Tell a Secret

autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
What is something you've wanted to get off your chest or just something in general you want to share but have kept secret from the people you know?

Since we're strangers to each other, here's your perfect opportunity to share.


  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I'll start.

    To get over my sugar cravings, I plan to start taking the free sugary treats lying around in my office and store them in my cubby. I don't want to eat them, but just knowing I have them will make me happy (or at least I hope so).
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    sugary treats hoarding is not too exciting of a secret. haha
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Haha, ok, another secret:
    I've had work done on my face. You can guess where. :P
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Hmmm, I like secrets. Okay.
    My best friend is having a baby GIRL. I'm the only one who knows.
    >:3 Not anymore.

    I pretended to be a gay guy's girlfriend so his parents wouldn't kick him out for 2 years..they still think he's straight </3 It's very sad.

    I can't ride a bike :C
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I secretly hope the planets will align in such a way that the following jeans will be back in style just in time when I hit my goal weight. high-waisted-flare-ditto-jeans-blues-and-shoes.png
    ETA: logo
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Hahah, lol!

    Other secrets:

    I drool in my sleep. I just can't help it!

    I am obsessed with Megan Fox, more than any guy I know.

    I like being "petted" like a dog (by my boyfriend).
  • LandonRand
    LandonRand Posts: 166
    I have a secret crush on a colleague I work with. I know I will never pursue it because it would make for a strange work environment, but it's still there. :)
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    i cry everytime i watch the movie Selena lol. ps i never cry for anything
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Uh, hell to the no. I got secrets can't leave Cancun.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I am pretty sure that I have OCD but am too afraid to go talk to someone and find out for sure.

    When I was little, I gave myself a swirly. Don't ask why. I'm sure I can't tell you.
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    This is really embarrassing but i spooned/ cuddled with a boy who may or may or may not be my cousin (not sure, possibly pumpkin vine) when i was drunk & he's younger than me & ........................................... (runs & hides)
  • SweetLove1988
    SweetLove1988 Posts: 353 Member
    I am OCD, most of the people in my life just think I am a clean freak.
    I can have a full conversation with someone while I am a sleep and not remember a word I said.
    I have a fear of garden gnomes (no ones know, well until
    When I was little I use to hide sweets in a bear that had a zipper in the back
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You crazy? You think I'm going to give up my secrets on mfp?!!?

    No one knows my secrets!
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    Haha i drink from a sibby cup if i cant sleep...
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have to use the same exercise machine every time I go to the gym or I
    Will feel awkward. Kinda feel like Sheldon in away from Big Bang theory.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I write fanfiction.

  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    i think about sex allllllllllll the time.. i'm such a perv :embarassed:
  • leejusd
    leejusd Posts: 81
    i think about sex allllllllllll the time.. i'm such a perv :embarassed:

    I'm fairly sure you are not alone with that.
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Sex secrets!
    In high school, I got caught giving a guy a handjob outside of a classroom by my Dean of Students.
    It was an awkward conversation...
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    When I go over my calories, I don't log that day haha...