women training for bikini competitions here?!

i know this is an unpopular opinion, but i really adore female body builders who train HARD, lift HEAVY, and compete in competitions. i just want to know if there are any women on mfp who do this because i want to friend you!!! i sort of want to have similar muscle definition but i am most interested in what you eat/how you train. :love: :love: plus you girls are some of the most motivated and focused athletes out there.

you women look like superheros and i frikkin love yall for it :flowerforyou:


  • Ooh, I wanna see who replies to this too! I want that kind of muscle definition so much!
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    I sometimes want it too, but I'm not sure. I def admire women who train like that, and would love to hear some of their diet and workout secrets!! I bet there are some on here.
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    No secrets other than to eat clean and lift heavy! It just takes hard work and dedication.

    Consider joining: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/168-fitness-competitions
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm training for strength and a figure/bikini type look, love having muscle :D Although I have no interest in actually competing.
    My training's most heavy compound lifts, 4x a week.
    Eating on a small deficit at the moment to cut, at least 1g per lb body weight in protein.

    Feel free to add me if you want :smile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm training for strength and a figure/bikini type look, love having muscle :D Although I have no interest in actually competing.
    My training's most heavy compound lifts, 4x a week.
    Eating on a small deficit at the moment to cut, at least 1g per lb body weight in protein.

    Feel free to add me if you want :smile:

    Pretty much this but I only lift 3 times a week. I'm doing StrongLifts right now (although might be switching very soon). It's a great program for beginners.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    bump.................i'd so love to be able to do a fitness/bikini comp on day! at the moment i just need to focus on loosing weight and body fat! my bf is way too high!
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    I've done two, even though they were actually never my goal! I am very proud that I got onstage though, and it was worth it. I am now following James Wilson's program, which is pretty similar to what I was doing when I was training, but less cardio. So many people are getting amazing results!

    I think you can find him on Facebook by searching for James Wilson-- Family, Faith Fitness
    The program is only $55, and there is a private Facebook group for help.
  • I'm also interested in trying to get ready for a bikini comp...feel free to friend! :)
  • SuperFitastic
    SuperFitastic Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in training for my 1st show in April. Lifting hard 6 days/week!! Its not torture I'm loving this journey. :) My food log is shared with all my friends. I count my macros not my calories and for the most part eat good but have my bad moments like everyone else- I just keep them in moderation and I don't lie in my journal. ;) I'm trying to get in the habit of logging my exercises in my journal too to share. I love friends who fill my newsfeed and comments with motivating and uplifting words.