Working out in the morning question



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Experiment and see what works for you.
    I do cardio followed by strength, so I didn't want my stomach feeling full.
    I used to eat nothing.
    Then I went to eating a protein bar in between cardio and strength.
    Now, I eat fat free yogurt before cardio and then the protein bar before strength.
    That seems to work well for me.
  • cristina3980
    cristina3980 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! I usually do my workouts in the evening but sometimes I find by the time I get home from work & spend time with my family I'm so tired & don't want to workout so I want to try working out in the morning to see if it'll help!
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    I get up, eat a banana and then do my workout. After my workout, shower and getting everyone else ready for the day, I eat an actual breakfast. I tried to do it on an empty stomach once, I felt so sick! So banana it is!
  • slimgoody05
    slimgoody05 Posts: 25 Member
    I work out early in the morning as well. I have been experimenting to see what works best for me. I lift weights M, W & F, so I make sure I have something small like 1/2 banana or a protein shake. I drink another protein shake when I am finished and then eat breakfast once I get to work. (almost a hour later) On the days where i do cardio first, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, I have been running on an empty stomach. This week, I will try the protein shake 1/2 hour to hour before my runs to see how I feel. I guess it all depends you the person like a few of the other posters said. Experiment and see how you feel.
  • wilddavid
    wilddavid Posts: 33 Member
    I get up at 5am and jump straight on the stationary bike, then I grab a coffee to drink on the way to work and usually only eat breakfast around 9am... Terrible habit I now.
  • lynn413
    lynn413 Posts: 40
    Its whatever works best for you. If I do my treadmill before work I usually have a coffee first, do the treadmill for 30 minutes and then have my 2nd coffee when I'm done. Then I shower, do my makeup and hair, eat breakfast, get my lunch ready, get dressed and then out the door I go.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm usually up at 4:45 and working out by 5am - I don't eat anything first and do fine with the exercise (30 minutes of dumbbells & 20 minutes of kickboxing). I can also run 3-4 miles on nothing but water, but if I'm going farther than that, I will have a little something - granola bar, banana or toast with peanut butter, etc.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I forgot to add that I work second shift, so I'm not going to work right after the gym.
    I drop my daughter at school and eat the yogurt around 8:00 or so.
    I take two classes from 9:15-11:30, with a 15 minute break in between which is when I eat the protein bar.
    But I do go home and have lunch before I go to work.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I'm in the minority here but I eat breakfast before I go to spin class. I have oatmeal about an hour or an hour and a half before class. It's such an all out workout that if I don't eat, I tend to get light headed!:noway:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I get up at 2:30 a.m. so I can work out in the gym at work before I have to start work. I have a 40 minute commute. I eat after I get done.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Try different things and see what feels better. If you workout without eating, do you feel like you have the energy to complete the workout or do you feel hungry the whole time? Try eating something and see what happens.

    Personally, I like about 100 calories before I workout in the morning. That is enough to get rid of hunger pains, but not enough to feel weighed down. Since I go to a gym, I would just eat in the car on the way.
  • VanellopeeVonSchweetz
    I work out in the mornings. At around 7 30 am, and I NEVER eat before I work out. I do circuit training for about an hour, take a nice shower and then eat breakfast :)
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    I workout every morning at 5am. I have a banana and drink a little water then pop the gum. My workouts are usually about 1 - 1 1/2 hours.... When I am done with the workout I am pretty hungry and that is when I have a good breakfast. You will probably have to play around and find what works for you.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I do Intermittent Fasting and my feeding window is between 1300 and 1800 hrs. I lift heavy and/or do cardio in the mornings just fine. Admittedly, it was a little mentally tough in the beginning but I love it now. In fact, I almost got sick last week when I did strength training 1.5 hours after I ate.

    To each their own. Do what works best for you. :flowerforyou:
    If you choose to get your workout in, before you start your day do you eat first or exercise then eat breakfast? I want to start working out in the mornings before work but I wake up every morning starving & feel like I won't have the energy to complete a workout. Thanks :)
  • TheresaTester
    TheresaTester Posts: 115 Member
    I feel better if I don't eat before my morning walk/workout. I also eat less after I finish. I also drink more water if I don't eat first (after workout, not before).
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I get up at 5 something for a 630am workout. Not everyone eats first. But do what works for u
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Depends on the intensity of the workout and the amount of time you have.

    High intensity = eat something
    Low intensity = empty stomach
    Day off work/school = eat something
    Have to go into work/school = empty stomach

    Again, it depends all on the time you have. I sometimes have a high intensity workout and a day off school/work and still choose to have just coffee or a pre-workout supplement.

    The answer to most questions in life = depends.

    This is the best advice for those morning workouts. I do high intensity bodybuilding workouts and some cardio afterwards in the morning so I definitely need to eat in order to perform at my full potential. If you're talking about going for a brisk walk on the treadmill (or walking your dog) then an empty stomach would be fine.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I only have coffee before my workouts. I eat breakfast after that.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I have just started to try and get my workouts done in the morning. The 2 mornings I did it, one I felt lacking in energy. It was a lifting day, on the cardio day I felt pretty good cause I think the faster pace helped. On weight days I think I'm gonna try eating 1/2 a banana before and see if it helps. If not I might invest in some E & E.
  • KellyRUNS2Bthinner
    KellyRUNS2Bthinner Posts: 13 Member
    I have a scoop of protein in my coffee with almond milk. Call it a protein latte. I NEED calories as soon as I get up. My mother swears that working out on a empty stomache is better. I am a fitness freak with 13 percent body fat. She follows weight watches and is 66 working out daily and down 50 pounds this past year. Whats my point???? My point is I dont think it matters she and I are both attaining our fitness goals and we both eat differently. So pick what works.for you and roll with it.