My First 5K Mud Run - Lessons Learned (Pics)



  • dcander2
    dcander2 Posts: 19
    What an awesome post! I've definitely read, many times in many places, that both the elliptical trainer and the treadmill (to a lesser extent) are no substitute for running outdoors and having to adjust to all the little inconsistencies that both the sidewalk and the trail offer. I can only imagine how tough your mud run would've been. Thank you so much for the share, both for the information and the inspiration!

    This is true! I can run faster and longer on a treadmill but once outside it's a different story. So always if you can run outside and find hills! I'm one of those people addicted to obstacle course races and i always struggle through the running because I never prepare enough! ugh. If you must run on a treadmill though change the incline, don't do it with zero incline. Make it go up & down or do one of the interval programs so you'll be more acclimated to actual conditions outdoors.

    Kudos to you, awesome job finishing. One of my favorite things about these is that it is a team effort and there is a LOT of comraderie. I love that your teammates waited for you, they are awesome as well! Enjoy the one in November! :)
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    Awesome job on finishing! Congratulations!!

    I did my first 5K Mud Run yesterday as well :)
    My team was 1 women over 50, 1 in her 40's and one in her early 30's and myself and I turned 40 this year. We did the same - we all waited for each other at each obstacle and tried to help as much as possible. I had a very hard time as I am not even 5 foot tall and found a lot of the obstacles were definitely not made for short people like me. I also felt I wasn't nearly as ready for it even though I've been running intervals on the treadmill and lifting much heavier than I ever have. I also have quite a bit of weight to lose.
    It was an amazing feeling to finish in the end!! I'm not sure I'll do it again next year but I plan to be smaller and much stronger by then so we will see :)
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    GREAT post! Amazing perseverance and determination! So glad you proved to yourself, to your group, and reiterated to everyone on here that you can do anything you put your mind to!! And my God what a great group of girls who waited. Super awesome stuff!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Yeah…My team (Peace, Love & Mud) was AMAZING! :heart: I couldn’t have done it without them!

    @ csheltra - Congrats to you!!!! What a feeling, huh? :bigsmile: I have SO much respect for anyone that can fly through a 5K with ease!

    If anyone ever says, “ONLY a 5K” they must be marathon runners! I know that when I felt the most tired, I limp-jogged my way past race staff who were cheering, “You’re half way there!!!” and I could only think, “Oh, CRAP!” :laugh:

    Another thanks to everyone that had kind words…Maybe it wasn’t such a fail, after all. :blushing:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Late to the party, but.... I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    Congratulations on finishing and thanks so much for sharing! I too have signed up for my first mud run this September. I've seen pictures and talked with friends and family who have done it and they all loved it, so I've made it my goal. I will change my routine now thanks to your lessons learned :smile:
  • Thank you for your honest post. I am signed up to do a 5K obstacle course at the end of July and to be honest, it is what motivated me. I am doing the c25k (I am on week 4), but I know I have to do something about my upper body strength. I loved the determination you have and to be quite honest I am counting your first mud run as a Win! because you did. Next time you will excell at it!!
  • MrsSAJones
    MrsSAJones Posts: 8 Member
    Really glad I read this. I'm doing a Spartan Race in August and it's somewhat similar. It's 5 kms and has obstacles, including fire. I have just completed the couch to 5k as well, but it's been on a treadmill. I'm taking it outside as soon as spring actually comes. I also plan on now doing some heavy weight training. Thanks for the honest insight from someone who is older like me.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Really glad I read this. I'm doing a Spartan Race in August and it's somewhat similar. It's 5 kms and has obstacles, including fire. I have just completed the couch to 5k as well, but it's been on a treadmill. I'm taking it outside as soon as spring actually comes. I also plan on now doing some heavy weight training. Thanks for the honest insight from someone who is older like me.

    I am soooo glad that sharing my experience is going to be of some help to some of you ladies make it through yours!

    MrsSAJones, I told the girls that my goal is to make getting older look GOOOOD! I think I have gotten a fairly good start. It is harder than making it look mediocre, haha. Weight training is amazing! I have lost more inches in my waist and hips from lifting than anything else I have ever done!
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    congratulations and thank you for your post- am grateful for your training tips, as doing my first in sept.
  • haleyjester
    haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
    Jogging multiple Island Laps on Wii Fit in place, in your living room, is probably not going to help much, either.

    This made me crack up, just because I probably would have done that thinking the same thing. I have started jogging in our local park and its tough...I am doing a 5K Dirty Girl Mud Run in August and am looking forward to it
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    Wow! I am so inspired by your post. I've always wanted to try one of these, but have always feared that I'm just not tough enough! You have inspired me to consider signing up, for REAL this time!
  • stargirl37
    stargirl37 Posts: 8 Member
    Great post and thanks for the tips. I signed up for my first 5k not mud run and I am in week 2 of c25k. I already have figured out I have shin splints and I think I have a heel spur. I really need to make my way to the doctor for the foot issue. The shin splints I have been resting and doing strengthing exercises. Your post is a great reminder that I need to listen to my body!
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    First; you put Rockie to shame! You have the heart of a LION (and the Eye of the Tiger)!:smile:
    Second; thank you for the advice!

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  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    What an accomplishment! I have to completely agree about the elliptical. I tried that to prepare for my PT test while in the Army Reserves - EPIC FAIL. :laugh:

    Your SW and CW are very close to my own and I am 5'7".

    If you don't mind me asking, which mud run did you do? There was a mud run "Winnie Wars" where I live that I planned on signing up for and then just didn't. I really want to do one, but don't want to do it by myself and I really don't have any friends that would likely go along with me. They have another in November and I'm determined to do it! If this is the one you are going to do, maybe I can join you! *fingers crossed*

    Again, awesome job, especially considering your injury!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Awesome....I love how they waited for you and you all finished together :)
  • crossfit_lover
    crossfit_lover Posts: 230 Member
    Proud of you! All about those memories
  • annlsinger
    annlsinger Posts: 27 Member
    I am so glad that this post has been well received. I hesitated clicking the post button, but glad I did.

    Our kind words have taken a lot of the sting out of how I feel about my performance. :flowerforyou:

    OMG--I think your performance was amazing. Not to mention how brave you were to sign up and not only attempt the mud run....but, to do it. To finish STRONG. You are awesome, amazing and fierce and you should be very proud. I hope when I do my first 5K (not a mud run--straight 5K, no obstacles) I'll have as good of a report.

  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    Thank you for this! I'm doing the warrior dash again this year (August 3rd!!!) and you have told me what helps and what doesn't!

    Glad to know the elliptical doesn't help with a whole lot. I will be super by the time I hit August...or so I hope. Just imagine the Tough Mudder run thing ;) That could be your next goal since you said you like climbing things :)
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Great post!! Congrats on getting it done and finishing!

    I share you feelings (I think) on mud runs - they are not the "great time" and "super fun" that many people say they are but it is a challenging, hard workout. I finished one last and doing it again this year - call it self punishment. :bigsmile:

    You finished, you didn't do as well as you hoped but you still did it!! Rock on girl! Be PROUD!!!
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