Giving up diet soda



  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    Giving up soda was the kick I needed to get started on my journey to a better life. ALL of my losses have come after I quit soda. I used to drink a few bottles/cans a day. I'm all about water now. I have made it almost 16 months without one now.

    There is nothing controversial about it. Soda is total garbage! My life is much better without it. I am sure yours will be too.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    must affect people differently as I find that a Diet Dr.Pepper will kill a sweet craving for me. I do understand not wanting to be addicted to anything so good luck to you.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't understand this "addiction". Is it the caffeine, or something? Is it diet meth soda?

    I'm not trying to be a jerk - I just don't understand how something as innocuous as diet pop can be an actual addiction.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I gave up soda when I had my weight loss surgery. I thought it would be hard because I did drink a lot of diet coke every day, but I just stopped & haven't actually missed it. I don't really like plain water, so I drink a bunch of tea & crystal light now instead.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    This is going to be really hard to do but I'm going to give up Diet Coke. I'm really addicted & have been for about 25 years. Not sure even how to begin.

    Is there a specific reason why you are giving it up? just curious since it is such a controversial issue.

    Nothing controversial about it all, Any DIET Soda for starters just replaces sugar, salt with something that is not called Sugar, Salt and in some cases increases the dose of caffeine aswell making it more addictive while retaining a drinkable flavor. It's all bull****. They don't care about you they only care about selling drinks one way or another. Same goes for Diet/Fat reduced foods aswell they replace the "Fat" with extra sugar that is just as bad for you. Either way you are adding to your fat reserves and crave more.
  • jude4247
    jude4247 Posts: 4
    I love my Diet Pepsi. In January 2012 I gave up caffeine (well the kind in soda at least, and I'm not a coffee drinker.) I was finding I was having trouble sleeping and felt jittery sometimes. I must say no caffeine has helped with the jitters, I don't get those anymore. The sleeping, well that's another issue,

    But, I replaced the Diet Pepsi with caffeine to Diet Pepsi caffeine free and I am totally addicted. I will drink the equivalent to a few cans a day because I just really really like cola. I like water too, but I find it too boring sometimes (even when I use the flavored mix ins.)

    Recently, I read an article that said that diet pop could actually be halting your progress to lose weight and that diet pop and some other "flavored drinks" have an ingredient called potassium benzoate I think it's called that is used as a preservative and it can be very very bad for you(not to mention the aspartame that is also not the greatest for you either). That is has the potential to turn into a carcinogen in your body.

    Needless to say I have really been pondering whether or not to give up my diet pop addiction. I have some cans in the house right now (I have finished off the 2 liters I had). And I told myself I was not buying anymore. So once the cans are gone, they are gone and I will have to adjust to being a water girl. I know I will miss my pop now and then but I am going to try to go as pop free as I possibly can.

    As others have said and it's great advice, just take it one day at a time. I find that philosophy works well in most areas of life. Sometimes it's just way too hard to quit cold turkey so gradually cut back until you find you may not even crave it anymore. With others cold turkey is the only way to go. Whatever works best for you. And good luck.. We are all in this together. :)
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I gave it up for Lent and stuck to it those 40 days. I've had a few cans since, maybe 3 total, and just don't really like the taste now. I really have very little artificial sweetener now, so when I do, I can really taste it. Needed some caffeine today at work, so I bought a bottle of Cherry Coke Zero (formerly my favorite) drank half, and got rid of the rest, just didn't taste good. I now drink unsweetened iced tea when I want caffeine. You can do it, may just need to wean off of it. At one point in my life, I was drinking at least 6 cans a day or a 2 liter. When I was finished with one, I opened another. I think it was more of a habit than anything. So, just resolve to do it, I promise you can and you'll feel better for it (and save money!)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I don't understand this "addiction". Is it the caffeine, or something? Is it diet meth soda?

    I'm not trying to be a jerk - I just don't understand how something as innocuous as diet pop can be an actual addiction.

    anything can be an addiction. you could be addicted to chewing your nails or eating dryer lint not jsut common stuff like food and drugs, People's minds are weird and everyone is affected differently.

    but the main addictions are caffeine, sugar and fats all three put your body into hyper mode which gives your more energy but your mind then craves more to keep that energy level going, thats the basics of it

    ever wondered why there is caffeine and sugar added to just about everything that is processed? . because it's addictive to most people, no different then getting hooked on nicotine or mairjuana etc. they know it's bad for you but the body craves it once you get hooked
  • pegasus925
    pegasus925 Posts: 42 Member
    I think giving up diet coke will be hard. It's like my friend lol but I also notice it makes me hungry. I'm allergic to almost all fruit but thinking about flavored water or sparkling water
  • mattashbrock
    I also am in the process of eliminating soda (coke zero in my case). About 2 years ago i finally switched from regular coke to coke zero, something i thought would never be possible for me. Now it's time to get rid of the coke zero. One day at a time..... I feel ya.
  • Penfoldsplace
    If don't want to go cold turkey then how about trying just eliminating any from the house but allowing yourself the occasional soda if you eat out, then you might lose the taste for it and start to order something different anyway. You might get headaches at first because of the caffeine withdrawal but once thats over it shouldn't be as difficult.

    Personally nothing will come between me and my soda :) I have pepsi max cherry most days but I find it stops me snacking on calorific sweet things. If I really want chocolate or sweets I have a small glass of pepsi max.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Drink less and less each day
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You're allergic to fruit? :O
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Is it possible to be addicted to soda? I go between Diet Coke and Coke Zero.

    I think what it is for me is the sweetness and the fizzies. I can get sweetness from juice, but no fizzies. The drink I do miss is New York Seltzer. I used to be able to get 1-liter bottles of that in the 1980s.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    You will so glad you gave it up! I used to have a can of Diet Coke a day and thought that wasn't so bad. But once I gave it up, I realized I wasn't having the cravings for sweets and gas issues like I used to. I'll have an occasional one here and there, but I've definitely kicked the habit (and kept it kicked for about 3 years now). You can too!!!
  • Mom4Liz
    Mom4Liz Posts: 55
    Is it possible to be addicted to soda? I go between Diet Coke and Coke Zero.

    I think what it is for me is the sweetness and the fizzies. I can get sweetness from juice, but no fizzies. The drink I do miss is New York Seltzer. I used to be able to get 1-liter bottles of that in the 1980s.

    I think it is possible. It could be the caffeine. I used to have a Diet Pepsi habit and when I quit drinking it it took me several attempts. By day 3 I would get the worst headaches. I have a good friend who had the same experience. I'm not a coffee drinker so it was my main source of caffeine. I thought maybe it was some kind of withdrawal symptom.
  • Oncebittentwiceshy38
    Oncebittentwiceshy38 Posts: 127 Member
    This is going to be really hard to do but I'm going to give up Diet Coke. I'm really addicted & have been for about 25 years. Not sure even how to begin.

    This pic made me smile! haha!

    I'm thinking about giving up sugar free frappes...have been telling myself it's ok since they are "sugar free"...they are not calorie free though and they have become a habit to me as well. I'm going to cut down to one a week. Have been having one every day. :blushing:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I had a Diet Dr. Pepper addiction. I used water and peach tea to break myself of it. I finally broke myself away from peach tea. Oh, I had a Diet Dr. pepper today, my first one in two weeks. You can do it.
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    I did the same thing last Tuesday and the first day was killer, but I put a pouch of green tea in a tall traveling plastic container with ice and water and sipped throughout the day. In the morning i am allowing 2-4 cups of coffee only...believe it or not, I now do not miss the soda because as a result of not having the Sodium I have finally broken a plateau.

    If you want to friend or message for more support, feel free...stay strong!
  • under1star
    Yes indeed diet soda the worst enemy in a diet. I religously drink diet ginger ale or diet root beer. My dietcian said it was sabotaging my weight loss. I hear you though and I'm in the same problem. I have to stop by havng 1 per day and I was suggested to purchase a Soda Stream since I'm more addicted to the bubbles lower in sodium then purchasing in the can. You add some Mio or crystal light, fresh lemons,mint leaves or cucumbers.The more fluids you drink the more fat and toxns come out of body! Good luck keep us posted on the diet soda's.