Need all the support I can get!!

I was on this site many months ago. I have been yo-yo dieting and exercising on and off but have disappointed myself again. Everytime I seem to do well, I go off track and start eating fast food and not exercising....not sure why I don't believe in myself!

I told myself I AM going to do it this time. I am praying that this is last time I am saying "I am starting tomorrow" and hope to FINALLY do what I want to do.....lose 40-45 pounds and starting eating healthy again and start exercising and to stay on this website and record everything everyday until I lose! I am hoping for some encouragement here....I appreciate it! I know if I keep my mind to it, I CAN do this!!!!!! Okay, I am starting tomorrow and that is the last time I am going to say it!


  • Hi, I'm pretty new, but I guess I'm looking for friends too. So please add me if you'd like to
  • you can do this...I've been doing it for two months now and I will be honest, until you get into the flow of things (healthy eating routine w/ exercise), it will not be easy...I don't know you but you seem to be dedicated this time...I believe you can do it.
  • Please... Make sure you take this into consideration.
    The number one rule is... it's a marathon, not a sprint.
    Over estimate the calories consumed, typically we are trained to eat more than we think.
    Under estimate the calories you burned during exercise.
    Change up the routines... the body is a wonderful machine that adapts quickly to workouts.
    Most of all... have fun...
    And second... It's ok to have blow off days.
    I typically have a blow off day every couple of weeks.
    I don't go crazy and gorge but I will have cake, ice cream or some type of candy or whatever is tickling my fancy.
    Then I get back to the grind the next day. It has really helped me stay on track for quite some time now.
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    What shaneabner said...AND, don't beat yourself up! I know, it's easier said than done, but remember this simple phrase - you are your own best friend. Celebrate every small victory, no matter what, and forgive yourself quickly if you think you've slipped. No big deal! Tomorrow, start again. Remember, anything you do - make healthier eating choices, go for a walk - is a small victory. They start to add up, and you feel a little bit better about all this every day. Good luck!
  • Yes i agree.. Have fun while working out so that u will enjoy it and not dread doing it.. I think to eat cakes once in a while is okay, as long you are not having them too often.
    Also do go for healthier alternatives, e.g. when i am craving for ice cream, I go for non fat yogurt added with fresh strawberries and blueberries instead. It's ok to snack in between meals but do eat in small amount and the snacks that u choose are important too. For me, my snacks are nuts instead of those potato chips.
    Do remember to log in your calories daily so that u know what u are eating and u will most likely not overeat.

    Do add me if u need a motivating friend ;)
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I look at this way. It took years to put the weight on. Now is the time to take it off and keep it off forever. Good luck on this journey to healthy you. Peace and smiles
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm open to new friends!!
    BUT - if you are sending a request, just throw something in the message that goes with the request! I want to make sure I'm not friending a "collector"

    I'm an every-day logger with an open diary!!
  • Hello, this is my first day to myfitnesspal. I have a goal to lose 40 pounds. I wanted to see where the work out plans that people are talking about are at. I have seens posts about workout plans that myfitness pal offers but I cant find them?
  • I feel the exact same way you do and have a lot of the same habits! I will be friends with you and we can keep each other motivated
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    The others are so right about this is a marathon, think lifestyle change. Make the healthy eating and exercise a daily routine. I started walking every day at lunchtime, yes that is a form of exercise. I now run, but walking is still part of my routine. The eating was the hard part but after I started reading the calories of items before I bought or ate it I adjusted. You are going go over sometimes, learn from the experience and adjust. And yes you should have a cheat day sometimes to help you come back more focused. You really should log everything good and bad, so you can look at your progress. Start small, but start and built on that. Good luck.
  • Me too my son and daughter in law use this site all the time. I tried it several months ago but stopped so today is my first day back on so if you need some support so don't I I'll add you
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Request sent!

    Don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow is always a new day and we can do this together :)

  • califeisagift
    califeisagift Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new here, too. You can do this! It's all in the mindset. If you think you *can* you *will*! Sending you a friend request...
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome back to mfp. I know that you can do this. Just keep your eye on the goal. Feel free to add me.