TDEE help please?

I am looking for a little help here...
I'm 32, female, 247 lbs, have lost 19 lbs in just under 10 weeks, so it's working, but I kind of want to try the TDEE/deficit thing....
MFP calculates that I should eat like 1450 a day, and then eat back my exercise, which is usually 6 days a week, maybe 200-350 calories as tracked by my heart rate monitor. So I've been eating 1650 to 1800 a day.....

I used the IPOARM posts to help figure these numbers:
I came up with 59.5% for my fat (EEK, I know, that's why I'm need to judge ;) )
It says my BMR is 1880 and my TDEE would be 2914 based on moderate activity. 2914 I multiplied by the .8 and got 2331.
2331?!?! Really? I have been eating between 1650 and 1800 on higher exercise days. So I'm looking at 500+ more. Does that sound right? And is my understanding correct that I'd stick to the 2331 and not eat back exercise calories since the exercise is already calculated into the 2331?

And I'm struggling between two thoughts....if it's not broke, don't fix it (meaning that MFP's estimate is working) AND the eat more people that swear this works better.....


  • vegaspfmf
    vegaspfmf Posts: 40 Member
    height?activity level?
  • KristyTonn
    KristyTonn Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5 ft 4 inches and I chose the moderate activity level.
  • vegaspfmf
    vegaspfmf Posts: 40 Member
    Yea the 2300 calories is your tdee-20% and Dont eat back calories from exercise logged. Try that for a few weeks and if its not working maybe the activity multiplier is off and recalculate your tdee