I feel like I'm never going to get there...



  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I feel like maybe I should start a personal journal or something and force myself to take time out of the day to write in it. I think a big part of my weight gain was just due to pouring all of my problems into food. It sounds so pathetic but it is what it is.

    There is a blog function right on this site! I use it nearly every day and it does help a lot. Where else will you find a place to vent with readers who know what you're going through? Make lists, write about your feelings, be funny, serious, ask questions...but get it all out. Weight loss is not just a physical thing. The mental changes are phenomenal...and you should have a journal to talk about it.
  • BarbImel
    BarbImel Posts: 2 Member
    this site was awesome!!!! Thanks for posting it!! really gave me motivation!!
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    Hey there,

    My name is David, and I topped-out at 450lbs. I feel your pain, believe me!!!
    I'd be happy to be a "friend" and buddy, if you want one...

    My wife has also lost 100+ pounds!

    Welcome to the club!

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I can guarantee, if you give up - you will only get bigger and bigger.

    I can guarantee, if you keep trying NO MATTER WHAT...you will eventually reach your goal.
  • For every pound lost, put away a dollar or two. Every ten or twenty pounds, go and buy yourself something new. New workout gear, or continue to save it and go on vacation as a reward.

    Just keep moving. It will get easier the more you lose and it will feel better each time. You CAN do it!
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    Congratulations on your decision to make changes. You CAN do it! One day at a time. One meal at a time. Sometimes, it's one minute a time, but you can do it.

    To paraphrase an old saying: the journey of 200 (or 100 or 15, for that matter) pounds starts with one step. Set your goal for two pounds a week. If you do nothing, in 2 years, you'll weigh the same. But if you do the work to lose the weight, in 2 years you'll be at your goal.

    I started at 266 in November 2011. I am just above 200 now, and I have at least 32 to go. I lost 128 pounds in 1996/97. Gained about 90 of it back. So I'm intimately familiar with the struggle, as well as with the feeling that it's overwhelming, too much, too hard and won't happen.

    But I'm here to tell you, it can. It does. Just hang in there and keep on keepin' on. We will be here to support you.
  • kacorlis
    kacorlis Posts: 13 Member
    You have heard it before, but you cannot focus on how much and how long. Take it only one day at a time, one good habit at a time, and pat yourself on the back if you get through the day doing healthy things for yourself.

    The great news is:
    Since you are bigger, your weight loss will be bigger in the beginning, which is an excellent motivator.
    Focus on how good you feel and how your clothes fit rather than just the number on the scale.
    Remember it took 24 years to reach your weight. But it will not take that long to lose it.
    Find pictures of the way you would like to look, or picture yourself. Make a vision board (poster board with a collage of all the reasons/pictures of how you see yourself). Do you aspire to fly comfortably in an airplane seat to a fun vacation?
    Do you have a picture of a celebrity or person who's body you admire wearing the types of clothes you want to wear?
    YOU can do it. You really can. This site is such a great tool for making that happen.
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    You know, this is how I see it. Every day is going to happen whether you like it or not. You can use that time to work a little towards your goal or use that time to stay the way you are (or move further away from your goal). It just comes down to caring for yourself enough to move in the right direction each day.

    Don't think about the big number. The numbers can be distracting. If you take it one day at a time you will look up in 6 months and you will have made an incredible difference to your life.

    Good luck with it!
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    The most important thing is that you have taken that first step to try to do something to improve your situation. As far as exercise goes, more important than how long you exercise, is that you do something every day. Work on being consistent first then increase your exercise time by a min or so each week. If it hurts when you add more, back off for a day or 2. I started out at 319 lbs and started using my recumbent bike 7 min a day and even that was very difficult at the time. I would alternate sometimes because my knee would hurt from the bike, and sit in a chair and do boxing or tennis on my wii. I have lost 42 lbs now and am up to 40 min on the bike. I worked up to it over a period of almost 4 months adding a min a week, sometimes I would be in pain, so i would have to give it a rest for a day or 2 and ice my knee and switch to sitting down at the wii. Because I am still very heavy, it's amazing how many calories I can burn riding my bike, way more than a smaller person would burn doing double what I do. If you would like to add me as a friend, send a request. I am always open to new friends and try to be a good support and I keep my diary open if you would like to take a peak. Just so you know though, I don't give myself too many breaks and I have my calories set rather low for someone my size, but all for a good reason; I have some very serious medical issues going on and will be looking at surgery soon (if I can get some more weight off) so I am in a hurry to get to a weight where surgery will be safe. Believe me, I would rather be eating more and anyway the healthiest and safest way to lose weight is slowly. I wish you all the best in your journey.
  • Thanks for the support everyone. I've gone to the grocery store and picked more fresh foods to incorporate into my diet. I also made a meal plan for the week because structure helps me. I aim to work out at least 10 minutes each day. I know I can do this. Its very hard with working full time and going to school full time but I have got to take control.
  • Lost my first 5lbs this week!