Any Family success stories?



  • My Niece Sonya has lost 108 lbs so far just by using my fitness pal! I am so proud of her, it took a little over a year but she keeps going. I myself have lost the 10 lbs I have been trying to lose for years and my sister Helen has lost 25 lbs using my fitness pal!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I don't know how inspirational my story is because there's nothing particularly magical about it. I was morbidly obese a year ago and my husband was seriously overweight. I started my journey with WLS (had VSG in December 2012) and have lost 88 or so pounds (I only weigh every two weeks). My husband, who had worked from home for 3 years and had put on a lot of weight started a new job where he is out of the house and more active, has dropped about 25 pounds. I have to select the right foods (think lean protein and few carbs) and I go to the gym for the elliptical and Zumba 3-5 days a week depending on my schedule. I also am completing an internship at a hospital where I am on my feet 80% of the time. We are pretty happy with the way our health is improving!

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My husband and I are on the journey together. We have tried separately in the past and failed so this time we decided to do it together. So on January 7th we both set our minds on getting healthy. Although our eating habits are completely opposite (he's doing low carb, I'm counting calories) we work out together every day at the gym at his work. We even bring our 4 year old daughter with us. She enjoys using the skipping ropes and building towers from the free are we 12 weeks he has gone from 281 to 240 (total loss of 41 lbs) and I have gone from 300.2 to 261.2 (total loss of 39 lbs). He would like to lose another 40 lbs or so and I have 66 lbs to go until my first goal of weighing 195 lbs. I know as long as we keep working at it together we can do it. :)

    It has done wonders for our marriage.

    This is utterly impressive and tremendous! I LOVE how you guys are not only getting fit physically, but your marriage improving is just beautiful and I'm so GLAD you've posted this! I'm proud of you guys!!! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    My husband and I decided this year we were taking control of our health and making it a priority. It has been SO MUCH easier with his support and doing it together. We arent tempted by what the other is eating and we plan meals together, think of new recipes, etc. Although, our gym schedules are different, we try to find times where we can workout together. So far this year, he's lost about 40 lbs and I'm not too far behind with about 35 lb loss.

    We are just counting calories and going to the gym. It remains a little competitive for us and I've learned to accept that he can eat fast food and drink beer and still do great on the scale :huh:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I started losing weight and about half way to my goal my husband jumped on board. Now it's a race to the finish to see who gets to their goal faster. lol Together we've lost over 100lbs, and we're hoping to both lose our last 20 or so lbs each. He's kinda fallen off the wagon a little, so I keep teasing him I'll get there faster as motivation for him. Both of our moms have been inspired by my weight loss. They know it's mostly through calorie restriction and light cardio, so it's given them hope as they have more joint problems. They've both lost between 5-20lbs. I originally got started after seeing how easy it was for my siblings to lose weight. I thought, well if my younger brother can do it that easily, it must be simple. lol

    I really appreciated it when my husband jumped on board because it made it easier for me to stay motivated. Congrats to all of you fit families!

    Wow, this is the most beautiful and fun competition EVER. You guys are a super inspiration and to inspire your moms to lose it's nothing less than tremendous--You guys ROCK!:drinker:
  • dale38fan
    dale38fan Posts: 16 Member
    My daughter and I are in this together. We started the beginning of the year and my daughter has lost 40 pounds to date and I have lost 34 pounds. We have started the C25K and although it is a struggle for me, we are doing each and I am more and more proud each day.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    My wife and I are taking the journey together. One day in a couple of months ago we were doing grocery shopping. For no reason at all (well other than we were overweight) we decided to make the change.

    Oh oh! I thought it was only me that had no real reason which prompted my lifestyle change!! ^_^

    Well, my sis really needs to put on weight rather than lose it. My mum (who could probably lose a little) is just pleased that her "fat" daughter has finally decided to do something. My dad has always had to keep some semblance of fitness anyway cos he's in the Navy XDD

    And 2 months after I started, and after confirming that I was still eating normally and healthily, my SO joined me on MFP! Yay ^___^
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Not yet, but it's coming!

    I've been here since the last day in August. Down 45ish lbs ..
    My father started last month, and he's down over 10lbs
    My brother started a few weeks ago and he's down about 10lbs
    My husband started 2 weeks ago and he's down 8lbs.

    We're all feeling fantastic and know we'll look fantastic in time!!
  • teamike
    teamike Posts: 83 Member
    My wife and I have both lost over 20 pounds each since the beginning of Feb. Our son (13 yrs old) is as skinny as a bean pole and our daughter (19 yrs old) might weigh 115 ponds.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I've been heavy ... no, be truthful... FAT... most of my life. Growing up in the country, I was very muscular, and when you add in that we also had horses, and my uncle often supplemented his income with bucking hay for near by growers and/or farmers and the kids got drafted, I had LOTS of exercise that built up a solid base of muscle and bone density. Until the family moved to the city, and I had nowhere to actually work off the excess energy, no desire to go "out" and do things, and generally turned into an absolute hermit. I maintained the basic ability to lift just about anything heavy I wanted - up to, and including those heavy square bales (the ones in the 75 lb range), but I didn't have the endurance any more to do it hour after hour. This caused me to slow down, and SIT down even more. Then, biology caught up with me - dad's side of the family had diabetes popping up in my generation. And, I am one of the ones who got caught.

    With this diagnosis, an inability to handle the meds, something HAD to change, and change FAST. So, as of December last year, I re-dedicated myself to MFP. I'd been a member since January when the weight mysteriously started dropping off, but hadn't been serious about it until December. Dad's one of the best sorts - if it's cooked, and it tastes fairly reasonable, he'll eat what's in front of him. He just has the appetite of a bird! (No matter what is cooked, so it's not because he doesn't like it.) When I started making a serious commitment, and actually hit a first mile stone of 360 (down about 50 pounds) mom decided to give MFP a try.

    Mom and I have tried before to loose weight through just about every conceivable method available. (Notably WW - back fired on me, Carb Addicts Diet - great success, until I reintroduced carbs, then back fire, Adkins - again, great success until phasing back in the carbs - back fire, Protein power - see above, you get the idea). But, with the weight continuing to come off, mom wanted to see if this was something SHE could do as well. She's pretty much stated "I've lived this long, and if I'm going to be fat, then I'll just be fat."

    She quit MFP as a constant logging sight, because she found food was dominating her life, not her dominating the food. (I can perfectly understand! She's retired, and deserves to be able to do things she WANTS to do, not things she's obsessing over.) But, along the way, she's become my biggest fan, staunchest supporter, and best motivator. She hadn't given up on the idea of loosing weight, and has since found another way that works for her.

    However! With that said (and, I do apologize for this being so long, it's all back ground for this...)

    Because I HAD to change MY eating habits, the FAMILY has changed theirs to support me in my necessary life style changes. If the menu has something carb laced (pasta, buns, rice, potatoes, what have you) mom either will walk me through making my chosen alternative (usually either fried cabbage or spaghetti squash for noodles, or cauliflower for rice and potatoes) or will go ahead and cook it while she's making the rest of the meal. And, in the process, she's lost close to 28 pounds.

    I've lost over 100 now, and still have a ways to go before I reach what I think is going to be my ultimate goal weight. But, I know that no matter how hard it is, my parents are there to make sure I reach it. And, things that are not-so-healthy have some how mysteriously vanished off our grocery list. (Except for dad's candy and fig newtons, which I can't stand the taste of.) The few times they bring in something that would be a massive attractant for me, they make sure it doesn't last, and TRY to make sure I don't know it was there. (Usually by bringing over my aunt and uncle to eat it all before I find out!)

    Truly, it's not a full-fledged MFP success, but the overall result of everyone in the family eating healthier, and being more conscious of what comes in the door in the groceries IS all from MFP and the diabetes that decided I won that particular unwanted door prize.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been heavy ... no, be truthful... FAT... most of my life. Growing up in the country, I was very muscular, and when you add in that we also had horses, and my uncle often supplemented his income with bucking hay for near by growers and/or farmers and the kids got drafted, I had LOTS of exercise that built up a solid base of muscle and bone density. Until the family moved to the city, and I had nowhere to actually work off the excess energy, no desire to go "out" and do things, and generally turned into an absolute hermit. I maintained the basic ability to lift just about anything heavy I wanted - up to, and including those heavy square bales (the ones in the 75 lb range), but I didn't have the endurance any more to do it hour after hour. This caused me to slow down, and SIT down even more. Then, biology caught up with me - dad's side of the family had diabetes popping up in my generation. And, I am one of the ones who got caught.

    With this diagnosis, an inability to handle the meds, something HAD to change, and change FAST. So, as of December last year, I re-dedicated myself to MFP. I'd been a member since January when the weight mysteriously started dropping off, but hadn't been serious about it until December. Dad's one of the best sorts - if it's cooked, and it tastes fairly reasonable, he'll eat what's in front of him. He just has the appetite of a bird! (No matter what is cooked, so it's not because he doesn't like it.) When I started making a serious commitment, and actually hit a first mile stone of 360 (down about 50 pounds) mom decided to give MFP a try.

    Mom and I have tried before to loose weight through just about every conceivable method available. (Notably WW - back fired on me, Carb Addicts Diet - great success, until I reintroduced carbs, then back fire, Adkins - again, great success until phasing back in the carbs - back fire, Protein power - see above, you get the idea). But, with the weight continuing to come off, mom wanted to see if this was something SHE could do as well. She's pretty much stated "I've lived this long, and if I'm going to be fat, then I'll just be fat."

    She quit MFP as a constant logging sight, because she found food was dominating her life, not her dominating the food. (I can perfectly understand! She's retired, and deserves to be able to do things she WANTS to do, not things she's obsessing over.) But, along the way, she's become my biggest fan, staunchest supporter, and best motivator. She hadn't given up on the idea of loosing weight, and has since found another way that works for her.

    However! With that said (and, I do apologize for this being so long, it's all back ground for this...)

    Because I HAD to change MY eating habits, the FAMILY has changed theirs to support me in my necessary life style changes. If the menu has something carb laced (pasta, buns, rice, potatoes, what have you) mom either will walk me through making my chosen alternative (usually either fried cabbage or spaghetti squash for noodles, or cauliflower for rice and potatoes) or will go ahead and cook it while she's making the rest of the meal. And, in the process, she's lost close to 28 pounds.

    I've lost over 100 now, and still have a ways to go before I reach what I think is going to be my ultimate goal weight. But, I know that no matter how hard it is, my parents are there to make sure I reach it. And, things that are not-so-healthy have some how mysteriously vanished off our grocery list. (Except for dad's candy and fig newtons, which I can't stand the taste of.) The few times they bring in something that would be a massive attractant for me, they make sure it doesn't last, and TRY to make sure I don't know it was there. (Usually by bringing over my aunt and uncle to eat it all before I find out!)

    Truly, it's not a full-fledged MFP success, but the overall result of everyone in the family eating healthier, and being more conscious of what comes in the door in the groceries IS all from MFP and the diabetes that decided I won that particular unwanted door prize.

    Wow...just WOW!!!! What a winner you are, from the beginning of your post "I've been heavy ... no, be truthful... FAT... most of my life. When I read that, rock. Until the end of your post....just plain wonderful and 78lbs lost forever is truly fabulous! WOOT!!!!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I've been heavy ... no, be truthful... FAT... most of my life. Growing up in the country, I was very muscular, and when you add in that we also had horses, and my uncle often supplemented his income with bucking hay for near by growers and/or farmers and the kids got drafted, I had LOTS of exercise that built up a solid base of muscle and bone density. Until the family moved to the city, and I had nowhere to actually work off the excess energy, no desire to go "out" and do things, and generally turned into an absolute hermit. I maintained the basic ability to lift just about anything heavy I wanted - up to, and including those heavy square bales (the ones in the 75 lb range), but I didn't have the endurance any more to do it hour after hour. This caused me to slow down, and SIT down even more. Then, biology caught up with me - dad's side of the family had diabetes popping up in my generation. And, I am one of the ones who got caught.

    With this diagnosis, an inability to handle the meds, something HAD to change, and change FAST. So, as of December last year, I re-dedicated myself to MFP. I'd been a member since January when the weight mysteriously started dropping off, but hadn't been serious about it until December. Dad's one of the best sorts - if it's cooked, and it tastes fairly reasonable, he'll eat what's in front of him. He just has the appetite of a bird! (No matter what is cooked, so it's not because he doesn't like it.) When I started making a serious commitment, and actually hit a first mile stone of 360 (down about 50 pounds) mom decided to give MFP a try.

    Mom and I have tried before to loose weight through just about every conceivable method available. (Notably WW - back fired on me, Carb Addicts Diet - great success, until I reintroduced carbs, then back fire, Adkins - again, great success until phasing back in the carbs - back fire, Protein power - see above, you get the idea). But, with the weight continuing to come off, mom wanted to see if this was something SHE could do as well. She's pretty much stated "I've lived this long, and if I'm going to be fat, then I'll just be fat."

    She quit MFP as a constant logging sight, because she found food was dominating her life, not her dominating the food. (I can perfectly understand! She's retired, and deserves to be able to do things she WANTS to do, not things she's obsessing over.) But, along the way, she's become my biggest fan, staunchest supporter, and best motivator. She hadn't given up on the idea of loosing weight, and has since found another way that works for her.

    However! With that said (and, I do apologize for this being so long, it's all back ground for this...)

    Because I HAD to change MY eating habits, the FAMILY has changed theirs to support me in my necessary life style changes. If the menu has something carb laced (pasta, buns, rice, potatoes, what have you) mom either will walk me through making my chosen alternative (usually either fried cabbage or spaghetti squash for noodles, or cauliflower for rice and potatoes) or will go ahead and cook it while she's making the rest of the meal. And, in the process, she's lost close to 28 pounds.

    I've lost over 100 now, and still have a ways to go before I reach what I think is going to be my ultimate goal weight. But, I know that no matter how hard it is, my parents are there to make sure I reach it. And, things that are not-so-healthy have some how mysteriously vanished off our grocery list. (Except for dad's candy and fig newtons, which I can't stand the taste of.) The few times they bring in something that would be a massive attractant for me, they make sure it doesn't last, and TRY to make sure I don't know it was there. (Usually by bringing over my aunt and uncle to eat it all before I find out!)

    Truly, it's not a full-fledged MFP success, but the overall result of everyone in the family eating healthier, and being more conscious of what comes in the door in the groceries IS all from MFP and the diabetes that decided I won that particular unwanted door prize.

    Wow...just WOW!!!! What a winner you are, from the beginning of your post "I've been heavy ... no, be truthful... FAT... most of my life. When I read that, rock. Until the end of your post....just plain wonderful and 78lbs lost forever is truly fabulous! WOOT!!!!

    Thank you so much! Getting feed back like this truly helps when things seem to be backsliding. Even though the inches are still coming off, until this past week, the scale was being uncooperative.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My daughter and I are in this together. We started the beginning of the year and my daughter has lost 40 pounds to date and I have lost 34 pounds. We have started the C25K and although it is a struggle for me, we are doing each and I am more and more proud each day.

    That is tremendous and that baby you have in your arms is nothing less than ADORABLE!!!!! :love:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My wife and I have both lost over 20 pounds each since the beginning of Feb. Our son (13 yrs old) is as skinny as a bean pole and our daughter (19 yrs old) might weigh 115 ponds.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :glasses: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Not yet, but it's coming!

    I've been here since the last day in August. Down 45ish lbs ..
    My father started last month, and he's down over 10lbs
    My brother started a few weeks ago and he's down about 10lbs
    My husband started 2 weeks ago and he's down 8lbs.

    We're all feeling fantastic and know we'll look fantastic in time!!

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Great stories!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Great stories!

    TOTALLY GREAT I agree!!!! :love:
  • rebamay87
    rebamay87 Posts: 103 Member
    Last Oct (2012), I hit an emotional wall, and totally freaked out. I was horribly unhappy in my body and I couldn't see a way out. I'm all about the big picture. Plan it, plot your route, and follow through. It was horrible finding myself without direction, feeling like it was all closing in.

    Shortly after this I had MFP suggested me by a lady temping at my work. I took it on and started tracking what I ate, I told my hubby that I needed to lose weight and I was doing it with or without him. So about two weeks after watching me track, My hubby got on board - downloaded the app and started tracking as well.

    Fast forward almost 6mths, and He's lost 36kgs (almost 80lbs) and I've lost 34kgs (75lbs). He's now maintaining and trying to build muscle mass, while I've still got 16kg (25lbs) to go. We eat healthy together and bolster each other a lot to minimise impulse eating.

    Both our parents (particularly our mums) have gotten in on it seeing our success and are using their own methods towards weight loss. I have heard on the grape vine that my brother and his wife are too looking to lose weight as well.

    I also inspired the lady I currently work with, and she is trying weight watchers again as a way of losing weight.

    It's good to know you're not alone, and I always think its nice to have those people support you because its really frustrating when they undermine you or try and lead you into their eating habits (kindly or unkindly). So yay to getting people on the band wagon! lol
  • HR0912
    HR0912 Posts: 10
    My husband and I have decided to do it together! It makes things SO much easier... We are both fully committed. He started out wanting to lose 30 lbs and I started out wanting to lose 50 lbs. We are both around 10 lbs down. (We started April 1). We both started just counting calories, etc. Over the passed month we have cut out most processed foods, things with high fructose corn syrup, etc. We have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. We have changed our 3 year old's eating habits a lot.. she's itty bitty but we want healthy habits to be a lifestyle for her so she is never in the shape we are in trying to avoid bad foods. It's been a great change for our entire family. We exercise together.. and have the timing down perfectly on the app c25k. (Husband starts his a minute and a half later and we are both running at opposite times so the other can push the stroller.)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Last Oct (2012), I hit an emotional wall, and totally freaked out. I was horribly unhappy in my body and I couldn't see a way out. I'm all about the big picture. Plan it, plot your route, and follow through. It was horrible finding myself without direction, feeling like it was all closing in.

    Shortly after this I had MFP suggested me by a lady temping at my work. I took it on and started tracking what I ate, I told my hubby that I needed to lose weight and I was doing it with or without him. So about two weeks after watching me track, My hubby got on board - downloaded the app and started tracking as well.

    Fast forward almost 6mths, and He's lost 36kgs (almost 80lbs) and I've lost 34kgs (75lbs). He's now maintaining and trying to build muscle mass, while I've still got 16kg (25lbs) to go. We eat healthy together and bolster each other a lot to minimise impulse eating.

    Both our parents (particularly our mums) have gotten in on it seeing our success and are using their own methods towards weight loss. I have heard on the grape vine that my brother and his wife are too looking to lose weight as well.

    I also inspired the lady I currently work with, and she is trying weight watchers again as a way of losing weight.

    It's good to know you're not alone, and I always think its nice to have those people support you because its really frustrating when they undermine you or try and lead you into their eating habits (kindly or unkindly). So yay to getting people on the band wagon! lol

    Sooooooo inspirational and encouraging your post guys ROCK, period! Thanks so much for posting!!!
    :heart: :drinker: :heart:
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