Dieting Tips

I am having such an issue with eating. I can not stop myself from eating. Most of the time I don't feel full. I am always feeling constantly hungry and eat all the time. I feel like I am on the see food diet. I see food and eat it. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or maybe tips that would or could work to help my hunger issue.


  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating 5 times a day makes a lot of people hungry and generally just eat more. Try eating once a day to see if that helps. One binge meal is better than multiple uncontrolled binges throughout the day. I currently practice intermittent fasting because i like eating big meals or basically just eating one big meal a day..
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    What's your calorie goal?
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    I see food and eat it.

    stop looking at food.

    But seriously, need more info, like your stats, ht/wt, what are your goals, how many cals do u eat?
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    And what type of cals are you eating?
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    What's your calorie goal?
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    I see food and eat it.

    stop looking at food.

    But seriously, need more info, like your stats, ht/wt, what are your goals, how many cals do u eat?

    I'm 5'7" and weigh 172. I want to get tone and I'm eating about 1500-1600 cals a day.
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    And what type of cals are you eating?
    I'm not eating good calories. I mean I am staying under my goal but eating bad calories like burgers high carb calories.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    eat more protein like greek yogurt, cheese, protein bars,shakes,etc.
  • You're probably eating foods that make you more hungry. Sugar and carbs are big culprits. First you need to drink a lot of water... like at least 60 oz a day. When you feel hungry, snack on high fiber/protein foods to satisfy you. An apple with like 2 tbs of peanut butter may be a good choice, or make a "green" smoothie with fresh spinach, almond milk, cinnamon and a banana.
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    Your hunger is probably not under control because you are eating those "bad" calories. I have found, for me, that the more nutritious food I eat, the more I crave that nutritious food, and less on the high fat, high carb foods. Even when I allow myself a little cheat day now and then I eat considerably healthier then before I started eating healthy. Does that make sense? I started to ramble. Basically, eat better, and you will start craving better foods, (which you can eat more of, they tend to be lower in calories!) and you won't be wanting those bad foods after a while!
    Good Luck!
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    I figure while at work I need to pack more healthy snacks. That way I can get through the day and not eat junk food. Also at night I get a major sweet and when that comes oh man does it suck !
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I had that problem (particularly never feeling full) when my gall bladder was not performing well.
  • fill up on water.! or when you feel the need to binge eat - quickly take yourself out the house for a walk with your ipod/earphones/music in, do something anything to take your mind off food, chew on sugarfree gum, find someone or something that motivates you to lose weight, day 1 is always the hardest but once you get into the habit of things it will get much easier, keep telling yourself that you are STRONG and you CAN do this :) x
  • brown bread is pretty filling also - I like to eat dry bread and a glass of water afterwards - it does cause bloating but very filling, banana's are also filling and release slow energy throughout the day x
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    fill up on water.! or when you feel the need to binge eat - quickly take yourself out the house for a walk with your ipod/earphones/music in, do something anything to take your mind off food, chew on sugarfree gum, find someone or something that motivates you to lose weight, day 1 is always the hardest but once you get into the habit of things it will get much easier, keep telling yourself that you are STRONG and you CAN do this :) x

    I have found that I do need to drink more water. I rarely drink water during the day. My drink is soda. To be exact, Diet Mt. Dew ! I think I need to give that up and start with water !
  • fill up on water.! or when you feel the need to binge eat - quickly take yourself out the house for a walk with your ipod/earphones/music in, do something anything to take your mind off food, chew on sugarfree gum, find someone or something that motivates you to lose weight, day 1 is always the hardest but once you get into the habit of things it will get much easier, keep telling yourself that you are STRONG and you CAN do this :) x

    I have found that I do need to drink more water. I rarely drink water during the day. My drink is soda. To be exact, Diet Mt. Dew ! I think I need to give that up and start with water !

    have you tried flavoured water.? can be very satisfying & still low in calories :)x
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    I wouldn't just sit there and think about what you could eat but rather would not. Go out for a walk, do a cool activity and distract your mind from it.
  • I wouldn't just sit there and think about what you could eat but rather would not. Go out for a walk, do a cool activity and distract your mind from it.

    too true! its all about mind power and will power :)
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    I wouldn't just sit there and think about what you could eat but rather would not. Go out for a walk, do a cool activity and distract your mind from it.

    too true! its all about mind power and will power :)

    Most of the time I'm at work. Sucks to say that most the time I am sitting there thinking about it. And trust me if I could I would so get up and go for a walk or do some type of activity. And yes it is all about will power and mind over matter.
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    Eat to prevent hunger, not because you're hungry. More protein + water