Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis...anyone try it???



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Darn ... Have been hoping to hear how you all are doing with your workouts. I skipped Tracy for a couple of days and did group fitness classes instead, then took the weekend off. Back today - did 40 minutes of dance cardio and the day 1-10 series, 35 reps. That workout is hard!! Not exactly p90x or insanity level hard, but it's not just a walk in the park either..
  • rachelmof
    rachelmof Posts: 51
    Hey! I just finished day 35 of abcentric Metamorphosis, and I've now lost 9.2 pounds total, 1.8 this week! I'm jumping for joy :) My new regime is Metamorphosis six days a week and Shakeology for breakfast everyday. It's a killer combo and doing wonders! I just bought my first pair of smaller size jeans :)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok, here's my update.

    I got through nine days of the first transformation dvd and got sick :o( had a cough, so I didn't workout at all for a week and a half. During the first nine days, I gave her dance cardio a good few days in a row try and decided that it wasn't for me. I hate dancing! just not a fan. The whole time i'm thinking about when I can quit and hwo much longer I have to jump around. I figured this is NOT helping my progress! I shouldn't look at exercise like that. So I started doing other cardio dvds for a half hour after I did the muscle work. However, I got sick! so like I said I stopped. I'm back at it as of yesterday, started back at day one! I rotate cardio dvds, so I'm currently doing jillian michaels banish fat/boost metabolism, mtv's power yoga, and crunch bikini body. I'm hunting for one or two more to swap also. I also decided I really don't like the music on her dvd! I listen to my own, and that helps pump me up. Also I noticed my knees are getting a little chaffed so I'm going to try putting a folded blanket or small pillow under the supporting knee for all the leg work. Aside from exercising I'm still not doing her diet and don't plan on trying it- I'm still following MFP's recommendations. For awhile there I tried zigzagging calories but I'm going to go back to eating my full sedentary 1280 cals and then eating whatever I get from exercise and logging my miles walked at work according to my pedometer- so doing my best to eat back my exercise calories. I figure it's worked for so many people on here I should really give it a serious try.

    So, conclusion.... I'm a tracy fan of course, But i think i prefer her mat dvd!! I miss doing it. I'm going to give the metamorphosis a good try though- at least get through the 90 days of the muscle work and substitute my own cardio dvds everyday (cuz who wants to force themselves to do dance cardio when they don't like it?) I figure after getting through the 90 days of tranformation dvds my opinion might change, especially once I get to change dvds! ha. I've still not done anything past the first dvd!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the review so far. Sounds like you gave the dance cardio a good try at least. I'm attempting to use her 30 day method workouts and find myself wondering how long before I get reall sick of the dance cardio. I don't mind it too much but I have to do each segment twice to get enough cardio in. I think it will help to supplement with zumba, hip hop class, an occasional run and if I want to feel bad-*kitten*, some Jillian!

    My other complaint about the 30 day method is that it's very time consuming. 40 mins of cardio and a little over an hour on the may. I really like the results though so I don't want to ditch this workout - but just thinking about nearly 2'hrs can be daunting. Is that why Nike says "Just Do It" ? For this reason I think Metamorphosis could be good for me.'just an hour. I can totally handle an hour.

    Hope you are feeling better!! Thanks again for the update!
  • I love her workouts personally. I first found her looking for hard cardio. I was a kickboxer for 4 years till I couldn't afford it so it takes a lot to get me sweating and her cardio does the trick. There is not very much instruction which I like and partially because the workout is so fast and intense. After a week of it I have the moves down. in her 90day methods she recomends 1hour of activity a day 6days a week. 30Minutes of intense cardio and 30 minutes of Pilates like work. also her diet is mainly lacking processed foods. If you are small like 5 feet and 110lbs like me I eat between 800-1000 calories anyway but if you are larger like most people and if you want to stick to her meal plan eat moreof her diet. Its anti-inflamatory and easy to burn. When i get hungry i just eat more veggies and lean meat. The point is to get you off of the sugars and processed food. She also says to only follow it for the first 30-90 days after that you just eat healthy.
    Her point is to get you the results fast which is what her clients want. I personally don't need mine fast so I just eat well and do the regiment. But if you want the results in 30days then you may have to sacrifice your health to achieve it. Her 90day method seems more healthy and practical but still makesure to eat enough so your body doesn't eat your muscle or put you in starvation mode.
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