Protein CRAVINGS???

Today is the first time I have ever had such a huge craving for proteins. It would not stop! I was eating nuts, homemade ribs, salmon patties, cottage cheese, and cheese. I could not get away from it. I stayed within my calorie goals, but not within my protein goals. I totally blew protein out of the water. The craving for protein was just HUGE. I guess it is better than having a sugar or chocolate craving. Has anyone ever experienced this and why???


  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Most people will say its OK to go over your protein goals. Consider it a minimum rather than the maximum.

    Sometimes I crave peanut butter, but I don't know if my body is hinting it wants protein or if its just too darned tasty!
  • amrodger
    amrodger Posts: 5 Member
    I've totally had this happen to me. There are some days where nothing but a nice medium rare steak will do. I also have days where I'm constantly snacking on nuts, cheese and yogurt and the likes.
    I've always chalked it up to my body telling me what it needs, but if anyone knows any physiological or scientific reason why this happens, I'd love to know too!
  • bkciddir
    bkciddir Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks. Just thought I would ask the question because I have never craved PROTEIN. Not like this. I also thought maybe it is because I am working out and lifting weights since January. Something I have not done for many years prior.
  • Myxalplyx
    Myxalplyx Posts: 129 Member
    The more I workout, especially strength training, the more I crave nuts, meat, protein shakes, etc. I just follow what my body tells me it wants. It seems to work-out! I don't crave anything else....