How Do I Block Feeling HUNGRY ALL.THE. TIME???



  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    I've been exercising and eating healthy foods for the past month and a half or so. Recently I can tell my metabolism has really spiked from all the activity and clean food. Great! But now I'm sooooo. friggin. HUNGRY. All the time. Constantly wanting to eat something. What are some tips and tricks you all use to get your mind off of the cravings to eat everything in sight?

    BTW... I'm not severely limiting my caloric intake, either. I get a healthy 1600-1900 calories per day. 2000 in the past couple of days. :/

    Someone already mentioned increasing your fiber... but another thing that would help is this...

    Drink more water.

    Most of us confuse hunger with thirst.

    So, drink a nice tall glass of water, wait an hour and see if the hunger pangs are still there, and just as strong.

    You'd be surprised at how fast a glass of water will satisfy what we thought was hunger.
  • stacey_mntx
    stacey_mntx Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks, all! I agree with the advice on water. I typically get 8-10 glasses, but know when exercising more is needed. Also - I drink a lot of coffee in the morning so that could also affect the water balance...