Flabby Sagging Butt



  • greeneyedKat
    I have the same problem. I do squats and lunges but also do leg lifts ( from hands and knees position) with ankle weights. That really helps to isolate the glutes. A really good workout, which I plan to do again, soon, is the Brazilian butt workout....it uses bands and ankle weights. It's a Dvd I bought after watching an infomercial. In just one month I had results! But was more lifted and rounder and smaller...sorry I dont have any pics
  • MommaKit79
    I have this issue, too....I don't have any pictures to share, but what helped for me was squats/lunges with heavy weight (really focusing on making sure I was engaging my glutes), running, walking a steep incline on treadmill, and cycling.

    ^^^^Make sure when you are doing these exercises, concentrate on tightening the Glutes...it is the same with core work. For a little bit, you have to consciously try to tighten the muscles you want or need to work on and then it will become second nature to you.

    So, before each lunch or squat, tighten the glutes and then do the exercise, concentrating on keeping them tight. That sounds like it could be your "problem" area (everyone has one...mine is my back) and it may take some extra time to build the muscles in that area but dont give up. GOOD LUCK and yeah, maybe try the Brazillian Butt Lift?!?! I heard it is AMAZING!!!
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    I have this issue, too....I don't have any pictures to share, but what helped for me was squats/lunges with heavy weight (really focusing on making sure I was engaging my glutes), running, walking a steep incline on treadmill, and cycling.

    ^^^^Make sure when you are doing these exercises, concentrate on tightening the Glutes...it is the same with core work. For a little bit, you have to consciously try to tighten the muscles you want or need to work on and then it will become second nature to you.

    So, before each lunch or squat, tighten the glutes and then do the exercise, concentrating on keeping them tight. That sounds like it could be your "problem" area (everyone has one...mine is my back) and it may take some extra time to build the muscles in that area but dont give up. GOOD LUCK and yeah, maybe try the Brazillian Butt Lift?!?! I heard it is AMAZING!!!

    Thanks so much :-) I will take your advice and see if it makes any difference.

    I appreciate every advice i can get. I will never give up. One day i will have my dream butt even if it takes me longer than i hoped. If i give up now then i will never know if i could have achieved it. I will keep trying.
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    As a quick 3-minute starter, this will help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwVzamFR-tg
    Make sure you squeeze your cheeks - like she says, imagine you have a penny between them and squeeze 'em! If you can do it twice in a row you'll have done a fab butt workout!

    If you search 'blogilates butt' on YouTube, you'll see she has several great videos focussing on that area. I highly recommend giving them a try.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Having the same problem. My man even pointed out that he never realized I had such a flat bottom. :grumble: :grumble:

    I'll be looking into that Butt Bible DVD. Thanks for the tip.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    This looks good in relation to glute bridge and hip thrust

  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Squating my own body weight 5 rep for 5 series gave me this butt.

  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    Squating my own body weight 5 rep for 5 series gave me this butt.


    Wow ... just wish mine would also start transforming into that .... but with the help of all of you i believe i will reach my goal sooner xxx Thanx everyone. Would still like to see before and after photos though :-)
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    This looks good in relation to glute bridge and hip thrust

  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Squating my own body weight 5 rep for 5 series gave me this butt.


    and this
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    This is after about a year of strength training, but I started noticing improvements in a few months. 40 years old, 5'5.

    Up until July, I was mostly doing machines at the gym... leg press, glute press, leg curl and extensions, etc.

    Now, I'm going free weights at home... squats, deadlifts, leg curl and extension, etc. I also run 3x a week, between 3-5 miles, with quite a bit of hills and trails.
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    Squating my own body weight 5 rep for 5 series gave me this butt.


    and this
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member

    This is after about a year of strength training, but I started noticing improvements in a few months. 40 years old, 5'5.

    Up until July, I was mostly doing machines at the gym... leg press, glute press, leg curl and extensions, etc.

    Now, I'm going free weights at home... squats, deadlifts, leg curl and extension, etc. I also run 3x a week, between 3-5 miles, with quite a bit of hills and trails.

    WOW big difference! Looking amazing girl :-) This is soooo motivating. Im happy to know it might take me a year. At least i have a time goal now. Thank you soooooo much!
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member

    ^^^This is what I am doing. I'm on day 3 and it is hard. You should check it out.
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member

    ^^^This is what I am doing. I'm on day 3 and it is hard. You should check it out.

    I had a look at it online :-) Looks great and think im definitely going to give it a try.
  • kylataff
    kylataff Posts: 15 Member
    Your before and after pics are amazing! My bum looks exactly like yours in the second photo. I would love to get my bum looking like yours in 1 year!
    Could you let me know exactly what you routine was - the machines, reps, weights etc and what you are doing at home now with your weights. (Hope I'm not being a nuisance but your photos are SO inspiring.

    thanks x
  • MegLouiseH
    The Glute bridge or barbell hip thrust has been shown to produce multiple times the Glute activation that either squats or lunges do. If you want to hit a particular muscle, train it directly. As already stated above a lot of people will be quad dominant on squats so you are not getting as much work from these muscles as you think.

    if you are doing forward lunges start doing mostly backwards/reverse lunges these will work the glutes harder also


    Keep squatting as well obviously as it's still a great exercise.

    Ditto! I'm a kinesiologist and have experience training professional athletes.
    I have knee problems and avoid lunges and squats.

    Hip thrusters (HEAVY weight)
    Glute bridges work too
    Standing/lying hip abduction to get glut med
    Kettle bell swings done PROPERLY (let the weight swing into your hips to break the erect posture)
    Do wall squats with a stability ball. Put your hands on your butt to ensure your are fully engaging your glutes. Squat down DEEP and make sure your feet are further out from the wall so your knees don't go over your toes, and then squeeeeeeeeze your butt to initiate standing back up. Maintain upright upper body posture. This works for me because of my knee issues and can allow me to focus on glute activation instead of knee stabilization.

    My mother legit has no glutes at all. I had her do these, and voila, a perky little butt appeared!