Stomach Aches

I am 2 weeks into eating healthy and trying to lose weight. I am learning to try and wait out my hunger pains (or what I think are hunger pains but are probably just cravings for junk food). However the last 2 days I have had really bad stomach aches. I don't know if its because I am eating more veggies or because I am not eating enough food but its really annoying. Today it started within an hour of when I woke up but I didnt feel hungry. Any thoughts?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    well, you can be a good girl and do apple cider vinegar,, and cayenne pepper works wonders too....
  • RoamingDuck
    Here's a a theory: fiber?

    This may be TMI, but I sometimes get pain in my abdominal region when I eat too much fiber. healthy food is packed with fiber, and I don't get pain in the stomach when I can toot. However, at work I have to keep all the fiber it leads to a build up of gas in the ol' intestines, leading to pain.

    Not sure if this is your problem or not, but it surely is mine!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It could be due to an increase of fiber if you weren't eating much of it before. Too much fiber can cause issues especially if it's not paired with extra water. How much water are you drinking each day? And how many calories?

    Maybe keep note and see if it happens around eating a certain food or type of food? I get really bad stomach cramps if I eat too much wheat or dairy.
  • grbhmb
    grbhmb Posts: 12
    Check this article out about a woman who thought she was eating a
    healthy diet and was exercising but continued to have worsening
    stomach aches.

    Hope you are able to resolve this and feel better soon!
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    Eat some fat, your food has a long journey in your body.
    When you stop eating all fat it got stuck and pilled up.

    And drink lots of water as well