Take a look at my diary.



  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    I'm going to try adding in more protein shakes and upping my calories with good fats. Hopefully this moves the scale a bit.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Throw an avocado in there for some calorie dense healthy fats... Looking at your pictures, You really dont look like you need to see the scale moving down. You look great and if you are building muscle doing the intense workouts you regularly do, you'll see it on your body and not on the scale. at this point your scale might go up while your body fat composition goes down. have you measured your body fat %? how are your clothes fitting? are you noticing muscle definition? Maybe its time to put the scale away!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I used calculator.net

    I hadn't used that one before, I just did and it was even lower for me than MFP. The ones I've found to be the most helpful (for me) were FitnessFrog (http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/bmr-calculator.html) and fat2fit (http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/) By helpful I mean when I used them and changed my calories to them, it helped me lose weight
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    do you have a steamy diary you write in at night.
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    Throw an avocado in there for some calorie dense healthy fats... Looking at your pictures, You really dont look like you need to see the scale moving down. You look great and if you are building muscle doing the intense workouts you regularly do, you'll see it on your body and not on the scale. at this point your scale might go up while your body fat composition goes down. have you measured your body fat %? how are your clothes fitting? are you noticing muscle definition? Maybe its time to put the scale away!

    Since starting Crossfit my weight has gone up but so has the amount of muscle on my body. As I'm gaining more muscle in my arms and back I'd like to shed a little more belly fat so I can have more ab definition. I haven't had my body fat measured but I would love too!
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    do you have a steamy diary you write in at night.

    I'm not sure what you're asking..
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    What is your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)? If it's more than 1200, you're eating to little. You have to eat in between your BMR and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) to lose weight. There are plenty of BMR and TDEE calculators, easily accessible through Google. Your BMR is what they'd feed you if you were - G-d forbid - in a coma. You need to eat MORE than that EVERY SINGLE day.

    My BMR is 1422 according to an online resource.

    Good. Always eat above that. Now what is your TDEE? You can give me your stats and I can calculate all of this for you.
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    What is your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)? If it's more than 1200, you're eating to little. You have to eat in between your BMR and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) to lose weight. There are plenty of BMR and TDEE calculators, easily accessible through Google. Your BMR is what they'd feed you if you were - G-d forbid - in a coma. You need to eat MORE than that EVERY SINGLE day.

    My BMR is 1422 according to an online resource.

    Good. Always eat above that. Now what is your TDEE? You can give me your stats and I can calculate all of this for you.

    I'm 5'3, 131 pounds, and 22
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    How many workouts per week of how much time? Or you can just give me the number of hours you work out per week.
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    How many workouts per week of how much time? Or you can just give me the number of hours you work out per week.

    I crossfit 4-5x a week for an hour and 2-3x a week I'll do 45 minutes of cardio. Usually running.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I calculated it. You should be eating about 1525 calories daily, eating back some (if you want to) of your exercise calories. You don't need to ALWAYS eat back your exercise calories, in fact, it is sometimes good not to, but sometimes you can.

    And I'm in the same place, trying to find higher calorie foods that are still healthy to get up to my goal. But you can, if it fits into your goal, have SOME non-fruit sugary things daily. Not, like, a donut, a thing of soda AND candy, but one of those is fine as long as it fits into your goals.
  • I was just like you for a couple of weeks my weight was not going anywhere it was stressing me. It got to the point that i went to see my doctor to see what was going on. She told me to continue doing what i was doing and she gave me Fiber in powder form and i take it every morning with a cup of water, I started measuring my food with a food scale and that has been helping a lot as well i stopped eating 7:30 pm to give my body lots of time to digest throughout the night. My exercises i gave myself a week to rest due to the kids had vacation so i couldn't go to the gym, and so i started again this Monday and i did the extreme workout and burned lots of calories and next morning my weight went down and i am happy about it. My weight starting was 175. went down to 173.6 and was there for three weeks, now i am 171.6 and i am glad.... good luck with your changes because mine worked.

    Oh!! and i drink 10 cups of water 1/2 my weight...
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    IMO, daily candy is not good for you.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I mean, if you REALLY wanted it. Don't misconstrue what I am saying. I meant if you wanted it, and it fits in, have a LITTLE bit of it. But not all of those things at once is what I meant. I said it wrong. I'm sorry. I meant, when you really want it, you can have a little bit. And if it's for a certain one week 'time', then if it fits in, so be it. But I'm sorry if my everyday was said wrong.
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    Since I'm Paleo, candy is out of the question. The only thing that gets my sweet tooth really going is dark chocolate anyway.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    I calculated it. You should be eating about 1525 calories daily, eating back some (if you want to) of your exercise calories. You don't need to ALWAYS eat back your exercise calories, in fact, it is sometimes good not to, but sometimes you can.

    And I'm in the same place, trying to find higher calorie foods that are still healthy to get up to my goal. But you can, if it fits into your goal, have SOME non-fruit sugary things daily. Not, like, a donut, a thing of soda AND candy, but one of those is fine as long as it fits into your goals.

    How did you calculate this?? OP's BMR is just over 1400 and works out several hours a week. I would guess your TDEE is closer to 2200. With a 20% deficit, you should be closer to eating 1800 calories a day.

    OP - you may want to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937709-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Since I'm Paleo, candy is out of the question. The only thing that gets my sweet tooth really going is dark chocolate anyway.

    I've looked at your diary, and I'm not sure how much Paleo you're really getting into, as there's enough wheat, milk, and products that came out of a box/container to put you in another category. Not like you're eating 'unhealthy', but you might be missing the point somewhere in between.

    If you're going to be following the strict lifestyle, you're getting too many carbs from fruits and not enough fats. You're also waaay under eating. The number that MFP gives you is to make sure you lose weight at a rate your body and metabolism can accept with a few road bumps.

    I want to PUT THIS IN BIG BOLD LETTERS but caps will have to do:

    DON'T do cardio if you will not eat the calories you NEED or else you'll fall into the trap that many people do and go in starvation mode.

    Your goal yesterday was 1920, so EAT up to that 1920! Get it from oils that you can cook with or dense vegetables/fruits that aren't sugary. If you CAN'T eat up to that, DON'T do so much cardio. Crossfit is still great as it hits a lot of muscles you might not think about solo at the gym, but you're doing yourself NO favors by not getting the food required for your organs to function properly and might injure yourself in the long run.

    Another example: your earned 747 calories from exercise, and had a goal of 2,547 but only ate 1,452. I'm going to bet you that's an average thing for you -- burning a bunch of calories with cardio and not eating enough for recovery. MFP needs the ability to generate reports on other user's diaries.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Just from a quick glance- your carbs are higher than your protein for every meal, and you're not getting enough fat.
    If I were you I would

    1. Adjust your calorie intake- seems low
    2. Adjust your macros for a higher protein/fat ratio

    My Healthy go-to fats: avocado, coconut oil, nuts/seeds.

    Good job on all the activity though! You're so great on that front. Just up your calories so you're feeding the beast. :)
  • sarahmaedzz
    sarahmaedzz Posts: 39 Member
    Since I'm Paleo, candy is out of the question. The only thing that gets my sweet tooth really going is dark chocolate anyway.

    I've looked at your diary, and I'm not sure how much Paleo you're really getting into, as there's enough wheat, milk, and products that came out of a box/container to put you in another category. Not like you're eating 'unhealthy', but you might be missing the point somewhere in between.

    If you're going to be following the strict lifestyle, you're getting too many carbs from fruits and not enough fats. You're also waaay under eating. The number that MFP gives you is to make sure you lose weight at a rate your body and metabolism can accept with a few road bumps.

    I want to PUT THIS IN BIG BOLD LETTERS but caps will have to do:

    DON'T do cardio if you will not eat the calories you NEED or else you'll fall into the trap that many people do and go in starvation mode.

    Your goal yesterday was 1920, so EAT up to that 1920! Get it from oils that you can cook with or dense vegetables/fruits that aren't sugary.

    I'm 10 days into Paleo but I'm aiming to make it 80% of my diet. Not 100%

    I'm keeping oatmeal, PB, and dairy in my diet. I could definitely clean it up a bit because I'm sure now I'm really only doing about 60%. I just upped my calories a few mins ago to hopefully be able to reach that. I love to do 5Ks so that's why I was doing cardio but I can cut that back if that's what will help.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I calculated it. You should be eating about 1525 calories daily, eating back some (if you want to) of your exercise calories. You don't need to ALWAYS eat back your exercise calories, in fact, it is sometimes good not to, but sometimes you can.

    And I'm in the same place, trying to find higher calorie foods that are still healthy to get up to my goal. But you can, if it fits into your goal, have SOME non-fruit sugary things daily. Not, like, a donut, a thing of soda AND candy, but one of those is fine as long as it fits into your goals.

    How did you calculate this?? OP's BMR is just over 1400 and works out several hours a week. I would guess your TDEE is closer to 2200. With a 20% deficit, you should be closer to eating 1800 calories a day.

    OP - you may want to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937709-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0

    <<< Agrees w/ suzzie.

    I broke my plateu by eating more, lifting more, and getting more protein :) With crossfit I know you're doing the weight/body resistance training too.

    I've had several platues over 2 years I just waited out, but this one was lasting longer and I "knew" eventually...it would come to upping my cal goal. I was nervous but was amazed at how fast it worked in changing my abs back and arms!

    Also, I almost always eat ALL my exercise cals. When I calculate it this works out to 20% deficit off my TDEE anyways. However, I feel more motivated to exercise if I "feel" like I'm eating them back day to day as opposed to a steady TDEE w/ built in exercise cals. Personal preference.

    Sorry I don't have more recent pics up, I'll have to take some soon, this last one was like October 2012 I think. My platue lasted Sept-Jan. I started breaking it late Jan til now and have lost fat and created more definition between then and now.