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How Often Did You Eat Out As A Kid?



  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    My mother NEVER cooked except Christmas, so we ate out 3 times a day! No kidding! And I mean my mom always wanted to go to Red Lobster,Olive garden..etc..to this day, she still tries to get me to go out to eat with her. So, since I grew up eating out, fast food is a HUGE weakness for me!
  • nahiluoh
    nahiluoh Posts: 41 Member
    Almost never, which created a sort of a forbidden-fruit response as an adult once I had a few coins to spare!
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    We ate out most 3-4 nights. We ate a lot of fast food when I was 13, when my dad died and my mom was drowning herself in work.
  • panano
    panano Posts: 62 Member
    As a kid I was rarely allowed soda's, or fast food - only on special occasions, like birthdays. But as soon as I got older and had money and a car and friends that could drive, I just went nuts on the stuff. Also, had a friend my brother and I'd go over to his house twice a week for homework and his mom made the most deliciously sinful food you'd ever tasted... I think that's where I gained a lot of weight, too.

    But up until those two points, I didn't eat unhealthy at all! My mom and dad were health freaks, so to speak.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I didn't read the link you posted, but as a kid we ate out almost never. We had no money, a huge garden and lived in the country, pretty far from any decent places to eat out. I remember my dad taking us to a nice restaurant for my mom's birthday once in awhile and a rare stop at a fast food place while traveling...my mom usually packed all the meals she could.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    The minute I read your post I knew you were my age (:huh: ) LOL. We lived in a little one red light town about 15 miles from the "big city". My mother would go to town once a week for groceries. If you wanted to ride with her you'd better have your butt in the car ready to go "because she did not wait for you". If she had money left over from groceries we might get lucky enough to have a cheese burger from Carols or Red Barn? Any of these sound familiar? LOL Well think of them as the "first fast food joint - "pre McDonald's" LOL.

    Dinners at home were "the real thing" - no ordering a pizza or subs. If we wanted those we made them from scratch. Sunday dinner was a roast or baked chicken with mashed potatoes. If my mother bought pop it was the 2 lt. bottle but that was a treat - usually it was Kool-Aid. If we didn't buy our lunch at school and we "brown bagged it" (yes an actual brown paper lunch bag) most of the time it was PB & J with a piece of fruit and maybe a baggie of chips or pretzels and we bought white milk at school. On the weekends if we had popcorn it was made from kernels in the cast iron pan on the stove...shake, shake, shake. LOL And you'd better be shaking that pan - if you burned it then everyone sitting in the living room waiting for it would start yelling "Your burning it." Okay, now I'm really going to "date" myself. The first time I ever heard of chicken wings my thought was "who would pay for such a thing?". Of course once I had them that answered that question.

    So after going down memory lane I remember reading something about the number of overweight people today compared to when I was a kid. Back then it was something like 1 in 10 or 1 in 25 and now it's what? 2 out of 3? There were about 80 people in my graduating class from high school and I can count on one hand the number of people in my grade that were overweight.....and still have fingers left over. :noway:

    LOL! I coud have written ALL of this myself. Ditto for me!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    We ate out only on special occasions, birthdays and such or if we were on vacation. My Dad was the cook in the family, and even now that he is well up into his 70's, he still likes to experiment in the kitchen. He'd much rather we come visit him and be guinea pigs than go out to a restaurant any day.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Hardly ever, money was tight growing up. So it usually was only for a special occassio - and it was usually to Pizza Hut. They had this promotion where if you got A's on your report card you got a free personal pizza. Who knows, maybe they still do it.
  • cricketpup
    cricketpup Posts: 28 Member
    never ate out.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    We did eat out very often, but our meals weren't healthy either. I lived off of microwave meals and ramen most days. My mom might cook once a week, and it would usually be baked chicken (overcooked!) with mashed potatoes and onion gravy or heaps of pasta in fattening white sauce (alfredo, not homemade) or fried pork chops with mashed potatoes and pork gravy. I think that was all my mom knew how to make. We never got into the habit of eating breakfast. Mom didn't so we usually didn't either. But if we did it was poptarts or Captain crunch. Lunch was school bought (Burritos most days!). Drinks was ALWAYS koolaid. Never plain water. When I was a teen we switched it up and added sweet tea to the mix (w/ 2 cups of sugar a gallon).

    I starting getting fast food myself after I got a car. Now it's a habit that is hard to break.
    I'm horrible at cooking and I hate doing it. AND I hate doing dishes. Lol. I'm broken and trying to work on it.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    never ate out.

    Not popular.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    We ate out..probably weekly.. birthday parties were either at someone's house or the beach and it was big..where I grew up..there was no such thing as a cake and ice cream party...everyone was invited and you were fed..alot.

    Never saw a cake and ice cream party till I moved stateside..I personally can't do it.. always have food involved.. I stopped having parties at my house cause some people just never left..LOL..
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    Just about every day. Mostly fast food. If it wasn't that it was something like Ravioli, pancakes, french toast and the like.

    My mother stopped working when I was about 16 then we ate at home instead.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My mother was never much of a cook. In fact, pretty much everything we ate came out of a tin or a box. About the only thing I can recall her making regularly from scratch was 'cheese and potato pie', because it was just mashed potatoes and cheese (butter and milk) and then baked in the oven, voila.

    Every Sunday would be a trip to the chipper. Generally just chips (and a slice of bread and butter and ketchup) but as we grew older, we'd include battered sausages or deep fried chicken.

    I take my kids out to eat a LOT now, and with them growing up in the US whereas I grew up in the UK, things are definitely different. (No mac&cheese for me growing up. Nor peanut butter sandwiches.) I'm trying to cut down, for the sake of our health and wallets!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Growing up in the 70's, dinner out was a rare occasion. Going to Dairy Queen or McDonald's was a treat when Dad was out of town on business. A "TV" dinner, frozen pizza or my personal favorite, a chicken potpie, was saved for when Mom & Dad went out and us kids were left with a baby-sitter. A real "going out to dinner" was reserved to celebrate the end of the school year and good grades. I can still remember getting all dressed up to go to "Steak & Ale" for their huge salad bar and prime rib.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    We ate out about once a week. Going downtown for Chinese food was our treat every Saturday. Other than that, pretty much never. My mom cooked all of our meals at home. I'm proud to say I'm following in her footsteps.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    We generally ate out once a week, also on Sunday afternoon on our way to visit my grandmother. It was usually the same local restaurant, but occasionally one of the 2 local fast food places. One was a hamburger joint, the other specialized in hot dogs.

    We did, however, have Kentucky Fried Chicken quite a bit at home or at picnics. Our home cooked meals generally included canned or frozen vegetables, especially outside harvest season. Where and when I grew up, the variety of fresh produce that is available now was unheard of. Most of our fruit was wild and local. We ate dessert every day. We ate a lot of sweets actually. And drank a lot of sugary Kool-Aid. And when Hamburger Helper came along, we had that quite often. Frozen or TV dinners were not uncommon either. During the summer there was a lot of fresh food from the garden though. Everything was salted heavily though. Fruit, vegetables, meat. We loved salt.

    When I was in high school there was a influx of fast food and Taco Bell and Pizza Hut became the source of more than half my meals. This remained true for a few years until I had children, which wasn't long after high school. Then I began to think more about what we ate. I learned to cook, but we still ate processed foods sometimes, especially cheap things like boxed mac-n-cheese because money was tight. Fast food was expensive so that was only eaten occasionally.

    I was never fat or unhealthy during any of that time. I never had a weight problem at all until about age 40. I ate more home prepared meals and more whole natural foods when I gained weight than I probably ever had.

    Activity level was the difference.

    ETA: Just saw Dairy Queen mentioned in another post. I'd forgotten about that. My aunt owned the local Dairy Queen. They only sold ice cream back then, but we went there a LOT. And always had a freezer full of Dilly Bars.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    From age 3 to 20 (1986-2003) I have memories of family meals. My parents both worked part or full-time and I had an older sister. We occasionally had aunts, uncles and cousins living with us (those adults also worked full or part time also).

    For a few summers we had a full blown garden. When we didn't we grew peppers, tomatoes, and berries in pots or beds and/or shopped at roadside stands and farmers markets.

    Both my parents (and other adults living there) cooked meals. My mom cooked the food that her mom cooked and my dad cooked the food his family cooked. I learned from the three of them and my aunts and uncles. My dad's mom bought her grandchildren cookbooks. My parent's Betty Crocker cookbook doesn't have a cover (and it was last used by me and my dad when I visited last week). We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers (even in snow).

    When no one wanted to cook we had canned soup and sandwiches. When I was in HS and later we'd order a salad from the new place on the corner and someone would stop at Sam's and get a rotisserie chicken and baked potatoes from Wendy's.

    We ate out at restaurants once or twice a month. Local breakfast place, a mexican place or a buffet. We ordered in Chinese, pizza, fish, ribs, salad, submarine sandwiches, or KFC sometimes (maybe one of those things 3 or 4 times a month). We ate fast food VERY rarely pretty much only during a car trip.

    The only meals I remember eating out of a box is Hamburger Helper (which was rare), Swanson TV Dinners (once a month or less when it was me and my sister's night in and parents night out) and Kraft Dinner (for dinner and lunch cooked by my sister or me - not rare).

    I did half school lunch, half bagged lunch. When I ate friend's homes food was like it was at home. Birthday parties were cake, sometimes pizza.

    I think my food experience was well balanced, except for a lack of portion control and and abundance of poor snack choices (there was always cookies, chips, micro-fries and snack cakes) and the fact that we drank a ton of Kool-Aid and Tang.

    Oh and we played outside. A LOT.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    We went through phases - sometimes it was three frozen dinners and four restaurant dinners a week, and sometimes it was the other way around. I used to pack lunches for my mom & myself - they were always a sandwich, a granola bar, a couple of cookies, and a piece of fruit. Which isn't as bad as some people I know (my husband's mom used to give him candy bars when he didn't want to eat what she made for dinner), but there's nothing in there that didn't come out of a package. Sandwiches = bologna or tuna fish on Wonderbread, not roasted chicken breast with romaine on artisinal cracked wheat or anything.

    My mom still doesn't like to eat food that wasn't prepackaged. The 50s were a weird time to have your nutritional ideas formed.

    e.t.a. All that said, I cook most of my family's meals now. Yes, I rely on some prepackaged stuff and we go out more than is really necessary (2-4x/month) but it's not like because I grew up thinking food only came out of boxes that I still choose that now as an adult.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I remember eating out a lot. But, my parents still do.

    When we did eat meals at home it was usually frozen lasagnas, some kind of meat pie etc.

    I think part of that is what propelled me into wanting to cook so much...I loved playing in the kitchen, still do.

    Now that I'm a mom, I do my best to provide wholesome meals as much as I can. For their lunches I always pack yogurt, cheese, a fruit, a veggie, and a sandwich (either turkey or ham) on whole wheat bread. For a "treat" for lunch they will get pretzels, or jello, or fruit snacks.