Late in life moms

Looking for friends who are also a later in life momma (you know advanced maternal age....ugh). After over a year of trying, I got pregnant at 39 and had my lo at 40. She is now 10 months.

I want to be healthy to be around for her and possibly my grandchildren.


  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    I was only 32 when I had my son, but for my family that is pretty late. Some of my friends (and my 38y old sister) are grandparents already! Yikes!!!

    I am still hoping to convince my hubby that we need another, but as I get closer to 40 (37 now) I feel like I have an expiration date. It's encouraging to hear your story, and hope that maybe my expiration date is farther of than I think!
  • MissGrits
    MissGrits Posts: 3 Member
    I was 39 when I had my son who is now 4. When we had the hospital tour before my son was born, there was a mom-to-be there with her mother. The grandmother-to-be commented that she had just turned 40. I wanted to smack her for a quick second.

    We are just starting the process for adopting a child. I'm glad there are a few other late in life moms. I've been a little nervous that maybe I'm too old but then I think age is all a state of mind. I've lost 25 pounds with this great app and started exercising again. I figure that age is a state of mind and if I keep in good shape, I may be the oldest mom in the room but I'll won't look like it.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I have a 14 yo daughter, 12 year old daughter and a 2 yo son, born when I was 40. Both my daughters look much older than they are and I know people look at us when we are all together and think the little one is my grandson and my daughter is the mother.
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    Had my one and only at 42. Feel free to friend me.

  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I'm 33 and I still don't have any plans to become a parent any time soon. I just started a new job and my husband is still climbing a big hill with his health issues, and I want to clear up a little more debt first. I feel like we'll never be ready, but I'd like to be as ready as possible.

    I've already told my husband that if we only have one child, I'd be fine with that. He really wants to, but the older I get, the more I feel that if we have a kid, one is fine.

    Here's the crazy thing - I want a kid, it's just logistically, the time period isn't right. Stupid?
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    My mom had me at 26, and my sister at 28, but she didn't have my little brother until she was almost 42. He was surprise, but we love him so much. It's been assumed that I'm his mother, especially when he was very young, more often than than it was assumed that she was :')

    My mother will be fine with him, but our father (the same age - 46ish now) has lots of health problems both due to his family history and excessive weight (definitely 300+ on his... 5'8ish) (I've badgered him about losing weight with me, but all he's done so far is start complaining :tongue: ) If you're going to have a child, make sure you're healthy enough to be there for the entirety of its childhood.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    I was 35 when I had my daughter (now 4). They tried to call me a "geriatric" mum (I'm in the UK)!

    And to acstansell - I've only got one and only going to have one. It works for us and she's a happy, healthy little girl with lots of attention (and even more playdates!) But don't leave it too long!
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I turned 39 less than a month before my little guy was born and he'll be 2 this week. I'm here because I want to be around for him and be as active a mommy as possible. I don't want him at 20 to be worried about my failing health because I didn't do anything about it when I had the chance. Friend me and we can do this together!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I'm 38 and just starting to get the baby glad to see lots of women on here that had one over 40
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I wanted to give you the perspective of a child born late in the mother's life.

    My mom was 38 when she had me in 1982. In 1999 I lost my mom to heart disease. Until I was 9, she and my dad were both heavy drinkers, and until the day they left us they were heavy smokers. I know that was a huge factor for them. I was 17 when I lost my mom and had just turned 30 (last year) when I lost my dad. She was 55 and he was just 2 days from turning 55. My advice to you is whatever harmful habits you have, please stop them now. I tried so hard to get my parents to stop smoking and eat healthier. I wish they had listened. I miss them so hurts so bad to live without them. If I do have children, they will never know their grandparents and that makes me so sad. If I get married, my dad can't walk me down the aisle.

    Every bad decision we make affects our children. Please take care of yourself for their sake.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I wanted to give you the perspective of a child born late in the mother's life.

    My mom was 38 when she had me in 1982. In 1999 I lost my mom to heart disease. Until I was 9, she and my dad were both heavy drinkers, and until the day they left us they were heavy smokers. I know that was a huge factor for them. I was 17 when I lost my mom and had just turned 30 (last year) when I lost my dad. She was 55 and he was just 2 days from turning 55. My advice to you is whatever harmful habits you have, please stop them now. I tried so hard to get my parents to stop smoking and eat healthier. I wish they had listened. I miss them so hurts so bad to live without them. If I do have children, they will never know their grandparents and that makes me so sad. If I get married, my dad can't walk me down the aisle.

    Every bad decision we make affects our children. Please take care of yourself for their sake.

    So sorry. I lost my dad when I was 19. It can happen to anyone though, healthy or not. My dad wasn't a smoker or drinker and he jogged every day and stayed pretty active. He was 53 and died of a stomach aneurysm. It was instant and there wasn't anything anyone could have done since they are usually not detected unless a doctor is looking for it.

    I have friends my age (30) that have so many health problems and I am trying to stay healthy for my daughter (she's 6) but I also know that even if you make all the right choices, things are still out of your control. The healthiest runners still can have heart attacks. :-(
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Do stay-at-home Dad's count? My Son just turned 2...I'll be 45 in June! He's the love of my life!
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    Do stay-at-home Dad's count? My Son just turned 2...I'll be 45 in June! He's the love of my life!

    Of course they count! Your post made me smile. What a great Dad you must be!
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    :) can add me if you like. I'm a type2 diabetic so I am here pretty much all the time.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    So sorry. I lost my dad when I was 19. It can happen to anyone though, healthy or not. My dad wasn't a smoker or drinker and he jogged every day and stayed pretty active. He was 53 and died of a stomach aneurysm. It was instant and there wasn't anything anyone could have done since they are usually not detected unless a doctor is looking for it.

    I have friends my age (30) that have so many health problems and I am trying to stay healthy for my daughter (she's 6) but I also know that even if you make all the right choices, things are still out of your control. The healthiest runners still can have heart attacks. :-(

    I'm sorry for your loss. It is true that anything can happen to anyone.
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Hi, I am quite familiar with the term AMA ( :tongue: ) . My oldest son was born when I was 38 and my youngest when I was 40. My youngest will be 7 next month.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    I became a first time mom at 38.
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! My first child and only child was born when I was 39 1/2 years old. I had always wanted a child and he is such a blessing!!!! I have put myself on the back burner through the years and am now getting back on track and realizing my health is a priority, too! Congratuations on your new addition!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi, I just turned 40 in March. Were seriously trying now, We realized if we keep waiting for things to get better we are going to miss our "window". Dr put me on clomid last month and now the wait is on. I am elated to find this group.

    Take care!!!