Weighing yourself: How often is best??

So I'm sort of unsure how often is good for weighing yourself. I've tried doing it daily but my weight tends to fluctuate and so if I wake up to a result I'm unhappy with it sort of spoils the rest of my day. Also it surely can't be all that practical in terms of keeping an eye on my weight loss long-term.

But then again, if I leave it to something like once every four weeks, I might lose track and gain weight without realising. What does everyone else do? I know some people even weigh themselves morning and night, should it really be that often?


  • chefbubba1303
    chefbubba1303 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd say once a week in the morning after a bathroom break. Never in the evenings, due to the food and water you've eaten during the day. I don't weigh on Mondays because the weekends are usually rough. Tuesdays to Thursdays...
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    I used to weigh like 3 times a day, Im trying to get out of that habbit. So Im going to weigh once a week, I think thats best. Weigh on the same day each week, same time of the day. Mines Friday, first thing in the morning.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I used to do daily, thinking that keeping an eye on my weight would keep me from gaining (didn't work). Now that I'm losing, I'm trying *so hard* only to check once a week. Too often just frustrates me.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    There's no "best" answer. Some people like to weigh themselves every day to see how different foods/activities affect them. Weigh yourself as often as you want, but if you get depressed by the normal fluctuations of daily life, try doing it less often.

    I think once a week is a generally safe standard.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I only weigh every morning and night because I have a kidney transplant, and keeping track of how I'm eliminating fluid is important.

    It's really a personal choice of how often you want to weigh in, and whether you weigh in at all.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I used to give myself grief about being obsessive and weighing myself too often when I was losing weight, but then research came out that said there might be an advantage to that. So, I embrace the obsession. When I stop weighing myself at least once a day, I stop losing weight. I think I need the pavlovian happiness boost that I get from seeing that number.

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you understand what the number on the scale represents, then it doesn't much matter. If you don't... if you are too hung up on that number, then I'd say at most once a week, usually towards the middle or end of the week, usually first thing in the morning before you get dressed but after you pee.
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    once a week or 2. The number on there really doesn't mean anything outside of a general guidline that you're on the right track.

    Your health and bodyfat % are far more important. And a scale does not tell you either.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    i do once a week
  • lambchoplewis
    I weigh myself every morning because it stops me from shoving stuff in my mouth the day before I weigh!! I know the number is not absolute but I watch the trend. If I have a binge - it can go up by 3-4 lbs and this reminds me NOT to do this. I am now maintaining and I do gain or lose 1-2 lbs every now and then due to water etc but... I want the overall trend to stay the same.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I only weigh myself 1-2x/month. I go more by how I look. If I look good then the scale can go to h***
  • lexus2134
    lexus2134 Posts: 21 Member
    Like almost everyone else, I weigh in once a week.
    Weigh-In Wednesday (WIW)
    It helps to keep myself accountable but not obsessed.
  • Natalielp15
    I used to weigh in once a week, or that's what I told myself I would do, but it ended up being every day and I would obsess about the stupid number. I haven't weighed in since the beginning of the month and plan on weighing in again on the 30th. My husband had to actually hide the scale from me... If you aren't too hung up on the number, once a week should probably be fine. I also took my measurements so if the scale isn't "kind" to me I'll have a back-up plan to (hopefully) see lost inches.
  • mstyer2790
    mstyer2790 Posts: 38 Member
    I weigh every Wednesday and Sunday morning
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    I used to daily because I read a study somewhere that those who weighed themselves every day were more likely to reach their goal number- but I found that I fluctuate so often that it doesn't do anything but frustrate me. 1x/week is perfectly fine for me!
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh every 4 weeks. The small fluctations in a week can mess with my head too much so I just plan on a monthly weigh-in. Over a month, there is always a loss whether it's a couple pounds or much more. That helps keep my weigh-ins positive and keeps me from giving up or freaking out over a small gain here or there in a week that is likely just water and nothing I should worry about -- but I would!!!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I weigh everyday. But, that is because I am consistently under my calorie goal and I want to be on it if I stall or whatever other horrible thing is supposed to happen if you are under goal.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I weigh in once a month because I find that it is easier for me to be consistent with my eating that way.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I like to weigh myself daily but seeing a bad number doesnt ruin my day. I am used to the flucations. Most people I know weigh once a week, on the same day.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    I usually do once a month or every 3 weeks. It has really been working for me. I keep a calendar in my bathroom and mark off the days i exercise, and i also mark which day of that month will be my weigh in day. That way instead of weighing myself every day, I can have a visual reminder to keep working toward my goal.