Still have some stubborn belly fat

I'm still an student so a little younger and don't have the sedentary desk lifestyle (yet) but I never had a great metabolism and was always overweight. I came into college weighing around 195 and ballooned to 210 by New Years that year. Cut out soda and closed the semester down to about 196-197. Summer, went crazy with doing Insanity and eating really healthy. Usually when I go to bdubs with friends I'd get 12-18 wings but now I'll just get those unbreaded grilled chicken things.
Didn't even do insanity the whole summer and I still had great results, dropped down to 180 and people noticed. Weight fluctuated between 176-180 that whole semester, trending downward though.

Next semester (started at 180) and "quickly" dropped 10 pounds in a little less than 2 months without drastically changing my lifestyle. I would workout 3+ times a week except now I would focus mostly on weight lifting. Eating I changed a lot, stuck to turkey, chicken, greek yogurt, etc... Would order wraps and just eat the insides, to further cut down on carbs. Cut down on the drinking somewhat as well (would cut out completely but I'm a social person in college, its hard). I drink a ton of water, maybe even too much if there was such a thing. Days where I work (2x a week all day basically sitting at desk) sometimes I'll drink over 150 oz of water.

I weigh somewhere between 170-172 now and I look pretty good, the same people who said I lost weight from the summer noticed it again, and I can finally fit back into size 32 pants (like my size when I was in 8th grade haha).

Anyways I still have some stubborn belly fat and I'd like to lose a little bit more off my chin (still looks a bit fatty) but I think I know what I have to do. I know you can't spot target fat so this summer I'm going to try to cut alcohol out as much as I can (last summer I hardly drank at, only 2 or 3 big times). Like only drink once, maybe twice a month, if that.

I've noticed that I am sort of gaining weight, slow climbs up. Some of that had to be from spring was awful, not too much drinking but moms cooking and sweets, ugh. But I have noticed more muscle on my arms and legs so maybe I am starting to build some bulk and should not be too worried about the scale.

I generally do not care about weight, while it can be a good indicator on progress, I care more about how I look. Or how I look naked haha.

I guess I'm asking for help for my final push. I've made good progress, but still have some stubborn belly fat. I know that I can't spot target fat and I am already kind of doing a low-carb high protein type diet so being relatively healthy.

