Binge Eating and Using Food to Cope

I am in need of some help. About four years ago I lost my husband. When he passed away, my world ended. I had the hardest time trying to survive on my own and I used food to cope. Food made me feel better at the time. Now I gained all this weight and I'm very disappointed in myself.

My problem now is I am in the habit of binge eating and being hungry all the time. I want so much to loose weight and I usually start my day good, but by late afternoon/evening, I only think about that comfort food. I feel like because I can't binge, I want to eat all the time and nothing fills me up. I have tried eating more proteins, drinking more water, taking walks to get my mind off of eating. But nothing seems to help and I always give in to food.

Any advice or ideas to help me?


  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :(

    If you know you have a certain time when you are susceptible to binging, maybe try to make sure you are not near food at those times. You say you go for walks which is great, but you're still pretty close to home or places where food is accessible. Maybe try an activity or hobby that will make you get away from home, that doesn't involve food, and might make you feel good to boot. Try volunteering at an animal shelter or a women's shelter and take shifts in the afternoon/evening. Or look for activity clubs for things you are interested in and schedule get togethers or meetings during your vulnerable periods.

    Distraction and being far from food is what works best for me. :) There are also some support groups on this site for people trying to get over binge eating, and I'm sure they have great suggestions too!!
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine what a difficult time that was for you.

    I suffer from binge eating as well and have had a hard time coping with it lately. I have considered getting professional help for it and have been doing a bit of research. I just purchased a book called Food Addiction: The Body Knows by Kay Sheppard. I'm still waiting for it to come in the mail, but I'm hoping for some insight. Part of the book talks about a food plan to follow, which is very similar to the program followed by Food Addicts Anonymous. It's listed here if you're interested: I started following the food plan this week and it's the first time in months that I haven't binged.
  • jenb1801
    jenb1801 Posts: 4
    Thats funny that you mentioned volunteer work. I just picked up an application for volunteering at an animal shelter. Thanks for your support :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss; I can't imagine how I'd cope after 36 years of having a partner.

    I binge over far lesser things. The thing that helps the most is being busy with something that engages both mind and hands.

    Last night I couldn't keep myself out of the kitchen (family stress) and didn't feel like doing anything, so I took off my clothes and went to bed early (7:30).
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    while I didn't lose a spouse I did lose my dad at age 15 years old. that was when I began to binge eat.
    what helped me is journaling. writing my feelings down. you keep writing until you get things off your chest.
    many people also use their diary food notes to vent , share their frustrations I need to do also.

    I am taking a course on undereating its a christian based one though. it is helping me a lot.
    they have a lot of binge eating groups such as binge eating support group, ed support group 20 and up, binge eating challenge group etc.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's terrible and so hard to break the cycle but you can. I went into a major cycle after I lost my pregnancy and now what would have been the due date is getting closer I'm binging more.

    You can do it though. The cravings will be hard to fight through thats when I just had to go to bed early. Once you "detox" for a few days it will be easier to fight.

    Keep it up you can do it!
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry for your loss and I wonder if you have gone to grief counseling. My thought is that if you deal with the loss then the binge eating might fix itself on its own. I understand it has been a few years but often we think that we have dealt with it when in fact we have not. Keep your chin up!
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Honestly? Therapy would probably be good for you. A lot of people dismiss it, are ashamed if they go, get a terrible therapist and avoid the whole thing rather than find one that works for them, but I've been going to therapy since I was 13. Over those 9, almost 10 years, I only had 2 (out of like... 10) that I enjoyed, but it still has done wonders with a lot of the junk I've had going on. I have never had a loss like yours (and I'm very sorry for your loss) but I used to go inpatient 4-5 times a year. Since seeing my current therapist I've been out for 2 years come April 26th.
  • jenb1801
    jenb1801 Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone for your support. It helps knowing that there are others who struggle with binge eating too. I am going to therapy and I have been in for a long time now. She has helped me tremendously but I still have a lot I have to deal with. Thanks again for your kind words!