Plateau? Help please! I am SO discouraged



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Mayo Clinic suggests you either up your exercise or cut your calories. I trust Mayo Clinic over Scooby Doo or whatever that site's name is.

    Mayo clinic is a credible source, yes -- but OP is not experiencing a plateau and already eating the base number of calories... so.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    3 miles is about 5km here. Do double.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I have been at this for about 2 1/2 months and have lost a total of 25 pounds. I realize that overall, that is great but the problem is that over the past 4 weeks I have barely lost 5 pounds in total! I am getting SO discouraged. I keep my calories around 1200 calories eating a paleo diet. I am exercising like crazy. Running (3 miles straight running 3 to 5 times per week) plus yoga and Pilates. If one more person tells me I am probably gaining muscle I might scream. I mean I might buy that if I was closer to my ideal weight but I still have a lot of weight to lose. I am 5'7" and 189 today. I would like to lose another 30lbs which I think is a really reasonable goal....right?

    Anyone else been here? Any thoughts or advice would be so so appreciated

    So for first 6 weeks - 20 lbs lost.
    Last 4 weeks - 5 lbs lost.

    Let's take out good 5 lb water weight lost since you went lower carb. If you also used to eat higher sodium and went down, perhaps another 2-3 lbs for that.

    So 15 and now 5 lbs lost, or by weekly avg, 2.5 lbs first 6 wks, and now 1.25 lbs last 4 wks.

    You don't mention if you were correctly eating back your exercise calories with all the "exercising like crazy" cardio.
    Was it at least slow running, or as intense as you could make it?
    Meaning high carb burn.
    Which I know the Paleo sites discourage doing exactly because of what probably happened to you.

    You've burned off muscle mass, bad combo - undereating in general for your level of activity, lots of cardio, not enough carbs for all that cardio.

    You are correct, there is no way you gained muscle mass, especially not with that routine which will continue to use your existing muscle just fine for a long long time before there is any need to make more. Which your body can't do with current eating level you are doing.

    So with less muscle mass comes smaller metabolism, meaning you have to eat even less now if you really want a deficit.
    Along with that, undereating for your level of exercise that much is going to suppress your metabolism too, so even eating less.

    You can't do anything about the first problem now - that muscle is gone. Though you can try to retain what you got left.
    You can do something about the second problem now - eat better for your level of activity.

    Go set the MFP Diet/Fitness goal to 1lb weekly loss.
    Log and eat back ALL your exercise calories you burn off, you still have a deficit in there for the 1lb weekly loss.
    And if your run is between levels as shown in exercise database, select the slower speed level unless really close to faster speed.
    Don't let people tell you HRM is required. The running stuff is more accurate than HRM if you match the pace given.

    Or, keep going at this routine, you'll eventually reach 1 lb loss weekly, not because you purposely selected a wise choice, but your body forced you too. And actually, as many experience, you'll reach no weight loss eventually.

    And then have a really fun hole to try to dig out of.

    Slower is better, but not because you forced the body too.

    And to one point you made along with great advice given by others too - strength training right now with a lot to lose is about the only time you have a chance of actually gaining muscle while eating at a deficit. You won't be able to do that closer to ideal weight actually.

    ^^^ Read this and do what he says! Brilliant summary!
  • lindymoor
    lindymoor Posts: 3 Member
    I am on my last 25-30 lbs myself, and for the last year the scale has not really moved. pant size is down and my clothes fit better and I had my trainer do my measurements and I am down every where! That made me feel so much better.

    A pound is a pound but muscle is denser so it takes up less room.

    I have a torn miniscus in my left knee, but I still workout really hard. Just have to. Keep positive and enjoy your successes.

    You and I WILL get there... :-)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    OK I just broke a plateau myself. I'd lost 5 pounds in a 2 months. My trainer said a week ago that I just work out too much for 1200 calories. She raised me to 1400. I myself decided to follow Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Family menu while keep to 1400 cals. 7 days later I had lost 3.4 pounds. It seemed so weird to be eating more and losing weight. I'm on 2nd week of eating 1400 and eating clean.
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I relate! I have been on a plateau for so long I have forgotten what it feels like to LOSE weight versus maintaining ... or gaining when I stray from my strict regimen for more than a day or so.

    Right now I have gone on the JJ Virgin 7 food cleanse. It's 21 days (I am on day 13) of giving up soybeans, peanuts, gluten, sugar, eggs, dairy, and corn. After the 21 days you gradually add one food at a time (giving each added food a week before adding the next one) and see if you have any allergic or gastric reaction.

    It's not been easy, especially the dairy and gluten. And even the soybean, as many foods that you would not suspect have soybean oil in them.

    At any rate, so far I have lost 3 pounds. This is not much in 13 days but it's more than I have lost in months of being stuck at the same weight! I am hoping this will kick-start me back losing weight. I have also increased my workouts, from 20 or 30 minutes a day to 30 plus minutes a day.

    Good luck, I know it's frustrating!
  • Sofitin2013
    Congrats! You're doing great!! I was in the same boat - lost tons and then a plateaus for a couple of weeks here and there. I noticed two things helped:

    1. A high calorie spike day once in a while
    2. Did a three day detox cleanse - wow, that really helped!

    Good luck!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    i want to lose 5lbs in a month ffs
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    i want to lose 5lbs in a month ffs


    Who are these people that lose over a pound a week and call it a plateau? I would kill for that rate of weight loss!