scared to lift



  • brokenlibertine
    Try Body Pump if it's available at your local gym. It's a really good way of getting into lifting if you are a beginner.
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    I was just talking about this same issue to a few of my co-workers. I am going to start by joining a gym and asking for lots of help since I don't lift weights and I am scared too (I don't want to hurt myself). I too need to see some changes in body that cardio can't help with. I am going to look at some of the recommendations from above. Thank you for posting this :)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I decided to justbite the bullet and pay for a few sessions with a trainer. A decent trainer should be able to teach you proper form in a few sessions. For the basic lifts anyway. I'm loving it so far.
  • TaurianDoll
    TaurianDoll Posts: 111 Member
    You should look into Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine (from the newstand or online). They break down exactly how to do certain movements and also suggest weight training routines.

    Another great tool to make sure you do the movement correctly and to reduce injury would be Youtube! Youtube the movement and there are usually plenty of tutorials explaining to you what you need to do and what you shouldn't do in order to reduce the chance of injury.

    Good luck!
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    With Stronglifts, you start with an empty barbell.
    Then you increase 5lbs per workout, until you can't. (Vast oversimplification)
    That's how you know you're lifting heavy -- and that's what you want to be doing.
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    Dont stop cardio, if anything maybe just reduce it. Cardio is whats going to help you burn fat. Weight training is going to give you the strength you want. Do cardio every other day, along with abs every other day. On the opposite days do your strength training one day upper then other day lower. Make sure you have a rest day in there as well. Maybe you need to change your calorie intake as well, sometimes having it to low or to high can cause you not to see results. Are you eating enough healthy fats, proteins and carbs?