Another annoying question about carbs hit me with science



  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Eating low carb or low grain doesn't make me more satisfied at all as some have said. I am starving all day when I do it and I do keep eating all day so it's not like I follow a calorie deficit when I low grain it. It's opposite for me if I start my day with a bagel I won't be hungry for hours and hours. I had fried eggs over salad this morning I am starving after. When people say they stay fuller longer on low carb/grain i can't believe it

    Were you eating enough protein and fat? That's a common reason why many who try low carb don't feel satiated throughout the day. Sorry about the previous comment, it wasn't clear that you do not want to do primal again.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Eating low carb or low grain doesn't make me more satisfied at all as some have said. I am starving all day when I do it and I do keep eating all day so it's not like I follow a calorie deficit when I low grain it. It's opposite for me if I start my day with a bagel I won't be hungry for hours and hours. I had fried eggs over salad this morning I am starving after. When people say they stay fuller longer on low carb/grain i can't believe it

    Were you eating enough protein and fat? That's a common reason why many who try low carb don't feel satiated throughout the day. Sorry about the previous comment, it wasn't clear that you do not want to do primal again.

    That's ok! I like to eat that way most of the day. But if I go out and I want a wrap or a latte or whatever I don't wanna beat myself up. Yes with primal I was eating tons of meat fish veg fruit sweet potato squash.....
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Hi PU 239 I am following ur tdee formula about 2 weeks now. I guess after thinking and reading the comments I shouldn't have said low carb. I eat low grain. I use spaghetti squash and zucchini ribbons in place of pasta, and like I said try to have grains in small doses per day. I can't cut them out for weeks on end. I will binge.
    If you want to eat grains eat them, if you don't don't.

    Lol. I want to eat them sometimes. I just don't want it to set me back. But you all have really helped me out here. I will have them......sometimes, when I want and in my calorie goal

    Only 2 things will set you back, not eating enough, and eating at your TDEE.

  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member

    People think, "I will just eat more fat, it will cause me to burn more fat." If you eat more fat, you will burn some, then replace the fat you just burned with the fat you just ate. So you're in the EXACT same place you started.

    It doesn't exactly work that way. Fat consumption doesn't equal you get fat or that any fat you do lose will be instantly replaced. It's easier for your body to store carbs as fat technically. It is definitely about calories, but the way in which you reach those calories can definitely make a difference.
  • bethko1
    bethko1 Posts: 2
    I would love to know too, I don't eat any bread, no cheese, I do eat yogurt and have milk on occasion. Are you still trying to lose or maintain? I can't see losing if you still have those things in your diet on a regular basis, but it depends on your exercise too. I think everyone is different too.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member

    People think, "I will just eat more fat, it will cause me to burn more fat." If you eat more fat, you will burn some, then replace the fat you just burned with the fat you just ate. So you're in the EXACT same place you started.

    It doesn't exactly work that way. Fat consumption doesn't equal you get fat or that any fat you do lose will be instantly replaced. It's easier for your body to store carbs as fat technically. It is definitely about calories, but the way in which you reach those calories can definitely make a difference.
    It's easier to store carbs as fat? Compared to storing fat as fat? That's not correct.
    Fat is the easiest thing to store as fat. There is no conversion. If you ate carbs, and they are converted to fat, energy has to be used, aka calories.

    With out getting in to too much detail..
    Fat consumption doesn't equal you get fat or that any fat you do lose will be instantly replaced.
    How much fat is replaced??? depends on how much you eat. The more you eat, the more will be replaced. The less fat you will burn from the body. If you eat less fat(assuming every other macro is constant) what is this called? a calorie deficit.

    So once again, it's about the calorie deficit.

    Yes, I did agree with you that it is about the calorie deficit. I retract my comment about carbs being more easily stored, it is not as easy as saying if you eat high fat you are defeating the purpose. If calories are also taken into consideration, as they should be, you can eat A LOT of fat and still lose weight. I'm moreso trying to state that the conventional wisdom on fat is bad and makes you fat, isn't necessarily true. I also don't believe that your body instantly replaces fat stores just because there is excess fat around, there is so much more to it than that.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    A topic i wrote about calories a while back
    People fully don’t understand calories and macro nutrients. Some believe that if they follow a specific macro nutrient ratio they will lose more weight. To understand the link between calories and macro nutrients we first must understand what a calorie is.

    calorie - A calorie equals the amount of thermal energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 Celsius degree, at a pressure of 1 atm.

    The Calories in food were determined by putting them in a container, then they putting the container in water and exploded the food. They would then determine the temperature of the water, the higher the temperature the more calories it has. Calories is just a unit energy. It’s a measurement of how much energy is used. It’s like how we use feet or meters to measure distance, we can use calories to measure energy. I will state this now, calories in food, and calories used in science aren’t exactly the same thing. For every calorie used in science there are 1,000 food calories. Food calories are identified with a capital C, “Calories”. The ones used in science are lower case “calories.” Due to the fact I am using word pad to write this, it has auto correct and capitalizes the first word of a sentence I will use calories and Calories interchangeably. I am referring to food calories in both cases.

    Macro nutrients such as carbs, proteins, fats are NOT calories. They contain calories, but they are not calories. So yes, a calorie is a calorie just like a foot is foot, and a meter is a meter. If your body burns 2000 calories(energy) at rest, what would happen if you consumed 1,500 calories? Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed. For your body to burn 500 calories more it has to use energy from the body, such as fats, proteins, or carbs. The energy is used to support your normal body functions. Since you’re using energy from the body it will contain less energy from protein,carbs,fats. Since you have less energy in the body you will weigh less. If you consume more energy than you burn it will be stored. The law of thermodynamics states “Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed.” Turning food in to fat is a transformation of energy.

    Some people do low carb for health reasons. Others do it because they think it burns more fat which will result in greater weight loss. It does burn more fat, but this doesn’t mean it will result in more weight loss. The reason is because if you're burning a lot of fat and consuming a lot of fat you're in the same spot initially, only a limited net change in body composition. So you can't out trick your body. Some low carbers shoot for ketosis. This just means the body isn’t using carbs so much as an energy source, they are using mostly fat. What some of these people fail to realize the more protein you eat the more protein you burn(prevents the body from using fat). The more fat you eat the more fat you’re storing. In the end it doesn’t make a difference. It will always boil down to calories.

    A lot of people say “well I ate under my TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expeniture) and I didn’t lose weight doing x method.” How do you know what your TDEE is? Because some formula told you? Calorie tracking devices such as bodybugg, fit bit, or calculators don’t tell you anything about your metabolic situation. It can be highly suppressed. You maybe burning less calories than you think.

    Thank you for this. As far as my tdee I tried my best to get it right. I used an average of a bunch of different body fat calculators and used that avg in scooby formula and your method too they were one calorie off. What do you think of body fat scales. Mine says 31.4 but my avg is 34 % with taking measurements. Also I stay in between lightly active and moderately active. Mostly moderate tho. I am stay at home mom who does chores and incline walking 4-5 days a week and short hiit workouts 3 days.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    A topic i wrote about calories a while back
    People fully don’t understand calories and macro nutrients. Some believe that if they follow a specific macro nutrient ratio they will lose more weight. To understand the link between calories and macro nutrients we first must understand what a calorie is.

    calorie - A calorie equals the amount of thermal energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 Celsius degree, at a pressure of 1 atm.

    The Calories in food were determined by putting them in a container, then they putting the container in water and exploded the food. They would then determine the temperature of the water, the higher the temperature the more calories it has. Calories is just a unit energy. It’s a measurement of how much energy is used. It’s like how we use feet or meters to measure distance, we can use calories to measure energy. I will state this now, calories in food, and calories used in science aren’t exactly the same thing. For every calorie used in science there are 1,000 food calories. Food calories are identified with a capital C, “Calories”. The ones used in science are lower case “calories.” Due to the fact I am using word pad to write this, it has auto correct and capitalizes the first word of a sentence I will use calories and Calories interchangeably. I am referring to food calories in both cases.

    Macro nutrients such as carbs, proteins, fats are NOT calories. They contain calories, but they are not calories. So yes, a calorie is a calorie just like a foot is foot, and a meter is a meter. If your body burns 2000 calories(energy) at rest, what would happen if you consumed 1,500 calories? Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed. For your body to burn 500 calories more it has to use energy from the body, such as fats, proteins, or carbs. The energy is used to support your normal body functions. Since you’re using energy from the body it will contain less energy from protein,carbs,fats. Since you have less energy in the body you will weigh less. If you consume more energy than you burn it will be stored. The law of thermodynamics states “Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed.” Turning food in to fat is a transformation of energy.

    Some people do low carb for health reasons. Others do it because they think it burns more fat which will result in greater weight loss. It does burn more fat, but this doesn’t mean it will result in more weight loss. The reason is because if you're burning a lot of fat and consuming a lot of fat you're in the same spot initially, only a limited net change in body composition. So you can't out trick your body. Some low carbers shoot for ketosis. This just means the body isn’t using carbs so much as an energy source, they are using mostly fat. What some of these people fail to realize the more protein you eat the more protein you burn(prevents the body from using fat). The more fat you eat the more fat you’re storing. In the end it doesn’t make a difference. It will always boil down to calories.

    A lot of people say “well I ate under my TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expeniture) and I didn’t lose weight doing x method.” How do you know what your TDEE is? Because some formula told you? Calorie tracking devices such as bodybugg, fit bit, or calculators don’t tell you anything about your metabolic situation. It can be highly suppressed. You maybe burning less calories than you think.

    Thank you for this. As far as my tdee I tried my best to get it right. I used an average of a bunch of different body fat calculators and used that avg in scooby formula and your method too they were one calorie off. What do you think of body fat scales. Mine says 31.4 but my avg is 34 % with taking measurements. Also I stay in between lightly active and moderately active. Mostly moderate tho. I am stay at home mom who does chores and incline walking 4-5 days a week and short hiit workouts 3 days.

    They are highly inaccurate.

    I helped you figure out your weight loss calories last week, or the week before. So what are you doing? You have your numbers... all you have to do is try it out for a month. Forget all this carb/grain stuff... forget about your body fat scale... just hit your calorie goal, that's it. You're making it complicated, no point in worrying about anything in this topic so far. Hit your calories, that's all there is to it. If it doesn't work in a month, take away 10%. Try again for another month, still no results? take away 10%.

    Lol, yes you did help me. I was just curious about the body fat scale. The grain thing was hard to understand so I needed to ask questions but I think I got it, Thank you for your help
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    I don't have much advice as i have similar questions as you. But wanted to mention you are my twin! Same weight, height, and goal. I am planning on jus reducing carbs and sugar and sticking to my calorie goal. How many calories a day are you shooting for? Sounds like you got lots of advice and used many calculators.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I don't have much advice as i have similar questions as you. But wanted to mention you are my twin! Same weight, height, and goal. I am planning on jus reducing carbs and sugar and sticking to my calorie goal. How many calories a day are you shooting for? Sounds like you got lots of advice and used many calculators.

    After averaging everything out my bf% is 34 I am having about 1700 a day on moderate activity level. For simplicity, you can try scooby's accurate calculator. It came out to almost the same as most tdee formulas here. Sometimes I have a little less like 100 cals or so. Or shoot for 1600-1700 and see how you do. I think my diary is open, I try to eat healthy most of the time, trying to concentrate on my calorie intake though