hello, how often do you weigh in ??

absofsteel Posts: 48
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I'm just after joining today. I'm just wondering how often you recomend I weigh in. Do most of you weigh in weekly or daily or whats the general feeling on this ?
Thanks :)


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think the general rule is once per week, on the same day, at the same time. And your usually at your lightest in the morning, before breakfast; so that's a good time!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    We're on the HCG protocol, so we're required to weigh in every morning after our first void. On a normal diet, the standard that I've always seen is once a week while also taking weekly measurements. Remember that the scale isn't always the best measure of success, especially if you are working out. You could be replacing fat stores with lean muscle mass and just not seeing the numbers change...or worse - going up.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I weigh in at about once a week, when I am feeling like a good week I might do a second one mid week
  • i weight every day, various times....I need to take it easy as it is really not changing, just fluctuating depending on how much I ate etc.

    I am hitting though below 80 all the time and before my fat loss diet I was hitting above 80 all the time at 83...so thats a good thing, at least 9 pounds lost there.
  • nolette
    nolette Posts: 5
    I agree with Jaimee... I've been weighing every Friday a.m. Prior to having breakfast.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have to admit that I weigh myself every morning for the first couple of weeks since you tend to see a bigger loss in the first couple of weeks (mostly water weight). But, seeing the decline everyday when I'm just starting out is super motivating!!
  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi , I weight in every day in the morning except Sunday. I do this just so I know if there was something different that I did the day before which didn't work well for my diet. This way I will not do it again. I don't however sweat if I didn't loss or even if I see a small increase. Each day is going to be different, but if you are following a well planned diet you will see the results. If I were you I would just keep doing what your doing b/c it seems to has been working well. Great job on your weight loss journey! :smile:
  • I am too scared to do it more than once a week! I am working so hard, I dont want to be discouraged by seeing it go up - cause I know that will be a shot in the gut to me! Once a week for now, maybe more later - but not until I really feel like I have control over this whole process :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    There's something to be said about regular weigh ins to help keep people on track. That said, the scale, at times, can be a true nemesis and can be destructive for those of us who work hard, watch our nutrition, and then are discouraged with the lack of results.

    Last year I did 3 rounds of P90X and in my 3rd round, I put the scale away for the entire 90 days. I took pictures and took measurements every 30 days and was really pleased with the results. I dropped 2 full pant's sizes, started getting some great abs, lost inches all over and really leaned out. When I finally got on the scales, I had only dropped 5 pounds. A PIDDLY FIVE POUNDS! If I had allowed the scale to be my only judge of progress, I would've beat myself up every week. It truly was the BEST lesson ever taught to me about fitness. Clearly, I had built considerable lean muscle mass and dropped body fat...my weight stayed the almost the same, but my body became much smaller.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Just spotted this now :wink:

    For me I weigh in once a week every Fri :bigsmile: I get up go to the loo and before I leave the bathroom I hop on the scales :smile:

    I do a few readings until I see 3 in a row that are the same just to be sure lol :drinker:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Every morning, after using the restroom, before getting dressed, and before eating or drinking ANYTHING.

    Only do this if you have nerves of steel. If you are going to get discouraged by gaining 3 lbs overnight don't weigh daily. If you understand and accept that fluctuations are normal (especially if you've eaten too much sodium or it's your TOM) then the articles below state that people who weigh in daily have better results.

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