

  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    Sorry, that is what it is. The opening poster was asking about the cleansing diet, consisting of the lemon juice clense. That is not eating cleanly, that is doing a fad detox, which is not necessary.

    The master cleanse is not a fad or a diet. I do it regularly. It is not what you have heard in the media. Not trying to debate, but I feel that this is very misunderstood. It is just a means of relaxing the GI system and taking it easy. It is also a means of spiritual cleansing.

    It may not be necessary, but neither is Mirilax. Its just a choice each individual makes towards their own better health. You can take Mirilax or you can drink salt water and drink a lemon mixture. The end result is the same. Regularity. Except with the cleanse you also ease back into clean eating and stick with it, while mirilax just helps you poop. Unless you take the extra effort towards a healthier diet. Of course, those who are living clean wouldn't opt for OTC remedies, but for more natural methods if they needed it. Therefore, cleansing is available to those people. The master cleanse is just one type.

    Or you can just eat the recommended levels of fruits and vegetables each day.

    i am basing my viewpoint on scientific evidence, and what i learned at university, not what i read in the media.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495

    Sorry, that is what it is. The opening poster was asking about the cleansing diet, consisting of the lemon juice clense. That is not eating cleanly, that is doing a fad detox, which is not necessary.

    The master cleanse is not a fad or a diet. I do it regularly. It is not what you have heard in the media. Not trying to debate, but I feel that this is very misunderstood. It is just a means of relaxing the GI system and taking it easy. It is also a means of spiritual cleansing.

    It may not be necessary, but neither is Mirilax. Its just a choice each individual makes towards their own better health. You can take Mirilax or you can drink salt water and drink a lemon mixture. The end result is the same. Regularity. Except with the cleanse you also ease back into clean eating and stick with it, while mirilax just helps you poop. Unless you take the extra effort towards a healthier diet. Of course, those who are living clean wouldn't opt for OTC remedies, but for more natural methods if they needed it. Therefore, cleansing is available to those people. The master cleanse is just one type.

    Or you can just eat the recommended levels of fruits and vegetables each day.

    i am basing my viewpoint on scientific evidence, and what i learned at university, not what i read in the media.

    If people ate the recommended fruits and vegetables, this site would also be unnecessary. So would many doctors, medicines, and supplements

    Scientific evidence can support both arguements. The people of the eastern world have been doing this for thousands of years. Western medicine is brand spankin new. We can go back and forth all day. I'm quite sure we won't sway one another and thats fine. I just try to get the correct info out there is all.

    I learned about this fast in a nutritional biology course. My professor had the incorrect information about the master cleanse. I corrected the info. She was greatful to learn something new. Not that she went out and did it, but she appreciated the opposing point of view. My GI specialist, who is obviously educated, told me to do it. Said it is not harmful when done properly and attributes it to my success. And the reason he hasd not had to remove 3 inches of my colon. My point is, there is no point in arguing this. We have different opinions. Can we just agree to disagree?
  • melissabranscom
    I did not see any weightloss, but I did feel much better and had more energy. I really liked it.
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I would not take a detox or cleanse pill. First of all you want to get over a plateau, getting a quick "bump" is basically cheating yourself. Bad habits is why most of us are here. I have seen co-workers do diet cleanses which is basically just eating right. They have lost a couple pounds on them. Change your lifestyle, pills dont solve everything.
  • Jesusfollower72
    I drink tea made from the Senna leaf to clear out my system. The box recommends not drinking the tea for more than 7 days. I drink a cup before bed.
    I get it at the health food store.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    Can we just agree to disagree?

    I was going to say more, but anyway sure, you can believe what you like and that's ok with me.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    duplicate post
  • Saloule
    Saloule Posts: 19
    I got this book called the 'Clean and Lean Diet', I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but it's all about getting rid of the toxins in your body with a healthy diet. I haven't actually started to use it yet but it looks really great, it has loads of lists of foods that are bad for you and what the better alternative for these would be.

    I definitely agree that a detox is going from bad to good, and this book is basically all about doing that. So if you're looking for something that isn't going to be a three day juice diet that might not be too great in the long run, I'd say give this a go!

    - Sarah :)
  • eekface
    eekface Posts: 44 Member
    I believe in, and have used liver and colon cleanses. Yea if you ate perfect then no I dont think you need those. But for someone like me who has eaten alot of CRAP (fast food, candy, processed food) for years and years, I think it is a great thing to do.

    I did the 7 day rapid liver cleanse and I DID feel the difference and I know half of that is because I stopped the crappy food and ate well, whole good foods and proteins, but I do believe it did flush out some of the toxic crap built up in my liver.

    I also believe that colon cleanses do work as well. I am a fan of herbal cleanses where you still EAT a normal, healthy, whole food diet (although avoiding grains is understandable during the liver cleanse) but things like the master cleanse, while they may work, I am not a fan of because I think they are too drastic.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Which toxins, specifically, are removed?
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    My sis drinks a tea. I haven't done it....partly cuz it scares me lol But the purpose of it is not weight loss...its to clean out ur system
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Scam. Be one of the smart people and ignore the subject entirely.

    The Master Cleanse is a scam or detoxes and cleanses are a scam in general? If so, please explain.

    If you have a healthy diet and exercise your body will naturally cleanse. That is what your organs are for ;)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I use Super Dieter's Tea a couple times a week. It comes in several flavors, such as lemon, cinnamon, tropical. It's not harsh and it can work within three hours. You can buy it at Vitamin Shoppe or just about any health food store.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Which toxins, specifically, are removed?
    Can't give you specifics on toxins without looking it up. We take in toxins when we pass somebody that is smoking, there are toxins in our water, some toxins on our fruit, toxins are everywhere. Toxins are stored in our fat cells. While we are losing fat the toxins are released in our urine and fecal matter. Using a cleanse helps your colon digest healthy nutrients easier, clears up acne, and helps prevent colon cancer.
    After having children, women have a harder time of having bowel movements. The baby has pushed our organs around. That is why for many of us we have one bowel movement a day while our husbands have a bowel movement soon after each meal. A movement after each meal is normal. Once a day or once a week is not.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I would not take a detox or cleanse pill. First of all you want to get over a plateau, getting a quick "bump" is basically cheating yourself. Bad habits is why most of us are here. I have seen co-workers do diet cleanses which is basically just eating right. They have lost a couple pounds on them. Change your lifestyle, pills dont solve everything.

    This is what I would have said too. I looked into it a while ago too and decided not to waste money on a quick fix. What I really need is to change my eating habits and eat healthy foods.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    A while back, Dr Oz had a series of 4-5 shows on healthy eating. One of the episodes did an experiment with 2 groups of women after a night out on the town. One group did a cleansing diet, and one group ate a healthy diet, for a day or 2 . Blood, urine, and saliva tests showed no difference in either group. The results was cleansing has no different affect on the body that healthy eating does.

    Don't waste your good money on cleansing diets. You have a liver and kidneys that do a perfect job at no extra cost to you. If "cleansing" is not done properly you can easily do some serious damage to your body by screwing up your electrolyte balance, which can have serious side effects.