Any Roller girls or roller derby fans out there?



  • redhot1017
    redhot1017 Posts: 2 Member
    Derby girl here from the Western PA area! I love derby, it has seriously changed my life. For the first time I found something I want to work hard for, and it's my motivation to get in shape. My first season I actually gained weight while all of my teammates lost weight, so I decided it was time for a change. I want to be a jammer on our all-star team, so I need to whip my *kitten* into shape! Glad to see there are other derby girls here too!
  • 1979sarah2010
    1979sarah2010 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Fresh Meat in redhot1017's league... I am super new on skates... never having skated before my first practice... 2 months in and I am doing much better than waddling around like i was! lol It is such an amazing thing to be involved in... the girls are all supportive and wonderful and want you to succeed. The scale hasnt moved much but i'm constantly getting told "you look like youve lost weight" so it much be working! i need to stop feeding my derby monster after practice! It is just what i needed in my life!

    Roller Derby has saved our souls!
  • yoga_mel
    yoga_mel Posts: 76 Member
    Hoping to sign up for the learn to skate program in the fall that gets you ready for derby....looks so fun!!!
  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    I am a big fan of the Seattle team, Rat City Roller Girls. Maybe someday I'll try out! I would have to learn to skate first!
  • AlteredSkates
    AlteredSkates Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in training with South Sea Roller Derby in Melbourne, Australia. I love it and hope to be bouting as soon as possible.
  • lolstanski
    lolstanski Posts: 18
    hey there ! im currently with the Reapers from Swansea. would love to speak on here with fellow derbyists
  • lolstanski
    lolstanski Posts: 18
    defo agree !! tho thankfully im already up to the new ones and am currently holding the team record lmfao for the speediest lap from standing !
  • lolstanski
    lolstanski Posts: 18
    Have you guys seen the new minimum skills requirements? Whoa! I'm stoked! Unfortunatly, it means about 1/2 of our players have a LOT of work to do. They are skillful players, but their speed and cardio fitness isn't the best. I'm hoping the new standards willl inspire current teamates to get their *kitten* in shape, and attract new skaters who are commited to the sport.

    defo agree !! tho thankfully im already up to the new ones and am currently holding the team record lmfao for the speediest lap from standing !
  • Panda_Rolls
    Panda_Rolls Posts: 101 Member
    Who doesn't love derby? I started about a year and a half ago, when I moved to a new place and didn't know anyone. My town is small and they were desperate for players and took me even though I couldn't skate for *kitten*. I joined myfitnesspal when I hurt my knee and was afraid of gaining weight back that I had already lost. Now I'm back to derby and working on passing the new minimum skills requirements. I'd like to be a faster skater, it took me a while to get the 25 in 5 and they went and changed it to 27! I ordered a fitbit to help get me back on track, new friends could help too so if you'd like to add me go right ahead!
  • deathbunny
    deathbunny Posts: 1 Member
    Hey fellow derby-nuts. I am a little late to the party!

    I just did the new WFTDA minimums, and I have to stay, they weren't nearly as hard as I thought they would be. Granted I have been playing for three years or so, but they sound more intimidating than they really are.
  • Bumping the post up! I'm a derby girl from Adelaide, been skating for just ver a year now and love it! Finally fond a sport I enjoy and am getting good at!

    Feel free to add me :)