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Do you work out when you are sick?

From Monday to Wednesday, I ate horribly and out of convenience because I was busier with school and work (much more than usual).

I'm off work today and tomorrow, so I have more free time, but this morning I woke up feeling quite ill.
My throat is sore and swollen and I felt exhausted.
I now feel a little more awake, but my throat is still sore (probably a cold).

I'm wondering if I feel sick from neglecting my routine for the past 3 days (both diet and exercise)???


Should I get back into routine today and workout as I normally would?

When you are sick, do you work out and if you DO does it make you feel better??


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    For me, I try to workout when sick provided I'm not bed ridden. If it's a cold I do workout... usually not my normal routine but I will workout. Normally I will walk on the treadmill or use the exercise bike. My intensity or time depends on how I'm feeling. I try to push myself a bit but not too hard.

    I find a light workout does make me feel a lot better.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I am not the type to bust out the excuses, so when I have a cold, I will not even think twice about working out. It usually even helps me, loosen up some mucus (sorry).

    I have a flu or am really sick, on the other hand, I will skip a day but make up for it the next day.
  • krissym82
    krissym82 Posts: 12
    For me, I try to workout when sick provided I'm not bed ridden. If it's a cold I do workout... usually not my normal routine but I will workout.
    I find a light workout does make me feel a lot better.

    I'm the same way!
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    some of my best workouts have been when i was under the weather. Something about just trying to survive the workout gives you a boost.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Depends how sick I am. If it's just a cold, then absolutely. But if I can't keep food down or have issues with balance/dizziness/light-headedness then no, I'll just rest.

    Working out can help clear my head if it's congested, but otherwise the only thing that makes me feel better is sleep.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Depends how sick I am. If it's just a cold, then absolutely. But if I can't keep food down or have issues with balance/dizziness/light-headedness then no, I'll just rest.

    Same here.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    For me, it depends on what kind of sickness.

    Stomach bug? No way.
    Sniffles? Sure.
    Flu? Not on your life.

    Maybe try something different or not as high-impacting? Yoga? Stretches? A walk?
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Depends on how sick I feel. Usually I don't if I feel sick to the stomach, horrible headache, and a cough. But if it is just a sore throat maybe a cough I will. Sometimes it makes me feel worse if I workout. Just let yourself rest and watch what you eat.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I just got over a cold myself, i tried to workout the first few days but i was so sluggish and achy i just abandoned it for a few days. When i started to feel better i did pick back up with the exercise but only half an hr a day and a modified slower pace so I didnt wear myself out. A few days wont make or break you. Pushing yourself too hard when your sick can cause the illness to linger though. Make sure to really keep your fluids up.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The rule of thumb is anything above the neck (sore throat, snotty nose, headache etc.) carry on exercising. Anything below the neck, especially a chesty cough or a temperature, have a rest day or two.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I usually work out (unless I feel absolutely horrible) but I'll take it easy with some light strength training or walking. I don't like going to the gym/taking classes when I'm contagious though.
  • Jstarr77
    Jstarr77 Posts: 24
    My seasonal allergies have really kicked up this week - symptoms sound much like yours. I have dragged myself to the gym the last two days, and it has helped me feel a bit better and sleep a lot better.

    Just don't be 'that guy' at the gym coughing and hacking with folks all around. I had that happen to me in spin class a few weeks ago and swore if I got sick I was going to track him down and harm him :)
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    I usually leave it up to my body. I have been sick all week and haven't been to the gym once. Most times when I'm sick with a cold I will try to work out but this cold I currently have is a doozy. I get tired even walking my dog (which I don't consider a workout because I don't sweat when I do it). I've just been getting through my work day and then going home and walking the dog a bit and then getting into bed. As soon as this cold is over I will be back at the gym 100%. Listen to your body. Do what's right for you. :)
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    If I'm sick I work out, unless of course I was vomiting or if I had a fever, then I wouldn't. Thankfully, haven't had either of those happen though.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Nope, If I am sick I rest and get better. Putting extra stress on my body when sick is counter productive but then everyone does their own thing.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    If it's mostly just a head cold I will continue to work out... however, I won't go to the gym since I don't want to spread it to everyone else! I will walk/run outside or do a DVD at home.

    I get migraines and I cannot workout when I have one of those!
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    Depends on the illness and symptoms, if I have a fever, then no I don't workout. I also don't workout on the first day when I'm feeling really run down. But if it's a cold and it's just some congestion, then I do because the workout usually helps clear my head and lungs.

    God bless,
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Depends how sick I am. If it's just a cold, then absolutely. But if I can't keep food down or have issues with balance/dizziness/light-headedness then no, I'll just rest.

    Working out can help clear my head if it's congested, but otherwise the only thing that makes me feel better is sleep.

    Definitely this. I just got over the flu, throwing up for 24 hours, eww, lol. So of course I didn't work out that day, or the next day because my body just wasn't up for it. If it is just a cold, than of course no harm in working out there. You have to listen to your body, but don't make excuses either. If your body is telling you you need to rest, then rest and get right back at it the next day and don't feel guilty about missing one work out. It will benefit you in the long run.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I always work out when I'm sick, it makes me feel better in fact. Somehow.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member

    Cold: Yep - also long as the cough/congestion doesn't stop/interfere with my breathing.
    Flu: No.
    Stomach bug: No - can't get past teh vomitting, dehyrdation, etc
    Allergies: Yep.

    If there is a fever, dizzyness, headache, vomitting, other end malfunctions, then no.