Best pre/post workout cigarette?



  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I remember when I was a teen finishing a soccer game and almost the entire team would light up a smoke before taking our pads off.

    I'm glad I quit smoking.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Planet Fitness has a smoking lounge. It's usually packed on pizza night.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Off topic but to Keola64 - If you don't mind me you know what your body fat is? I'm the same body type, and looking to get where you're at which is why I ask.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member

    I'm currently around 6-8% this pic is at 10% bf
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    This post was just about as amusing as Mr. 40 year old loser's post! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    For Keola64: Stop that! I don't smoke but your scaring me anyway.
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    In the words of Kesha..."Your love is my drug."

    And in the words of Bruno Mars, "Your sex takes me to paradise."
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I had a father whom I adored. He was a smoker. He was taken from us by cancer at age 63. The last four years of his life was spent in and out of hospitals, surgery, chemo, in constant agony. I was with him when he died. He never made it to retirement, never got to travel, never got to see this farm, which he would have loved. So if you want to indulge in a self-destructive habit, go ahead, but I am beyond disgusted to see this topic on a health and fitness website. If you were talking about the best mehods of binging/purging, praising anorexia, stuff like that, it would not be allowed. Well, smoking is worse. Don't tell me "screw you" until you've lost a loved one to cancer sticks.
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    I find that hooking up brain-implanted electrodes to the data-stream output of the elliptical flywheel is the way to go. More work, more perk.
  • Planet Fitness has a smoking lounge. It's usually packed on pizza night.

    I joined Planet Fitness and HATE and am very confused by pizza night! Why not offer something healthy. I understand moderation and am all about it myself. But I feel like it would be like going to a church that one Sunday a month had a stripper. Just doesn't make
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    apparently don't touch that jack3d....or choose to stock up on it before it's off the market!
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    I tab acid just before my work out, it helps with the giant squirrels, they're after my nuts.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I'm thinking about joining Planet Fitness. I have a little gym/workout room in my apartment complex but I'd like some more equipment at my disposal. I also need to get out more. The only thing that scares me is that it's going to be super packed. I hate waiting for machines.

    I think pizza night was a well intentioned marketing idea to make the gym seem less intimidating, but I agree it shouldn't be put in front of people. They give out tootsie rolls too.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I do twinkies! Ooops, wrong thread again :-/


  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I'm thinking about joining Planet Fitness. I have a little gym/workout room in my apartment complex but I'd like some more equipment at my disposal. I also need to get out more. The only thing that scares me is that it's going to be super packed. I hate waiting for machines.

    I think pizza night was a well intentioned marketing idea to make the gym seem less intimidating, but I agree it shouldn't be put in front of people. They give out tootsie rolls too.

    I go to PF and unless it's after 5pm it's not busy and I have never had to wait for a machine. I have never been to the pizza night since I don't eat it and didn't realize they had a smoking section for it.

    I prefer to light up a doobie before working out, I'm looking into something to give me that edge to go further...
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    Sriracha Peas!

  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    After 5 is when I would be going. I fall into the after work crowd.
  • LizIis1
    LizIis1 Posts: 3 Member
    You're kidding, right?
  • Songmartine
    Songmartine Posts: 31 Member
    in for shizz & giggles