How low can you go....under your daily suggested calories?



  • I might suggest you go lighter on the nuts - I find that if I eat a couple oz of nuts that makes me full enough to happily skip a meal. Now if I don't need a meal that is one thing, but if you are trying to consume your calories, eating 2 cups of a nuts a day is very filling. :)

    I honestly can not imagine eating like that - I love my protein and there are a lot of calories in protein and fat. I eat cheese, lunch meats (I do my own so as to avoid nitrates), boiled eggs, my breakfast every day is homemade sausage and 2 eggs, lunch is usually a protein filled salad (it is very easy with 1/2 avacado and a few cubes of cheese to get to 500 calories with a salad), and supper is where I often add my tiny bit of carbs with my protein and veg. I also include a lot of fat in my diet, so ghee, coconut oil, fatty meat etc take the calories up quickly. I also use good homemade low carb dressing, but there are tons of calories in dressing - whenever people tell me they can't get to their calorie goals, I tell them to stop with the no fat unhealthy dressing ;)> then again, my macros are set to 20/40/40.
    But I do raise all my own meat and dairy, so i am very confident of the source and quality - I have to admit that if I had to buy from a regular store I most likely would not consume protein like this. :)

    My husband eats the same but no fruit and very few carbs (his blood pressure goes up with carbs), and weight just melts off him . . . me,I followed his diet and for 5 weeks i lost nothing - nada, not an ounce LOL. Very frustrating because I logged and weighed things every single day and I was absolutely anal about everything.
    I added about 50 grams of carbs per day and am losing about 1.5 -2lbs per week. We are all different so you can chuck my advice in the garbage if you like. :)

    Oh man, so much dairy. I personally had dairy pegged as my major problem, everything I ate was loaded with dairy, I havent cut it out entirely but really just some yogourt or cream cheese here or there for me.

    Actually have been using coconut oil a lot in the last while, mostly for my baking. Definitely a good idea for adding calories!
  • i think the nuts was a good portable idea. i'm sure what you can bring to work is pretty limited.
    was a good fats and protein healthy choice

    Yeah thats a big part of it, I take the bus to work and don't have a lot of time during work hours to really eat anything major, I crunched some numbers and saw that a mix (which I am experimenting with a lot at the moment) of nuts, seeds, soya nuts, and dried fruit was a great go-to for me.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you'll need to calculate your lean body mass if you haven't yet, and eat enough protein to maintain it.
    so 1g protein per lb of lean body mass.along with eating enough calories to fuel your body.
  • tinypastels
    tinypastels Posts: 32 Member
    I've been tracking with a couple other apps since August 2010. Actually used to be 20 pounds heavier than this, but I consider this a fresh start :) Don't assume that month under names is accurate, its easy to get a new account.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    well I guess cheese sticks is out :noway:
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    well I guess cheese sticks is out :noway:

    WHAT??!! Damn! :brokenheart:
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I've been tracking with a couple other apps since August 2010. Actually used to be 20 pounds heavier than this, but I consider this a fresh start :) Don't assume that month under names is accurate, its easy to get a new account.

    well he said he was new at the beginning.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    well I guess cheese sticks is out :noway:

    WHAT??!! Damn! :brokenheart:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    If you like nuts, what about a peanut butter and banana smoothie to take to work with you? Pretty good calorie boost, and I've always found it easier to drink extra calories when I'm not hungry than to eat them.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i think the nuts was a good portable idea. i'm sure what you can bring to work is pretty limited.
    was a good fats and protein healthy choice

    Yeah thats a big part of it, I take the bus to work and don't have a lot of time during work hours to really eat anything major, I crunched some numbers and saw that a mix (which I am experimenting with a lot at the moment) of nuts, seeds, soya nuts, and dried fruit was a great go-to for me.

    can you take a cooler to work with you?
    how much time do you get for lunch?
  • I've been tracking with a couple other apps since August 2010. Actually used to be 20 pounds heavier than this, but I consider this a fresh start :) Don't assume that month under names is accurate, its easy to get a new account.

    Myself I had a few weeks of proper eating, lost about 12-15, but just a couple days ago decided to actually get serious and start tracking my numbers more accurately, someone on reddit /r/loseit suggested this site to me and here I am!
  • i think the nuts was a good portable idea. i'm sure what you can bring to work is pretty limited.
    was a good fats and protein healthy choice

    Yeah thats a big part of it, I take the bus to work and don't have a lot of time during work hours to really eat anything major, I crunched some numbers and saw that a mix (which I am experimenting with a lot at the moment) of nuts, seeds, soya nuts, and dried fruit was a great go-to for me.

    can you take a cooler to work with you?
    how much time do you get for lunch?

    Can, but would generally prefer not to, given how packed the bus can get on my route/times.

    30m, but I am a smoker too (I know, I know) so that cuts into it.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    If you like nuts, what about a peanut butter and banana smoothie to take to work with you? Pretty good calorie boost, and I've always found it easier to drink extra calories when I'm not hungry than to eat them.

    Peanut butter and banana smoothie! That sounds amazing. I want one now =(
  • jennerlnz
    jennerlnz Posts: 12 Member
    You are about my husband's size and body type and I think he would wither up and die if he ate only as much as you have been! I actually winced a little, looking at your intake, and thought, "I want to cook this guy a real meal!" I think you really need to make a bigger effort on the nutrition. I was never a big breakfast eater, either, but once you make it a routine you will probably find you will wake up hungry and wanting it. Pack yourself a lunch... heck, we had a guy working on our house for a while and he would pack his breakfast, too - maybe he was like you and couldn't bring himself to eat first thing. You don't necessarily need to use a cooler to pack a lunch. Make it before bed and keep it in the fridge, ready to go in the morning. Thirty minutes is plenty long enough to scarf down a proper lunch and have a smoke or two (and I don't need to tell you to just stop smoking, do I?). I'm thinking sandwiches (whole grain bread, tuna or chicken breast, loaded with veggies, skip the mayo - I don't eat that much bread, myself, but I don't get as many cals per day as you do!), hard-boiled eggs, some fruit, a few nuts (a serving size is a small handful, really). Lots of water.

    It does take time and effort, I'm afraid. :) But if you continue this way your muscle mass is going to deteriorate, and fat loss will stall. Good luck!
  • simplynaturalfarm
    simplynaturalfarm Posts: 73 Member
    I can feel for you - my hubby works 12 hour shifts but only 2 per week and he doesn't eat much at work - he doesn't like breakfast (or maybe I should say he doesn't bother unless I make it LOL), so he said during the day all he eats are his veggies with dip and boiled eggs or cheese.. Some days he eats 6 boiled eggs and nothing else as he is not actually given a lunch break at any time. I tried sending him real food and he said it just does not work because he eats here and there if he can. Doing that every day would be very hard on him!
    How did you manage to find a nut mix so low in carbs and calories though? The mixes I have made or use are always way more carbs and calories than that and are a bit of a splurge for me.
    Could you take some healthy crackers and spreads maybe for variety (who am I to talk of variety as we eat the same thing over and over and it never bothers us LOL)
    Yup, your last day looks much better *G*
    The nice thing about adding more protein, is that it adds your calories you need, but not the carbs and you just don't look as "fluffy". My DH can weigh the same but on a healthy diet he looks drastically leaner than on a carb laden diet.