Ladies help with cravings!!!!

OK so I have it that week before my period and all I want to do is eat junk. I get all of the food out of my house but I have a gas station right behind my house that is open 24/7 and the reese's cups there call to me. So I am really having a hard time just saying no. So ladies what do you do at this time of the month???


  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I find it ss hard to resist sometimes. Last month I just sat in my car and cried. I have to remind myself that it is hormonal and it will pass. Usually it does pass, but when it doesn't I have a mini peanut butter cup and no more. Have to be strong! You can do it!
  • Try baked Quest bars :) They help me! Or Google "clean" versions of whatever you are craving - there are so many. You may even burn a few cals in the kitchen while cooking them up and shopping for the ingredients! Then you won't even feel guilty indulging.

    But you know what else? Sometimes you just need to eat whatever it is you are craving. If you find you only want "bad" food that week before your period, that's a treat only once a month and that's pretty darn good if you are mostly eating clean otherwise. So live it up girl, feed those ovaries, haha.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    I turn into a craving monster the week before my period too...I've discovered 2 treats that are amazing tasting and pretty healthy too...they've saved me :)

    1) Peanut butter cup ice cream. Mix a No-sugar added fudgsicle, 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter, and 2 tablespoons of whip cream and enjoy...

    2) Cheesecake. Mix a package of white chocolate (or chocolate) sugar free pudding mix with 2 cups of plain Greek Yogurt (plus sweetner if you need it). Yeilds 4 1/2 cup servings of healthy yumminess. Top with fresh strawberries and you have strawberry cheesecake :)
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    If I'm craving something, I eat it and then log it. Hopefully you have some room in your daily allotment for some treats.
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    MAKE THESE!! (a healthy homemade version of reese's delicious!)
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    Try one bite to kill the craving, and log it. Sometimes it really sucks being a female.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I've been drinking a meal replacement shake (chocolate) I put lots of ice in it and it makes this huge frothy shake. Fills me up and meets my chocolate craving.
  • fat free yogurt with maple syrup is really sweet and kills cravings.
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    If you're smart about your intake most of the time, a package of Reese cups during your PMS week won't make a difference. Unless you mean you want to eat 10 packages for each day of the PMS week, totaling 70 packs of peanut butter cups?

    Isn't a pack like 260 cals or something?
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Budget your calories to have space for those peanut butter cups! Or go a little healthier and have some good dark chocolate :)
  • when I have my chocolate cravings I have a way where you can eat it without having the calories. I chew it around in my mouth & then spit it out straight away without swallowing any of the chocolate, then rince my mouth with water & my craving has gone :) not sure if this will help you as everybody is different - but you should try it :) you get the pleasure of tasting it but try not to swallow, no calories ingested :D xox :tongue:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Best thing to do is have a little, and by little I mean a bite or two of what you are craving at most. Sometimes that gets rid of the cravings and then you can get on with your day. If that doesn't work, condiditon yourself, get used to saying no instead of going for it because it is conveniently nearby. I have a London Drugs and Shoppers withing a few minutes from my house with a dollar store across the street. I have plenty of placed to get the bad stuff but since learning to say no I have found myself less often actually buying a candy bar or bag of chips (that stuff that usually makes your hormones 'calm') and more often just eating the good stuff I have on hand.
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    I've been drinking a meal replacement shake (chocolate) I put lots of ice in it and it makes this huge frothy shake. Fills me up and meets my chocolate craving.

    I do the exact same and add peanut butter, it has also helped with the chocolate cravings.
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    I like fried food during that week...especially the later it gets I have no idea why. I say just allow for it. If you really just can't and have too much guilt go get some fiber one brownies. They are chocolatey 8g of sugar and 90 calories. I have one for a snack sometimes instead of those Reisen chocolates sitting on my kitchen counter...

    They also make really good 100 calorie packs of salty or sweet yummies that I will buy instead.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I am lucky and really don't have premenstrual cravings, but when I do get a craving for pizza or lasagne or a burger, I make a date with my husband to have lunch or dinner out to satisfy that craving and then I am done. I try to keep within my calories goals, but don't beat myself up if I go over. I cook all meals at home , so it is a real treat to go out to eat!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I usually eat it and then log it. However last night I was craving chocolate didnt have any so had a cup of tea with a tiny tiny amount of sugar and it worked a treat :)
  • emersmurf
    emersmurf Posts: 27
    Weight watchers has some small packs of different chocolate treats, if you can keep yourself to a serving size, they are around 100-150 cals. Or the South Beach Diet snack packs, they have some good ones. I am just a week after you are and I didn't do so well this time. Habits take time to become a habit, so keep working on it! And I will too. =)
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    Oh how I hate my bottomless pit feeling during pms. If I'm craving something...I usually eat it. If I can, I will try to do a workout to work it off.

    I have found that the worst thing I can do is deprive myself of the 'bad stuff' completely.
  • kristijean
    kristijean Posts: 36 Member
    I use a meal replacement, chocolate as well and one of the added benefits of the ingredients is reduced cravings.