Those who've 100+ lbs to lose or already lost

stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
Just starting out on my journey with a lot of weight to lose. Kind of curious how much you all lost on your first week, which I know is typically a bigger week due to the initial impact of losing extra water weight and such. I'm hoping for the scale to show a big loss tomorrow which is end of my week 1. Also, after the 1st week, how much did you typically lose?


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I am NOT typically one to lose big on the first week. I checked my spreadsheet and I lost 2 lbs. the first week. Even if you don't have a big loss the first week, that does NOT mean you won't be successful :-)
  • My beginning point was 220 and I'm only 5'3, so I need to lose about 100 lbs. The first week, I lost 5 lbs., but that was a "special lady week" so that may have had something to do with the big number. After that, my scale decided it wasn't going to work anymore so I have no clue what I weigh now. I've just been measuring inches every few weeks.
  • Junebugsc
    Junebugsc Posts: 34 Member
    I have about 150 lbs to lose. I started following Bob Harpers book "The Skinny Rules" on March 9th. The first week I lost 8.5lbs. Each week since I have lost an average of 2 lbs a week. I love it and these are rules I can follow the rest of my life!! To date I have lost 19.8 lbs!!!
  • I have lost about 103 lbs so far (started in Jan 2012 but didn't start using MFP religiously until this past fall). I am barely 5'2" and started at 244.4 lbs. I think my first week into my weight loss was especially high since I was losing a lot of the water weight I had been holding onto. I think I lost somewhere between 5-8 lbs the first week and then it slowed down after that. I think on average I lost 1.8-2 lbs a week for the first several months, however I have always lost in "spurts," where I maintain for a week or two and then lose like 5 lbs in a week and then maintain again. Now that I have about 20-25 lbs left, the weight loss is much slower. The last 40 or so lbs will be tough to get off and I think that has been the hardest part of the journey for me believe it or not. Best of luck to you! Definitely keep up with this app/website as it helps enormously. Feel free to add me anytime :)
  • TT64
    TT64 Posts: 115 Member
    Wow Junebug, that is terrific!! I have to lost about 175 lbs, and just started here one week ago. I am going to look for that book you mentioned Junebug, sounds interesting.
    I've stayed under my calorie goal all week, so I'm hoping I've lost something. I do not have a scale...I have to get one.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list everyone, we are all on this journey and can help each other throught it!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    if i remember correctly, only 3-4lbs i think
  • stefjdf01
    stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks ladies. I guess I should have also asked in my first question how often you all are exercising in order to lose that amount of weight? What did you start out doing and for how often? Or was it simply diet at first?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Diet only for the first 5 months. Then I started walking. Then running. Then biking (while continuing walking and running). Now I've added some strength training too.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I am about 220-225 and need to get down to 120.
  • belleparis
    belleparis Posts: 111
    Hey--I just started about 4 weeks ago. My first week I lost about 2.5 lbs. Ever since my losses have decreased but I keep losing. The first week I ate under my calories and did some 20-30 mins 5 times a week. Currently I am doing 6x a week--doing the 30 day shred and some long walks on the weekends! I also have to lose like 100lbs, feel free to add me :)

    this is a one day @ a time kind of journey. It takes a lot of patience. Here is a quote I found today:

    "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. Time will pass anyway" :flowerforyou:
  • cmart69
    cmart69 Posts: 15
    I started using MFP early 2013. This time around (obviously not my first attempt at losing weight), I lost 2lbs the first week.

    As far as what to start with first, it depends. I actually started to clean up my food intake in December 2012 - stopped drinking soda, stopped eating out for lunch, eating more and a bigger variety of veggies, etc. I added exercise in Jan 2013 at 3x per week, February 4x per week, March 5x per week, and in April my goal is 6x per week of exercise. I do a mix of cardio/weights each day and alternate between more cardio/less weights and more weights/less cardio. For now I either use a treadmill or elliptical and then free weights at home.

    I have 100lbs that I want to lose from my current weight now. I've lost 15 lbs since the beginning of 2013....I am a S-L-O-W loser!

    Good luck to you!
  • stefjdf01
    stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
    @Omma_to_3 - that's awesome - and you look great! Praying that in a year from now I'll be able to look back and have the same success.
  • stefjdf01
    stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
    I'll post an update tomorrow since it will be my week 1 weigh in. I've been watching my calories, trying to eat more protein/less carbs and lots of high fiber (killing the stomach though). I've exercised at home on the treadmill 3 days this past week at 35 minutes each time and I've hit the trails during my lunch hour at work twice for 30 minutes. I'm hoping it proves to be good!
  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there! I have 100+ lbs to lose myself, but am trying to look at it in increments. When I first started (one of the first restarts...) I remember I lost 3lbs in a one week at most. I was on Jenny Craig at the time and it was sort of artificial--I knew I couldn't live on packaged food the rest of my life, so I had to start learning on my on. Many tries later I'm back again and focusing on portion control and exercise. I can lose a good 1-1.5lbs a week this way. I'd love to keep up with anyone on a similar journey!

    By the way, I'm 30 years old and 5'7".
    SW (original): 275lbs
    CW: 268lbs
    GW: 160lbs
  • mrsbgj13
    mrsbgj13 Posts: 1
    @ becca53088 First off Congrats on your weight loss success!!! I'm sure you will reach your goal in no time. I am 226 pounds 5 ft 5", and I want to lose 100 pounds. Any tips to get me started??
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    I gained 2 lbs. my first week! But now I'm back on track, moving the right way down the scale. I started two weeks ago with a vacation this last week. I'm planning on a two year process of losing fat and gaining muscle; I don't just want to be skinny. Part of me can't believe that I actually have over 100 lbs to lose! This time I'm dealing with the emotional issues that keep me overweight and trying a lot of mental therapy as well; positive self-talk and prayers. I'm normally a pretty skeptical person so that is a big jump for me!

    I have tried HCG (made it to 180lbs on that!) and most recently 4-Hour Body (barely made a dent in weight; and I gained it back easily) and I'm back to sensible calorie-counting with a good amount of protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, and no sugar/limited grains.

    I'm 23 years old, 5ft9in
    SW: 248
    CW: 246
    GW: 130
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I just looked back on my spreadsheet, and I was shocked... I lost 10lbs my first week! I really cannot remember that!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I think the very first week I lost 5 but then it slowed down to a steady 2-3 lbs a week for a few months then I would plateau for a few weeks then 1-2 lbs weekly then plateau again. It took me just under 1 year to loose over 100 lbs and another 6 months after that to loose 15lbs.
    I have now kept it off for about a year and a half
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi. I didn't have that typical big first week loss. I lost about a lb the first week and about a lb per week after that (but more like down 1, down 2, up 1, down 1, down2, 1, down 1, up 2, down 3, down 1, up 1....)

    I started out logging calories every day and doing exercise bike 5-6 days per week. But really what matters is your calorie deficit, whether you get there with exercise or no exercise and eating a little less.

    Good luck!
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    @zml_mom just counting calories and exercising? I'm curious to know how you did it in under a year!
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    My first time around when I started at 301 (140 to goal), I lost 2 pounds in my first week.

    This time around, with a starting weight of 239.6 (76 to goal), I lost 5 pounds the first week.

    Go figure.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 41, 5' 4 3/4"

    SW: 258.8
    CW: 168.2
    GW: 125-130

    I don't know what my first week loss was, I started at the end of July 2012. My average weight loss over my journey is 2.4 pounds per week. I have my profile set to lose 1 pound a week in food deficit and then I burn at least 3600 calories to get a second pound. Some weeks, I get 1.8 off and others like this past week, I lost 4.2 pounds.

    I feel if you have such a large number to lose, break it down into small manageable goals. Like how many pounds to get out of each BMI class and then add some round numbers in there like 200 pounds and 180. You can even add goals in stones. There are 14 pounds to a stone.

    I have 9.5 to get to 100 lost, then 10.5 after that to get out of the overweight range and then I just have about 20 after that to reach my goal.

    At this rate, I'm looking to lose 100 pounds in 10 months and its mainly down to calories in and calories out.
  • stefjdf01
    stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, so many of you have done so well - love reading everyone's stories :)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I don't really remember, but I think about 5 pounds.
    I have been here for 13 months on April 12th
  • Excellent everyone!
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    I lost just under 5 pounds my first week I believe. I remember doing the math thinking "At this rate I will hit my goal in no time"

    I just had my 100th day of logging on MFP on Saturday, and I'm down 35 pounds. Not to shabby if you ask me! Only 145ish more to go!

    Anyway, I am always looking for friends that have lots to lose, we are fighting the same battles. So feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • You can do it! Here is my story, I hope it inspires/encourages you!

    April 25 2012: 283 lbs
    November 28 2012: 252.2 lbs
    Last week when I joined 235.4 lbs
    Today: 229.7 lbs

    I gave birth to my second son, a 8 lb 1oz baby boy, on April 26th 2012. But I only gained 8 lbs during my pregnancy. I was not trying to lose weight until the new year as my real life resolution. I exercise using wii fit and the biggest loser for wii fit. I do this 2-3x per week for 15-30 minutes. I also walk a lot. I use the stairs instead of the elevator at my job. I cut out soda completely (I was a Coca-Cola addict) and cut down on added sugars and fast food for the new year. Since I have been tracking my calories, I am losing weight a lot quicker. My fitness pal is an amazing tool. I hope to get down to 165. If I lose more after that, that is fine. I am not looking to be skinny, I just want to be healthy and able to be more active. 53 lbs down, 65 more to go!
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I started 04/01/2013 and lost 9lbs my first week. the 2nd week I lost 4lbs..which is 13 total. My weigh -in is tomorrow. I hope I am down another 4 or 5lbs.
  • I joined 1/7/13 and lost 5 pounds my first week. I been losing on a average 2-3 pounds a week, last week I lost 4 pounds, but at yesterdays weigh in, I lost 1 pound....but I'll take it every little bit helps. To answer your additional questions, for the first month, I gave myself a 30 day exercise challenge to exercise daily for at least 30-45 minutes. I lost 15 pounds that first month. I have over 100 pounds to lose, so now I continue to work out between 5-7 days (mainly every day...only missed two days since I started this journey). I work out hour M-F and hour and 1/2 or more on the weekends (because I have more time and call it my last chance workout before my weigh in on Sunday). However, once I start grad school again in Fall, I know this schedule will change, so I'm trying to stay focus on getting as much done that I can right now. I hope this helps you and good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me to give each other support.
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    I think I lost about 8 pounds my first 2 weeks? I didn't have a scale at the time, so that was just the number I ended up with at a doctor's appointment I had. Shortly after I bought a scale and have had a fairly steady 1.5/2lb per week loss since.

    My exercise plan at first was 2x/week elliptical, 1-2x/week weight lifting. Now I do elliptical or treadmill AND weight lifting 3x/week and yoga 2x/week. I honestly think that for my body and metabolism, lifting weights is the most important part of the equation- I've tried exercising for weight loss before with no luck, but the minute I started lifting (and lifting HEAVY, not high reps/low weight) the pounds started to vanish.

    So far I've only lost 33lb, and I want to lose at least 70 more. Probably closer to 90 more.

    Initial weight was 270, December 28th 2012. Current weight is 237 (well, 236.4. whatever).
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