7lbs in 7 days .. ?



  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Thinking of doing the super juice "diet" on Monday..

    I'm on top of my calories and exercise now but read some good (and bad) reviews.

    Just wondering as I'll only be doing it for 7 days and won't be eating excessively after this as I don't anyway.

    you should do it because for me it was 3.5 days i lost almost ten pounds and i kept it off its a wonderful diet i did it and i plan to go for 100 days when i can afford to
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member

    Love this!

    I have nothing to add to this topic, but I can't stop watching this clip for some reason. It just makes me laugh!
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    Juicing is really good for you and you get many much needed nutrients that you wouldn't get just from eating single servings of veggies and fruits alone... because you get to cram way more of them into your body! You'll be amazed at how great your skin looks at the end of the 7 days and you won't be hungry because you'll be filled with juice! You'll have lots of energy too I promise. By the end of the seven days though you'll never want to see another glass of juice again. :) That's probably a good thing because you'll be ready to fill your body with yummy food. It's really healthy to juice, and as long as you don't have an eating disorder it's also healthy to fast every now and then. Good luck!
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    Here's my two cents.... I did it for 3 days. LOVED it. I was shocked that I wasn't starving. The second day was hard, I craved a lot of different foods, and got pretty sweaty/gross feeling (detox) Day 3 was easier. I lost 6 pounds in 3 days, kept it off, AND IT KICKED MY CRAVINGS FOR UNHEALTHY FOOD! That was the best part of it. :)
  • cheyjepp1
    You have mentioned a 7 Day plan - is this by Jason Vale by any chance? If so I did it a couple of years ago (I know, I know, it goes against everything I stand for but I, like the OP, thought it might give me a kick start). My experience:

    1. The juices were a pain to prepare, made a mess of my kitchen and worked out really expensive due to the quantities (even buying at Aldi and Lidl)
    2. Most of them tasted horrible - like old grass with a horrible grey tinge. The lemon, lime and pineapple in them also left me feeling really queasy
    3. I get migraines and far from helping the headaches they triggered them (not due to 'toxins' leaving my system but due to the amount of sugar, lack of protein and lack of calories - my poor body didn't know what had hit it)
    4. My stomach was really upset. Liquid going in, liquid coming out - ew!
    5. The lack of protein and solid food left me starving, light-headed and craving bad food. On the last day I went home via the takeaway and bought fish and chips. I felt a whole lot better after eating again.

    That week I struggled to concentrate at work and by the end of the week I found myself with a juicer I knew I would never use again that went to a charity shop.

    To say I felt like an idiot is an understatement. To add insult to injury I only lost 1lb. I can lose this in a week by eating my TDEE-20% of whatever combination of food I want (yes, including wine and chocolate).

    All the best with it if you do decide to do it but please be careful and don't get your hopes up.

    Hit the nail on the head here, this is also what I experienced doing a juice cleanse. I have done it 4 times. I do love my juicer though, I use it all the time, but I will not be trying a juice cleanse again any time soon. If this is something you want to do, DO IT! Don't let anyone else tell you what to do.
  • TheLittleVoice91
    Give her a break! Jeeze! Just try it. the worst that can happen is that you will gain it back but then you know not to do it again. You will be very hungry but its up to you :) it works for some and not for others.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    You don't have to justify yourself to her, Chris. She's being a ***** for no reason. Do what you like. She's lost 9lb and you've lost 3 stone... You clearly are doing well with what you've been doing. Don't let her patronize you.

    You do realize that just because one person has been around longer or has lost more weight than someone else doesn't mean they know more about diet and exercise right?

    Someone who has lost 9lb according to MFP may of lost 100lbs before joining. You don't know people so don't assume they know nothing because of a ticker on here.

    Just a fun side note: her ticker says she has 9lbs LEFT to lose. She's already lost 26lbs. And you can call it "patronizing" all you want, but as wwmorrow pointed out, the OP did start a thread stating her plan and an unformed question, then even stated in a later comment, "Didn't need comments telling me why I should do it." Sooooooo.............WHY post??

    (Oh, and calling someone names that get starred out - that makes you SO much classier than someone who is "patronizing" the OP.) :wink:

    As to the original topic, I've never done a juice cleanse or juiced at all, so I can't give advice on that specifically. I would say try it for a few days to start. If you feel terrible, as some posters said they did, stop. If you feel great, as other posters said they did, keep going. Good luck in your journey! :drinker: (<<juice!)
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    Give yourself leeway - I don't know that I could have gone a full 7 days the first time. Add foods back in slowly, and listen to your body. If you feel like it's hurting you, don't keep it up. :) If you feel really good, like I did, and you feel like your body is getting what it needs, go for it :) Every body is different, what works for some may not work for others. If you were considering giving up all other food forever, there would be reason for concern, but a week of juicing.... I can't believe there is so much negativity over this. We are here to show each other support. Expressing concern is different than trying to make someone feel stupid for the choices they make. :( Makes me sad to see it on here
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It is a male not female asking the question for those that are saying `she` :tongue:
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    To all the negative posters you are all ignorant and miserable. the OP is a MALE and he posted because he was curious and obviously thought that he would get some sensible comments. The person who posted about their experience and the migraines they suffered, that was a good, reasonable, educated example of the kind of answers that he surely expected as he too suffers migraines. Thank you for your post. The rest of you... well... I don't have time for you. Good luck on your journeys to losing weight but you'll need extra luck with your sh1tty attitudes.
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    Give yourself leeway - I don't know that I could have gone a full 7 days the first time. Add foods back in slowly, and listen to your body. If you feel like it's hurting you, don't keep it up. :) If you feel really good, like I did, and you feel like your body is getting what it needs, go for it :) Every body is different, what works for some may not work for others. If you were considering giving up all other food forever, there would be reason for concern, but a week of juicing.... I can't believe there is so much negativity over this. We are here to show each other support. Expressing concern is different than trying to make someone feel stupid for the choices they make. :( Makes me sad to see it on here

    hear, hear!
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    You don't have to justify yourself to her, Chris. She's being a ***** for no reason. Do what you like. She's lost 9lb and you've lost 3 stone... You clearly are doing well with what you've been doing. Don't let her patronize you.

    What's so wrong with mixing it up a bit and keeping it interesting. It's not as if you're never going to eat solid food again. There's nothing wrong with incorporating these smoothies into your diet.

    All those leaving negative comments are just jumping on the *****y bandwagon and riding high on their horses. Screw them Chris! You deserve better than negativity from keyboard warriors.

    It actually says on her ticker 9lb TO GO..... according to her ticker she has lost more than 20
  • babychris1
    babychris1 Posts: 159 Member
    .... It appears you've all gone off topic.... forgive me for not getting involved....
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    You don't have to justify yourself to her, Chris. She's being a ***** for no reason. Do what you like. She's lost 9lb and you've lost 3 stone... You clearly are doing well with what you've been doing. Don't let her patronize you.

    What's so wrong with mixing it up a bit and keeping it interesting. It's not as if you're never going to eat solid food again. There's nothing wrong with incorporating these smoothies into your diet.

    All those leaving negative comments are just jumping on the *****y bandwagon and riding high on their horses. Screw them Chris! You deserve better than negativity from keyboard warriors.

    It actually says on her ticker 9lb TO GO..... according to her ticker she has lost more than 20

    Oops. My mistake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Seems pointless... I would feel miserable, hungry and weak if I just had liquids for a week. Then I'd most likely binge on junk food when it's all said and done.

    You'd be losing mostly water weight anyway. A pound is approx. 3500 calories... to lose 7lbs you'd have to have a deficit of 24,500 calories! That cannot be done in a week, period. A month or two is normal.

    Why not just continue eating healthy, not feel like crap, and lose weight at a healthy pace?

    Why you gotta go around droppin' science!!!!
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Why not just use the good ole "thigh master"? Suzanne Somers swears by it and she looks like she got good results. If you're looking for gimmicks then you won't have to look far but if you're serious about a permanent commitment to a fit and healthy lifestyle you'll ignore all the fads and buckle down to do the necessary work.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    the OP is a MALE and he posted because he was curious

    He/She/It changed the profile picture between the original post and now. It had been a blonde woman.
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    the OP is a MALE and he posted because he was curious

    He/She/It changed the profile picture between the original post and now. It had been a blonde woman.

    Yeah a blonde woman and a man, don't try and say that my profile picture was just of a blonde lady.