The Gym for the first time ever

Hi, I just joined this site today. My dear friend has been on it for a while and recommended it. I am joining the YMCA tomorrow. My excuse for not working out thus far has been that I don't have daycare for my daughter. And gyms and childcare are too expensive. I just learned that I qualify for a discounted membership at the Y. $30 a month and child care is free! I'm excited but nervous. I've never actually worked out before. I feel a little like a wish out of water.


  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Just remember everyone had a first day! You are taking a first step and that's fantastic! Hopefully you will have someone walk you thru how to do your weights. GOOD LUCK!:wink:
  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    Options name is Melissa.
    You will do fine at the's difficult at first but you get into a groove and learn to tune out everyone around you. You can do it..
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    They will show you around and tell you how to use the machines. I think you'll like it. I know i do!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    So proud of you for doing this! Yes, you'll feel odd at first, but pretty soon you'll notice that people at the Y come in all sizes, shapes, and ages. Many of them are also just starting out.

    And as a Mom, you are going to LOVE getting out and doing something for you. You deserve it!
  • helenturner
    Well congratulations! I know what you mean with budget and daycare... I found a gym within the same price range and FREE daycare too! I really enjoy going to the a mom of three I consider it my ME time...LOL. Make sure you ask if you get free weight training for new members. Most places offer to show you around the gym and how to use the equipment. Mine even set me up on a workout plan until I could get a feel of what I could do and learn enough about weights to set up my own plan.
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Way to go..that is the first step in making a change. I used to go to the Y and loved it. That was always my concern too, about the money and no childcare. But they had childcare too and the kids enjoyed it! I let my membership expire but would go back if I "didn't have to leave the house" LOL.

    Congratulations and yes they will show you everything. You may even find a buddy to workout with!
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    I'm really hoping that I will start to enjoy it. I know I'll feel better.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    The longer you do it, the better you'll feel. I always HATED exercising, I hated getting sweaty and sticky, I hated being tired and in pain afterwards, but now I'm addicted to it. I have to do some form of exercise everyday now or I just can't stand it. It's hard to explain, but I just feel like I "need" to burn off that energy.

    Personally, I can't work out on my own though. I hate working out on machines. I take the classes and I swim.
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    I have really bad shin splints. My aerobics coach in high school made me work out on them all year.
    So they never healed. I'd prefer to do curves or something but I can't take the impact. I thought low impact cardio machines will be a good alternative. I'd also like to try pilates. What classes do you take?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Use the ellipticals. There is almost no impact and you won's have many issues from your shin splints. Make sure to stretch before and after exercise and do heel drops from an elevated step or curb.

    Splints are caused by the muscle in your calves pulling on the ligiments that cross your shins and the heel drops strengthen those muscles a ton, no weights required. I was a runner in HS and had issues then, it is much more controlable now that I do the exercises daily.

    Any of the bike style machines are a good alternative as well until you get those muscles strong.
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    I'll try the heel drops - sounds like a great idea.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I have really bad shin splints. My aerobics coach in high school made me work out on them all year.
    So they never healed. I'd prefer to do curves or something but I can't take the impact. I thought low impact cardio machines will be a good alternative. I'd also like to try pilates. What classes do you take?

    I take Jazzercise classes ( during the week and then I do a water aerobics class and swim at the YMCA on the weekend. My Y has a variety of classes, but I really like the Jazzercise and it fits into my schedule better than the Y classes. I do want to try Zumba at the Y at some point.

    I get shin splints too, but stretching helps. I have really bad joints all around and exercising is always painful, but it's worth it. In my case, the pain will be there anyway so I might as well keep working out.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi, I just joined this site today. My dear friend has been on it for a while and recommended it. I am joining the YMCA tomorrow. My excuse for not working out thus far has been that I don't have daycare for my daughter. And gyms and childcare are too expensive. I just learned that I qualify for a discounted membership at the Y. $30 a month and child care is free! I'm excited but nervous. I've never actually worked out before. I feel a little like a wish out of water.

    You will only probably feel like that for the first time on each machine, after that you will be in your element!

    I bet you end up getting addicted to the gym, end up like a machine, pushing, pulling, running, rowing, cycling.... ellipticalling (is there such a word :laugh: )

    Seriously though, I think you will wonder why it ever took you so long to start working out, best of luck in it and welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Check to see if they have a coach or personal trainer to take you around to the machines, bring a little binder and pen.

    IDK about YMCA....but every gym I have ever encountered had a free 1-3 visits with PT. More for them to A)Make sure you do not injure your self and B)have an opportunity to try to sell you some trainer spots.

    I got a good workout schedule when I met with mine!

    Have FUN!! No one is looking at you................promise!! :flowerforyou:

    (I look at the gym like a playground :laugh:)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Our YMCA offers 3 free personal training sessions. They do a fat test, your weight, blood pressure, ask for past medical history like your shin splints, and create a personalized program just for you. It will most likely include cardio and some type of strength training. Swimming is the best!

    Two years ago when I started at the Y, I would swim one side of the pool and have to stop. It would take me 20 minutes to do 8 full laps! When my trainer first started showing me how to do some of the exercises, there was on abdominal one that he was telling me to pull up. I was trying but my muscles were so weak I couldn't even do 1!

    This past month my Y membership expired and our finances are really tight so I was not able to renew and I miss it EVERY day!!!
