Looking for friends 60+ with 150+ to eliminate.

Hello, I am just beginning MyFitnessPlan I'm still figuring it out, and I will. But what I believe is just as important, as monitoring my food, is to have support and comraderie...people who I can "Vote Victory" for and who will do the same for me. I am a 60 year old woman in Milwaukee, I will be 61 in two months. I have had a very long history of weight loss attempts, by various means, including bariactic surgery. I am now 322.5 pounds and have health issue that keep me from living the life I desire. I am disabled and have difficulty walking, among other problems, and am limited in what exercises I can do It is not that I don't understand the difficulties young people have with weight loss, but I would like to communicate with people near my age and with weiglht and physical
challenges similar to mine. I have only been really committed to making changes in my foods once before, but I am very committed now, so I want others who are also committed, will share their experience, strength and hope with me, but will also call me on my crap. If this is you, please let me know. I am ready to VOTE OUR VICTORY! together.


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I am 60 and have lost 24 and I have 35 to go!
  • Hello and Congratulations on your success, you must be very grateful. My name is Claudia and I appreciate your reply. I am just getting started as I said and am still trying to figure things out, which takes me a while as I am not very proficient with a computer. Do you know, if I am correct in thinking that communication between friends and supporters (which I hope to have) takes place on these message boards and when a reply is posted we get an email of notification so we can come here and view the reply? This whole thing, myfitnesspal, is a new concept for me and I am very committed and wish to take advange of everything I can on this site. I see you have used it since 2011 and have had great success, so I assume you endorse and recommend this site. I truly hope I can have success like you have. So where do we go from here. Can you tell me more about yourself, how I can be of service to you as well as if you are willing to "vote my Victory".
  • nancyalexand
    nancyalexand Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Claudia I'm Nancy and I will be 61 in May. I started working out at Anytime Fitness with my silver sneakers plan February sense then I have lost 22 lbs.It really helps having people cheer you on.I feel a lot better now and know I will feel even better after I lose 43 more.
  • Hello Nancy,

    Thank you so much for responding to my post. I am sorry I didn't reply sooner, first I was ill and then to make my life more challenging, my computer screen turned green and I had to get a new one. Now, I am ready to go!

    I am happy to hear of your great success, congratulations, I hope to do as well. I ,too, have Humana's Sliver Sneakers plan, and I was going to go to our local YMCA, but I haven't yet. I guess I am too embarassed to go. I have a few medical challenges, some of which are visible, like walking with a walker and disparity in my leg length.

    My interest has been really peaked by you writing that at Anytime Fitness you have people who support you and vote your victory. That is wonderful. There are so many exercises I am unable to do and the machines are fairly impossible. You said you "feel a lot better now", could you explain, is it because of the weight loss itself or the exercise?

    Again I thank you for responding, and ope you will do so again. In the interim I wish you Good Health and Great Joy.

    With kind regards, Claudia