Ok, Im scared! (Thyroid)



  • treenuh_x
    treenuh_x Posts: 94 Member
    It's just a matter of getting tested. I suspected I had hypothyroidism due to a number of symptoms, went to my doctor, got blood work done, and lo and behold - I have hypothyroidism. I am on medication for it now that is very cheap to get, and it is controlling it beautifully. Just get it taken care of, and it will not be a big deal.
  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    I am very hypo right now, TSH is in the upper 90's (supposed to be .4 to 4). I am losing weight just is harder and I have to be more focused. My thyroid was removed in Dec 2012 and initially I gained 30 lbs right away......working on getting it off now. No thyroid or hypo is not an excuse for me to gain out of control. Please talk to your Dr just to rule it out. As you said hair loss could be shampoo or nutrition or anxiety. Hope you get some answers!
  • sarcosis1
    sarcosis1 Posts: 42
    I have hypothyroidism and for years I struggled with my weight but now I have lost 74lbs and still losing. It's hard going but it can be done, but keep in mind I am on medication for my thyroid now where when I wasn't, I couldn't lose at all, I just kept gaining. If you're concerned that you have a thyroid problem, get it checked out.
  • jvolpegulley
    I wss diagnosed with "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis" about 10 years ago. It's an auto-immune disease where my thyroid is slowly destroying itself however my doctor won't treat because my blood levels are in the normal range. Until they bottom out she won't put me on any type of hormone. I have a hard time losing weight. I've dropped 12 lbs over the last 4 months but I've plateaued and have just been maintaining. It's frustrating to have a condition that doctor won't treat and yes I've gotten 2nd and third opinions.......GRRRRRRR........
  • mozzart89
    mozzart89 Posts: 3 Member
    Go see a doctor! I'd rather say that a person with undiagnosed hypothyroidism would have much more difficulties losing weight that a healthy person.
    If you have thyroid issues - don't be scared, I'm pretty sure it can be controlled...
    But do get a thorough check from a specialist.
    Unless it's very, very severe - it should not stop you from doing your workouts or anything - so keep up :) I hope you'll turn out to be just fine :)
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Nothing to be afraid of.
    I take a daily pill and have been able to stay in shape using a sensible diet [high protein, lower carbs--about half of what MFP suggests] and lots of exercise.

    I had no idea I had a thyroid problem until my doctor told me--I was resistant to taking medication of any sort, but I feel so much better that I'm glad I took that route.
    Good luck.
  • ecassidy1974
    ecassidy1974 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be scared! Go to your family doctor and explain symptoms! Blood work confirms whether or not your thyroid is having issues. I have Hypo-thyroid....for 7 years now. My weight has gone up and down all my life...but keep working out and eating well! Hope all goes well!