Getting braces next week and refuse to live on milkshakes

I am getting braces next Thursday. Oh the joy of adult braces. Everyone has been telling me "just forget the diet and enjoy ice cream". Well I am not on a diet, I changed my lifestyle. I will not be pounding shakes or ice cream cones anytime in my future but am looking for any guidance as to healthier options. *yes I do know that its only the first few days not the entire 18 months* ;-)

The other issue...I have a gluten allergy so I have to steer clear of soups and most broths.

I do have some protein powder (I need to check it for gluten) and I also have a personal blender so can make some healthier shakes but does anyone have any ideas?

I really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions!


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    how long do you think you're going to have to eat like this? just take some ibuprofen and chew slowly until you figure out how to eat with them on. you're not going to have to be on a liquid diet for the entire time you have them
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    There's always apple sauce!

    Honestly, I had braces 10 years ago and it didn't impact my eating that much. A day or two here and there, but it was hardly lifestyle-altering. I still ate pizza and candy when I got my braces tightened on Halloween.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    lol you're going to be able to eat real food. Sometimes just after getting them tightened they'll be a little sore, but you're going to be able to eat REAL food. It'll all be okay :) You'll just have to stay away from the sticky stuff like taffy etc and maybe popcorn. I always ate it anyways when I had braces :)
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I had braces for three years when I was younger (end of 5th grade to end of 8th grade).

    It only affected my eating on days they were tightened.
    And I would eat pasta that day.

    Just stick to soft food and homemade soups/broths.

    And beware of carrots - I broke a bracket that way lol
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    I do realize that it will only be for a few days while the pain subsides and my teeth/gums/cheeks get adjusted but I want to be prepared for those short amount of days instead of taking a small hiatus from my macros/caloric intake. Thanks everyone!
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    I have adult braces, and trust me you will not be living on milkshakes. The first couple of days you may want to stick with smoothies; however, you will be able to eat basically anything.
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    I had braces as a teenager. The first day I got them on I couldn't eat anything that wasn't liquid. Within about 3 or 4 days I could eat regular food although I was very slow. It didn't take long though and I could eat normally. However, when I would go in monthly to have them adjusted, I would be sore for a day or so. But the soreness from adjustments was nothing compared to the soreness of having them put on.

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is eat a mllkshake. It's high in calories so you won't starve and it tastes good. The soreness will only last a few days and you'll probably be resting a lot anyway. Chances are even drinking milkshakes, you'll lose weight.

    Then once you're feeling better, go back to eating like you do now.
  • I have adult braces right now. Don't worry -- it's not as bad as you think it's going to be. I do miss popcorn -- my go-to healthy snack -- but I can eat most things. They said not to eat any chewy bread or crackers, but I still do - I just drink plenty of water and soak it so I don't have to chew it as much (I know, gross, but it works!) Probably the most annoying thing is that vegetables take more planning (most of them have to be cooked; you can eat salads that don't have too many crunchy things in them, but it's a pain because stems and leaves tend to snag on the braces). I probably haven't been eating as many vegetables as I should because I prefer them raw, but I throw spinach and celery into my fruit smoothie in the morning and I try to look for more cooked veggie recipes. If you really like raw vegetables and fruits, you should purchase a mandoline slicer - you can very quickly slice things paper-thin and enjoy them without a lot of crunching.
  • KalaMakaKoa
    KalaMakaKoa Posts: 25 Member
    I have had braces twice. My eating habits didn't change when I had them. They told me to stay away from gum unless it was sugar free and no hard candy. I did however cut up my apples and anything else that would put pressure on the braces themselves by biting into them like normal. They have this thing you can get from them, it's a pressure reliever and it is shaped like a "U" and when you bite down on it the pain/discomfort will virtually disappear. Obviously you cannot eat with it in, but it helps in between meals. There really is no reason to change the way you eat already, you just have to get used to the new feeling of chewing with braces on. :)
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    I'm assuming that your concerns are two-fold - initial discomfort from braces and then not wanting to break them. For the first one you just need normal foods that don't need too much chewing.

    Make your own soups, then you know what's in them. Blenders aren't just for shakes. I can't eat gluten and I eat loads of soup.
    Also try lentil dhal as that's nice and soft to eat. Fish, rice, pasta, mashed potato, cooked vegies, minced/ground meat. Anything in small pieces or cooked till it's soft. Snack on homous but not carrot sticks.

    Once any discomfort has passed, the main issue is not breaking your braces. Basically stay away from hard or sticky foods that need a lot of biting/chewing. You can still eat things like apples, just cut them up rather than chomping right in. Avoid whole nuts and seeds as they get stuck in the brace - use ground ones instead.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Use the blender to make your own gf soup or veggie puree. I'm sure there are a plethora of recipe on the interwebs. Also your mouth will just be sore for maybe a week then you can pretty much get back to your regular healthy eating habits. My only suggestion would be to give yourself a little bit more time to eat and invest in some floss and a toothbrush for work as well as at home so you don't have to worry about food getting stuck in those pesky braces.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Isagenix has many healthy protein filled shakes and soups to go with what you are looking for.

    Message me if you have any questions or need help.

    Do NOT do this. Scam city.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1 cup juice, 1 scoop protein powder (I use a Love & Peas or Inca Meal, but not sure if they are gluten free), 1 T flax oil, 1 cup frozen fruit...blend and enjoy

    The wires used in braces are temperature cold things will make them soft (and pull less on your teeth)...that's why everyone says go for milkshakes and ice cream, but anything cold will have the same effect, and fruit is an easy healthier can even use a vegetable juice instead of a fruit juice if you want to get some veggie nutrition in there too...good luck!!!
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    I have had braces twice. My eating habits didn't change when I had them. They told me to stay away from gum unless it was sugar free and no hard candy. I did however cut up my apples and anything else that would put pressure on the braces themselves by biting into them like normal. They have this thing you can get from them, it's a pressure reliever and it is shaped like a "U" and when you bite down on it the pain/discomfort will virtually disappear. Obviously you cannot eat with it in, but it helps in between meals. There really is no reason to change the way you eat already, you just have to get used to the new feeling of chewing with braces on. :)

    This is something I can get at the ortho? I am ordering this like guard thing from Dentakit today but that U thing sounds awesome!
  • audreys03
    audreys03 Posts: 56 Member
    I have braces. I even had to have a palatal expansion, which basically means they break the bones just under your cheek bones next to your nose, to widen the upper jaw to make room for your teeth. I only had to eat soft foods for the first 3 days after having the palatal expansion. Eat what you always eat, just take a motrin and chew slowly. If you feel like you cant eat well the first day or so, try sugar free pudding, jello, pasta, oatmeal, yogurt ect...
  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    I had braces through middle school and I remember the first day or two being the worst, and then a bit of soreness when you had them tightened, but this is definitely not something you really need to worry about for more than a few days.

    For those days you have soreness or pain, stick with soft foods that don't require lots of chomping and chewing- you can try cauliflower mashed potatoes (pureed cauliflower), rice and beans, green smoothies, sauteed spinach, maybe something like soft beef tacos, protein shakes, pasta and noodles, homemade soups, applesauce, peanut butter, or scrambled eggs.

    I ate most of the things that they say to stay away from (baby carrots and popcorn come to mind), but the only major problem I had involved salt water taffy. I pulled out a bracket while I was on vacation and had to wait for 2 days to get it fixed while I got poked in the cheek with a wire. I learned my lesson. :ohwell:
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    You don't have to live on milkshakes. When I had braces sure the first few days are horribly painful BUT it does get better. There are certain foods you shouldn't eat but the dentist will tell you that. So basically you can live completely normal after the first few days. Good Luck!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    When I got braces I ate everything I wanted to, including everything I was told was forbidden. When they were tightened it was uncomfortable for a day or two (when I got a wire across the roof of my mouth I was on potatoes and applesauce for 3 days - that was by far the worst) but it wasn't that bad...and I am a wuss!

    Just make sure your raw veggies (if you eat those) are in smaller pieces, slice apples and other harder fruits, and everything else should be pretty easy! Cut corn off the cob if you eat that! That's the thing from my braces I still do to this day!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    Most likely eating will only be a problem for the first few days and for maybe a couple of days whenever you get the adjusted. I am allergic to wheat and have to be on a gluten free diet too.

    Some meal suggestions would be greek yogurt with applesauce or other softer fruit.
    spoonfulls of peanut butter and if you can tolerate it some gluten free bread (unfortunately from personal experience gluten free bread isnt that soft.)
    oatmeal prepared with milk for extra calories
    Progresso's chicken tortilla soup (its wheat free)
    most name brand (more expensive) prepared broths (swanson's) is gluten free
    meal replacement shakes (ensure, boost, slim fast)

    Just a few that I can think of right now...
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    I had braces for 6 years and it's really not that bad. The first week or so is pretty uncomfortable to eat but after that you should be able to eat fine. You aren't supposed to eat a lot of crunchy things with them but thats only because they don't want them to pop off. I ate crunchy stuff the whole time i had my braces and chewed gum and not once did any of the brackets fall. Just eat like you would normally within limitations of course. For example if you are going to eat an apple just cut it up before you eat it.