What was YOUR motivation to start this journey ?



  • For me, it was probably to get myself out of a rut I have dug myself into. I've always been pretty big, averaging close or around to 300 lbs. But I was happy with myself because I grew up with the notion that it wasn't what you looked like on the outside that made who you who you were, but who you were on the inside. And I believed it for a long time. But then, I discovered that who you are externally and internally go hand-in-hand.

    So, I lost some weight about 2 years ago (about 80 lbs) and I never felt so happy. I had confidence, energy, and just an overall more positive outlook on life. So much that I loved the idea of going shopping for clothes because I got to wear sizes I thought I would never wear. But then I hit a wall and I hit hard. I gained back weight and, each time I did, I lied to myself into believing I would lose it all like I did before. Then it just got worse and worse and now I am in the worst shape of my life so far (almost 330 lbs). I have a closet full of clothes that belong to a much happier, healthier man where as I wear practically the same clothes every week. I'm tired at looking at the clothes I can no longer wear and feeling miserable about how I've let myself go.

    Today is my first day with MFP, so apologies for the long rant. I don't normally open myself up to talk about my weight issues. All I know is I want change and I want it to start today. I already gave up drinking soda cold turkey before joining, slowly weaning off snacking too much/what I snack on, and I have an outline for a workout routine that I hope helps. I am open to suggestions, tips, advice, criticisms, anything from anyone to help me meet my goal. Obviously, 50 lbs is a start for me as I'd like to lose much more. But I need to remember this process will take patience.

    In answer to the question: what's my motivation? Simply put. I just want to be happy again.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    For me, it was probably to get myself out of a rut I have dug myself into. I've always been pretty big, averaging close or around to 300 lbs. But I was happy with myself because I grew up with the notion that it wasn't what you looked like on the outside that made who you who you were, but who you were on the inside. And I believed it for a long time. But then, I discovered that who you are externally and internally go hand-in-hand.

    So, I lost some weight about 2 years ago (about 80 lbs) and I never felt so happy. I had confidence, energy, and just an overall more positive outlook on life. So much that I loved the idea of going shopping for clothes because I got to wear sizes I thought I would never wear. But then I hit a wall and I hit hard. I gained back weight and, each time I did, I lied to myself into believing I would lose it all like I did before. Then it just got worse and worse and now I am in the worst shape of my life so far (almost 330 lbs). I have a closet full of clothes that belong to a much happier, healthier man where as I wear practically the same clothes every week. I'm tired at looking at the clothes I can no longer wear and feeling miserable about how I've let myself go.

    Today is my first day with MFP, so apologies for the long rant. I don't normally open myself up to talk about my weight issues. All I know is I want change and I want it to start today. I already gave up drinking soda cold turkey before joining, slowly weaning off snacking too much/what I snack on, and I have an outline for a workout routine that I hope helps. I am open to suggestions, tips, advice, criticisms, anything from anyone to help me meet my goal. Obviously, 50 lbs is a start for me as I'd like to lose much more. But I need to remember this process will take patience.

    In answer to the question: what's my motivation? Simply put. I just want to be happy again.

    I suggest you join eat more to weigh less. You dont starve to lose just make better choices :drinker:
  • sravenel
    sravenel Posts: 39 Member
    I have 2 motivating factors 1) I'm getting married in October and I want to feel proud of myself, not ashamed of gaining so much weight, and 2) Now this is the funny one....I have horses and my young guy in the picture with me ABSOLUTELY hates ground work. He hates it so much he tries climbing out of the round pen if I try and lunge him without a rope. So there I was jogging along side my 1000 lb pouty baby trying to encourage him to trot, completely out of breath and mad because I realized I was upset with him for not wanting to exercise, yet I had got into the habit of not exercising myself. So I made a deal with him that I wouldn't ask him to do anything I wasn't willing to do as well.
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    I think it would have to be my favorite model.....she has my measurements nearly (with the exception of bust), but is a bit lighter than I am. I'm fairly thin, but I have some things that need toning.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Pictures from my sister's wedding where I was about twice the size of any one of my siblings (one of the pictures is in my profile here). Also, the desire to be healthy in order to conceive and then be a role model for any children I may have.
  • michadem
    michadem Posts: 2
    Hi there. I never really struggled with weight, but have struggled with eating issues. Recently, with some weight gain, I've been tempted to do juice cleanses and start "diets". Rather than doing that and starting down a possibly slippery slope, I've just decided to get back on track. My pants aren't fitting me the way I like - I'm very muscular and actually running my 2nd half marathon on Sunday, but I feel like I'm gaining in the belly area. I'm just trying to be more conscious of what I eat and how much I eat, while keeping up with my very active lifestyle.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Just was so tired of feeling self concious in my clothes. Was more than ready to start feeling good about myself. AND get dressed without trying on 7 things to see which hid my pudge the bast.
  • smlesan
    smlesan Posts: 63
    I think for me, it was to decrease my obsession with sugar. Fat, cholesterol, carbs, calories...I'm just fine, but sugar, its a totally different story. I started this journey (just to lose 7 pounds along with decreasing my sweet tooth) because i knew I needed a change before it was too late. Before i woke up one morning 250 pounds, depressed and lethargic. I'm not obese or even overweight, but I knew that I needed to find good healthy habits to get into before I go to college next fall (I'm 18 too!) If you would like friends, add me!! :)
  • For me it is because I am about to have hip replacement surgery and I will be able to have my life back. I can't wait to be able to go hiking and walking without pain. I want to be fit strong and healthy. I have wasted way to much of my life sitting around partially because of the pain but honestly my weight made me lazy. I don't want to miss out on anything else...life is to short to sit it out..
  • I just want to be happy and healthy. :)

    I want to set a good example for my girls as well, and try to get us all more active as a family.