Midwest Exercises Need to Be Added



  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    nice, I have not done the roof thing yet=)
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I also forgot that flipping ridge the snow plow deposits at the end of your driveway that is 4 foot high and wide.
  • Hoosier_Kat
    Hoosier_Kat Posts: 20 Member
    Back in the day, my brothers would have said bailing hay. Standing in the wagon and picking up, carrying, and stacking 100lb. bails all day long in the Indiana summer heat is definitely a workout.

    As far as the drainage ditch, I could use one, too. Although, our yard currently looks so much like a lake that I'm tempted to simply stock it with fish and call it a day.
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    Ha! It's actually a good point. I know a lot of people don't log stuff like this, but I honestly have no clue how many calories that must burn! Absolutely that counts as exercise!

    I agree =)
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't add anything. If you feel you can't do an additional workout, that's fine. If you feel hungry, I'd add in an extr 100-200 calories if needed, but I wouldn't log that as exercise for me.


    But you could log it under "Yardwork" or create your own if you wore a HRM and title it "Ditch diggin' - to hide the bodies"

    I don't know... Have you ever dug in the ground to this extent? This is far more strenuous than yard work. I wore my HRM shoveling snow a few months back. I burned almost three times what MFP calculated, and soil is heavier than snow...
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    Hauling hay and/or feed
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    corn detasseling? walking beans? mullet grooming?

    mullet grooming? come on now tsk tsk
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    Shoveling snow and gardening are both a category in the exercise section... I have used both...
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Stone picking - walking
    Hay baling - boxing (all upper body movement)
    Shoveling manure - gardening
    Painting house/barn - circuit training
    shoveling snow (by hand) - walking and circuit training or if you are really bad at it, acrobatics, since you land on your backside as much as you accomplish the actual task.

    These are the equivalents I can come up with for things you don't do everyday but are DEFINITELY a workout.
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't add anything. If you feel you can't do an additional workout, that's fine. If you feel hungry, I'd add in an extr 100-200 calories if needed, but I wouldn't log that as exercise for me.

    Do you normally dig drainage ditches by hand as part of your regular day? I suppose you have your activity level set to account for that so you wouldn't need to add it as exercise...better you than me :)

    Items to add:
    Sandbagging is always fun in the spring
    Changing from shorts to a winter coat and back into shorts on the same day is good exericise too.

    spelunking is fun!

    Changing from shorts to a winter coat and back into shorts on the same day is good exericise too.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Not from the midwest, but still rural. I'd add haulin hay. I'm still amazed that I was throwing bales on the trailer bed when I was 14. Those things are heavy! That and trying to feed the rams before they came after you. Run, Forest, Run!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Back in the day, my brothers would have said bailing hay. Standing in the wagon and picking up, carrying, and stacking 100lb. bails all day long in the Indiana summer heat is definitely a workout.

    As far as the drainage ditch, I could use one, too. Although, our yard currently looks so much like a lake that I'm tempted to simply stock it with fish and call it a day.

    There's an option for fishing. Depending on how deep your car lake is, you might even get to put down Deep Sea calorific values. Or snorkelling.
  • Gutter19
    Gutter19 Posts: 141
    At my new house I spent a good 3 hours digging out rocks from my hard, packed clay soil so the new sod wouldn't get laid right over top of them...digging, squating, swinging a pickaxe and heavy lifting...I counted that as my workout for the day.

    Oh but first I had to harvest the corn and tend to the livestock! haha