For the past three days I have been totally exhausted. Tonight I went to bed at 6pm and slept until 11pm, when I woke up still exhausted. I've had almost no energy for my garden, which I usually enjoy, and no desire to do anything else. My appetite has been fine and I haven't been over or under eating. I'm kinda thinking it is my diet, though, as nothing else has changed. Any suggestions out there for some high-energy foods? I've done some google searches but all of the results just say "carbs, carbs, carbs" and I'm on a limited carb count. I'd appreciate any advice.


  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Your diary is closed so I can't comment on it. How long have you been feeling this way? Is it possible you were exposed to a virus and your body has been fighting it off?
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'd go to the Dr and get a check up. Maybe yor iron or B12 levels are low :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I went back as far as Sunday in your food diary, and going by what I see there, I would say it's a case of not eating enough. Looks like your daily goal is 1400, but you're not hitting that number, and not eating back exercise cals which leaves you with very low net calories, some days less than 1000. :noway:

    Food is fuel, and goal means GOAL, not 300 -500 under. Maybe 50 or 100 under, but you're leaving your body with a HUGE calorie deficit every day, basically out of gas. MFP has you at a deficit every day with the 1400 goal. Meaning eat to 1400, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. You are exercising, and under eating, which is creating that cavernous deficit, leaving your exhausted. Continue down this path and your risk slowing your metabolism as it will adjust to the low cal intake, making weight loss extremely difficult.

    Eat your calories! Your body will thank you for it! :happy:
  • Steve3527
    I went back as far as Sunday in your food diary, and going by what I see there, I would say it's a case of not eating enough. Looks like your daily goal is 1400, but you're not hitting that number, and not eating back exercise cals which leaves you with very low net calories, some days less than 1000. :noway:

    Food is fuel, and goal means GOAL, not 300 -500 under. Maybe 50 or 100 under, but you're leaving your body with a HUGE calorie deficit every day, basically out of gas. MFP has you at a deficit every day with the 1400 goal. Meaning eat to 1400, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. You are exercising, and under eating, which is creating that cavernous deficit, leaving your exhausted. Continue down this path and your risk slowing your metabolism as it will adjust to the low cal intake, making weight loss extremely difficult.

    Eat your calories! Your body will thank you for it! :happy:


    And may I ask, how much water are you drinking? Sometimes dehydration can be a cause of fatigue
  • las148
    las148 Posts: 30 Member
    I had a couple of days like this last week, which really sucked! I figured it was because I wasn't getting enough/the right kind of nutrients. Easter just happened, so I was have chocolate in place of other, healthier snacks, so I figured this was probably the cause. I have also been having nasty allergies caused by Springtime and allergies and antihistamines cause me to feel 'weird'.

    If I were you, I would check out what you might have been doing differently. Less carbs - but I guess you already said that you don't eat many of those. I assume you eat lots of fruits and veggies - are you getting enough protein? Are you eating enough, in general?

    Are you stressed out maybe?

    Good luck! I hope you get feeling better soon - these types of days really make sticking to a plan difficult!
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    Eat more. You lack food. The program you are using is called starving to death.
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I went back as far as Sunday in your food diary, and going by what I see there, I would say it's a case of not eating enough. Looks like your daily goal is 1400, but you're not hitting that number, and not eating back exercise cals which leaves you with very low net calories, some days less than 1000. :noway:

    Food is fuel, and goal means GOAL, not 300 -500 under. Maybe 50 or 100 under, but you're leaving your body with a HUGE calorie deficit every day, basically out of gas. MFP has you at a deficit every day with the 1400 goal. Meaning eat to 1400, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. You are exercising, and under eating, which is creating that cavernous deficit, leaving your exhausted. Continue down this path and your risk slowing your metabolism as it will adjust to the low cal intake, making weight loss extremely difficult.

    Eat your calories! Your body will thank you for it! :happy:

    I didn't even suspect that. I guess because I haven't felt hungry, my sugar hasn't dropped, etc. I am definitely going to eat my calories, starting right today. Thank you!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Eliminate processed foods. Eat whole foods like veggies, some fruit, good protein, and healthy fats. It should help perk you up when you stick with it. If it doesn't have a mama or come from the earth, don't eat it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I went back as far as Sunday in your food diary, and going by what I see there, I would say it's a case of not eating enough. Looks like your daily goal is 1400, but you're not hitting that number, and not eating back exercise cals which leaves you with very low net calories, some days less than 1000. :noway:

    Food is fuel, and goal means GOAL, not 300 -500 under. Maybe 50 or 100 under, but you're leaving your body with a HUGE calorie deficit every day, basically out of gas. MFP has you at a deficit every day with the 1400 goal. Meaning eat to 1400, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. You are exercising, and under eating, which is creating that cavernous deficit, leaving your exhausted. Continue down this path and your risk slowing your metabolism as it will adjust to the low cal intake, making weight loss extremely difficult.

    Eat your calories! Your body will thank you for it! :happy:

    I didn't even suspect that. I guess because I haven't felt hungry, my sugar hasn't dropped, etc. I am definitely going to eat my calories, starting right today. Thank you!
    If you have a hard time hitting goal because you don't feel hungry, try eating more calorie dense foods like nuts and nut butter, avocados, use olive and coconut oils in cooking, full fat dairy - these things add up quick on the healthy calories, but in small portions so you don't have to feel like you're stuffing yourself. A tablespoon of peanut butter is about 100 calories, easy - slice and apple and dip away - one of my favorite snacks!
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I went back as far as Sunday in your food diary, and going by what I see there, I would say it's a case of not eating enough. Looks like your daily goal is 1400, but you're not hitting that number, and not eating back exercise cals which leaves you with very low net calories, some days less than 1000. :noway:

    Food is fuel, and goal means GOAL, not 300 -500 under. Maybe 50 or 100 under, but you're leaving your body with a HUGE calorie deficit every day, basically out of gas. MFP has you at a deficit every day with the 1400 goal. Meaning eat to 1400, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. You are exercising, and under eating, which is creating that cavernous deficit, leaving your exhausted. Continue down this path and your risk slowing your metabolism as it will adjust to the low cal intake, making weight loss extremely difficult.

    Eat your calories! Your body will thank you for it! :happy:

    I didn't even suspect that. I guess because I haven't felt hungry, my sugar hasn't dropped, etc. I am definitely going to eat my calories, starting right today. Thank you!

    This might also explain the headaches I'm getting every evening.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    As another poster suggested, maybe try more water during the day as well - I see you do a lot of gardening, and if you're outside working for long periods of time, you need that water! Dehydration can cause headaches and fatigue.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    My suggestion is more calories, more water and Protein! Good luck...that kind of fatigue is no bueno!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I felt that way earlier this week also. Try doing something that relaxes you to clear your head, and yes, drink more water can help. Yoga maybe? Sometimes all you need is quiet.