Stress busters that aren't food and alcohol



  • JamesDanek
    JamesDanek Posts: 95 Member
    Lift something heavy... Maybe not the kids though.

    Get some weights and do some big old compound lifts. 20 minutes of that and you won't want that drink!
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    I've had the same problem as you off and on for the last two years, which of course has had a massive effect on my weight (hello, yo-yo!). For me, different things work for different times or situations. Exercise or yoga helps, reading a good book, bubble bath, writing (artistic stuff in general) and cooking.
  • FindingSexy
    FindingSexy Posts: 26 Member
    Walking, gardening, hot bath, mani & pedi, arts & crafts… :laugh: LAUGHING!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Either exercise or for me putting my headphones on and blasting it loudly. My partner was given something called chlordiazepoxide it helped the anxiety whilst cutting down drinks. It's specifically for people trying to do so, if that's something you feel you need.

  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Meditation(by far the most long lasting and effective in my opinion), yoga (my personal favorite), exercise in any form, just going for a nice leisurely walk, hot tea, epsom salt bath with lavender oil, massage, reflexology, read a good book, surf the web for pics of cute animals, write down three things you are grateful for (or any other type of journaling), meet up with a friend for a cup of coffee, sing, dance, smile (studies show if you smile, even if you don't mean it, it lifts your mood), stretch, get out into nature (just 5 minutes can improve mood and destress you), garden or find any other hobby, paint (or better yet finger paint), hug someone, do something nice for a stranger (definitely improves mood, especially if done anonymously) do a word puzzle like a crossword or sudoku, and.... hmmm, those are all my tricks to get myself out of a stress related funk. oh, and if you have the time and money to do so properly, invest in a pet. Pets are HUGE stress reducers! If you can't afford to get your own ask your neighbor or friend if you can walk their dog! Cats are a little cheaper and less maintanence, but I think the rewards of having a dog are much greater!
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Getting outside in the fresh air. Having been cooped up inside during the miserable winter it's been harder to relax and deal with stress. Now that spring is finally here just going out for a walk in the sunshine feels fantastic and I'm trying to make it part of my regular routine not just an emergency pressure release when I feel I could explode!

    I also find gardening very therapeutic - a bit of weeding, digging or pruning is a great way to relax and focus on something different and even though my garden would not win any prizes seeing the results is very rewarding.

    When the weather is too foul to get outside I like to do Soduko puzzles. They don't take long to do but concentrating on solving the puzzle means I stop thinking about the things that have been stressing me and before I know it I'm feeling calmer no matter how crazy the day or how wild my sons have been.

    If you do want to cut down your drinking then be sure to measure and log each drink. Just seeing how many empty calories you are consuming might help you say no. There's not much point in being careful about what you eat if you blow all the hard work with drinks.
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    If you do want to cut down your drinking then be sure to measure and log each drink. Just seeing how many empty calories you are consuming might help you say no. There's not much point in being careful about what you eat if you blow all the hard work with drinks.

    I think this will be huge. I don't drink anything with calories, except alcohol. I think a good actual wake up call of the number of calories wasted will be an eye opener. I cannot wait for all this snow to go away so that I can get outside... Thanks for the tips, I'm going to write them all down and hang them on the fridge. I might have to lock myself in my room, but I'll get it figured out!!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Sex (including with self)
    Breathing exercises
    Talking to a good friend
    Hot Bath
    Hot Shower
    Yelling about something (Try not to look too crazy though)
    Hit something (preferably not a person)
    Let some anger out
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    I might have to lock myself in my room, but I'll get it figured out!!

    Spoken like a true mother of boys :wink:

    It may seem hard but finding some time for yourself to think and relax will reduce your overall stress which will make all aspects of your life easier to manage. Try all the suggestions that appeal and just remember that you're worth it!