For every 5 lbs I lose. . .



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    for me, stepping on the scale and seeing a drop in weight is the reward for my hard work at living more healthy. Clothing getting too loose is also a reward.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Slowly gaining self-confidence is reward in itself to me.
  • Bookaholic88
    Bookaholic88 Posts: 106 Member
    I bought myself a HRM as a reward for finishing the 30 Day Shred, was a great motivator for days when i just did not want to do it
  • KLSG23
    KLSG23 Posts: 32 Member
    I told myself that when i break the 160 mark, I'm getting new sneakers. I stepped on the scale yesterday and I'm 1/2 a lb away......what a I'm guessing that goal is going to be achieved by next week. I'm thinking I better set up the next one. I like the "new tattoo" idea.
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    I've decided for every 14lb I lose I'm going to pamper myself so ... Next weekend I'm having a manicure and as I'm in credit at the moment I only need to lose another 6lb for eyebrow waxing (not sure if that's a treat though lol)
  • Noenvynofear
    Noenvynofear Posts: 137 Member
    5: dying my hair
    10: new sexy underwear set
    15: new jeans
    20: new wardrobe, nothing will fit
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    I don't have much money to be "rewarding" myself but I'd really like to get a good heart rate monitor here soon.
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member

    I'm 2.4 pounds away from a takoyaki maker. That would put me at 125 pounds.

    Then if I reach my big goal (115), I get my very first DSLR camera!

    Also, I reward myself with new clothes that fits better. :)
  • jules1506
    jules1506 Posts: 22
    Excellent idea. I'm disheartened by all of you's that are buying new clothes after losing 20 pounds, I've already lost that but all my clothes still fit me :( Granted I'm 6'3 and weigh 250 (currently). For anyone to notice that I've lost weight I'm guessing that I'd need to lose at least another 20 so maybe I'll set my mini goals for every 10pounds. Already 'treated' myself to fit britches to help smooth out my appearance and they are meant to help with cellulite which I have in abundance lol xx
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I like the idea (and love Doctor Who, lol). For me I think the big reward will be new clothes when I hit my goal weight. And I guess buying a couple things every time I lose 2 sizes (I've found I can fit in most of my 18s still, and 14s, even though those are tight. I'm not going to waste money on 16s).
  • Brianna72994
    I have a jar and every time I have a good work out, I put a dollar in, or however much I can afford. When I reach my goal I'll use it for a shopping spree!
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    awesome ideas...

    Ive been rewarding my workouts by riding my stationary bike during doctor who on saturday nights.

    -5lbs new skirt at goodwill
    -10 lbs buy a book
    -15 lbs new bathing suit
    -20 lbs buy an outdoor bike. or a gym membership
    -30 lbs - finally start thinking about having our 3rd child. (at risk for diabetes right now...need to lose the weight so the kid is healthier too.)
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    As mentioned on another thread, every 7lb off I have a Panini for lunch (I'm soooo cheap!)

    Clothes I don't worry about as I still have loads from when I was putting all the weight on though when I do reach goal I will treat myself to a leather Barbour motorcycle jacket as I've wanted one for a while, Didn't seem to be much point in getting one while I was fat as it has a belt but I didn't have a waist lol
  • sammyantics
    sammyantics Posts: 191 Member
    This inspired me to make a list of rewards for myself. Currently I'm at about 210lbs, with a goal of 150 (5'10). Here's what I have so far:
    When I reach…
    205 lbs. I will enjoy a milkshake.
    200 lbs. I will buy a new set of gauges. ($20)
    195 lbs. I will go out to dinner.
    190 lbs. I will take a 3-day weekend.
    185 lbs. I will buy sexy lingerie.
    180 lbs. I will get my nails done.
    175 lbs. I will buy myself a present.
    170 lbs. I will get a small tattoo.
    165 lbs. I will visit my family in NJ.
    160 lbs. I will go on a shopping spree because NONE of my clothes will fit anymore.
    155 lbs. I will take a day off, rent a fancy Zipcar and drive somewhere by myself. (Maybe Walden Pond if it's still nice weather)
    150 lbs. I will get a big tattoo and a bikini (even if it's winter.)
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    clothes n under garments lol
  • sammyantics
    sammyantics Posts: 191 Member
    The best part of having lots of weight to lose? LOTS of rewards along the way.
  • insilence88
    I have a list, lol.
    -5 = new baby cactus.
    -10 = getting my nails done for the first time :p
    -15 = a new robe
    -20 = new bras
    -25= new glasses
    -30= star wars monopoly
    -35 = repainting my room
    -40 = a new bed set
    -45= A bathing suit
    -50 = New tattoo :D

    - 30 Star Wars monopoly, LOVE IT! :D
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I set a 50 pound goal of a tattoo i have wanted for about 10 years but could not rationalize away the cost. (She is in my ticker)

    Once I get to my final goal - that of being fit enough to wear a two piece bathing suit in public, I think I will get vision correction surgery so I can get rid of my glasses.
  • dconnolly818
    dconnolly818 Posts: 43 Member
    Great reward, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Doctor Who! I've been using my old 'skinny' clothes as a reward so far, but pretty soon I'm going to have to come up with a new system, love reading everyone else's ideas!
  • Phoenix212
    Phoenix212 Posts: 54 Member
    When I break 140 (hopefully in the next couple weeks!) I'm getting a sexy red/black lace dress that I can rock in Vegas this summer :3