oh I saw an awesome pair iof sunglasses but they were 30.00 I would normally not spend that much on sun glasses. However, I told myself when I lose 1.6 more pounds and get to 10 pounds loss I will go buy them. Talk about incentive :)

    Love and Light
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I weigh in at 151...so my new goal is 139 by august 1st!!!
    Thats amazing that youve worked out 5 days this week already! Im a little jealous.
    I know what you mean about going out to dinner...Ive become a little obsessed about checking the calories in restaurant food before I actually go out, so I know what I can have and what I should stay away from. lol
    I found that if I only weigh myself every other or every 3rd week it helps me stay focused and doesnt discourage me when I see I gained a pound or only lost one when I was hoping to lose 2. I have also decided to reward myself for every five pounds I lose...like a new top, or sunglasses lol
    How are the morning star burgers? I have yet to try them, but Ive heard a lot about them.
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Allie -

    I find the restaurant food kills me with the sodium not the calories. I can eat under calories most times but still gain from sodium. The morning star spicy black bean burgers are awesome. I've gotten to the point I'd rather eat them then regular burgers.

    I just took chicken out of the freezer tonight and I'll make steamed brocolli, green beans and corn bread muffins. I'll limit myself to one muffin.

    I like the idea of 5 lb rewards too. I was looking at a 5 lb bag of sugar today and it is nice to think I lost 1.5 of those.

    Love and Light
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Can I join too? I would like to lose 9 pounds by the end of July. My goal is a little different but my motives are the same :bigsmile:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Of course...the more the merrier!!!

    Nikki-what do you order when you go out?
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Hi Kerri - Welcome aboard.

    Alli- If I don't know calorie count I order a salad dressing on side and take out all the croutons and high calorie stuff. Basically I maker it a large garden salad with a little chicken. Last night I went to applebee's and got the onion soup for 150 calories and the quesidellia for 480.

    Well I am off to the pool to tan. I will check in later tonight.

    Love and Light
  • sydenham24
    sydenham24 Posts: 33
    me too!

    I weigh in at 151...so my new goal is 139 by august 1st!!!

    i am joining in!
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Welcome sydenham :)
  • Id' love to join you guys! I am def in need of motivation! Lol.

    I would like to lose between 10 and 15 lbs by the end of July! Gotta get out of this rut I've been in!
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    hi random welcome aboard :)
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Well, count me in.. I would love to be a part of this challenge. I went out for lunch today I think I did really well with the modification of my order and only ate half. That was a big thing for me..
    I knew that I would be eating out for lunch so I walked for 45 minutes before time and am heading out for a 40 minute swim soon. Hopefully that will help offset the lunch.

    Take care and keep smiling!! :happy:
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    obviously i have screwed up big time on the weight ticker.. what did I do wrong and how do I change it? Help.. lol thanks
  • Im in too, I need some good motiviation I want to loose 10 pounds by August 1st, I weigh 183 so I want to be down to 173... IM IN! :glasses:
  • sydenham24
    sydenham24 Posts: 33
    this might help with your ticker. it is copied from the Help section.
    It might help to print it out first.
    hope that's helpful!
    Ms. Syd

    How do I add a ticker to my forum signature?

    A. Here's a quick explanation of how to add a weight loss ticker to your forum signature:

    1. First, click on the "Tools" tab, then click on "Tickers" in the light blue bar below the tabs to reach the section of the site where you can create your ticker.

    2. Follow the steps to create your ticker. They should (hopefully) be self-explanatory.

    3. When your ticker has been completed, you'll be shown two boxes with code in them to display your ticker. Click on the box on the left (BBCode) - this is the code you need to use on the MyFitnessPal message boards. Highlight all of the code in that box (most browsers will do this automatically once you click on the box). If the code is not all highlighted, you can right-click on the box and choose "Select All"

    4. Once you have highlighted all of the code, right click on the code and choose "Copy."

    5. Now click on the "My Home" tab, then click "Settings" in the light blue bar below the tabs, and finally, click on the "Change forum signature" link.

    6. Right-click in the box where you can type your forum signature and choose "Paste."

    7. Finally, click "Save Changes."

    Once you've saved your new forum signature, every post you've ever made should now display your ticker at the bottom of it. You don't need to create a new post to test your ticker - just look at any previous post, and the ticker will be displayed there if you've followed the steps properly.
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    I am so excited that so many people joined us. I laid by the pool today and then went to lunch with a friend. For lunch I had a grilled chicken breast with fresh steamed veggies and a side salad with oil and vinegar. I an proud of myself for doing so good. Breakfast was a light vanilla yogurt with blueberries and 1 tbsp granola. Finally dinner is baked chicken, steamed broccolli and 1 corn muffin.
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