Starting Insanity Today.. Tips?

My husband and I are starting Insanity today and I can't tell you guys how excited I am! Woot! I've seen a bunch of before and after pictures of people who have done it for the full 60 days and they all look so fabulous.

So, for all of you that have already done Insanity, from start to finish, any tips for me?

I cannot wait to get my Insanity tshirt(:

Ohhh, and also, how do I log it as my excersise? I cannot find it.


  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    bumping would like to here from others also as I just got this as well and will be starting it on Monday :)

    to log it I plan to just create a new workout and give it my own name ( plus will have a HRM on so I`ll know my burn )
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I just started Insanity....Saturday! :) I made my own workout to log it and I googled about how many calories you burn doing it, the lowest I seen was in the 300's so until I get a heart rate monitor I'm logging it as that! Probably not the best idea I'm sure I probably burn more (I'm soaked in sweat when I'm done).

    I can't wait to get my shirt too! :)
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    First thing...don't get frustrated if you have to take extra breaks during the workouts. They are tough and most people have to build into them. The program definitely works, I saw great results just five weeks in. But like all workouts, you've got to eat right to get the most out of it. I use a heart rate monitor to record mine, and then manually add the Insanity workouts to my list of exercises.
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    As someone who injured a knee at the end of the first month of Insanity my primary advice is: pay attention to form!

    Especially in squats, lunches and stretching: take the time to make sure that you're doing it *right* instead of just doing it *fast*. I've been out of commission for almost two weeks now and it's terrible. I'm back to 90% and am hoping to dive in again soon.

    Another piece of advice would be to buy a HRM and eat back at least the majority of the calories burned. I was consistently burning 700-800(or more) calories during Insanity workouts(6'2", 200lbs).

    Take pictures and measurements before you started - don't go by the scale! I saw my results off the scale before I started seeing them on the scale.

    Have fun, dig deeper!

    P.S. Don't give up if you gain a pound or two in the first weeks - it's a natural response if you're not used to working at at that intensity level. They will start to fall off.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I also started it today.
    The assessment damn near KILLED me (lol).
    I am wearing combat boots because of an ankle injury back in Janurary. It is fine untilI have to do kicks and stuff. Suddenly the boots were not such a great idea.
    Anyway, I did a weigh in along with tape (wow.. I am fat) and I will be weighting/taping every Monday.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    Make sure you have a HUUUUUGE bottle of water nearby in addition to a towel...not a hand towel, BIGGER...because you are gonna sweat!

    Absolutely take pictures beforehand, and every'll be surprised at how soon you will see changes.

    Listen to your body. Take a breather when you need to, be aware of your knees/ankles as you can easily tweak them if you're not careful!

    Good luck!
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Drink plenty of water!!! Also it is very strenous (sp) on the body. I was doing insanity and playing soccer and ended up getting injured in soccer. Just keep that in mind as far as activity levels go and what activities you are participating in besides insanity. It is a great program, never give up, you can do anything even when you feel you can't do one more push-up jack, DO IT! You will thank yourself later. Can't wait to see before and after pictures!

    - JoAnna
  • kutastha
    kutastha Posts: 17 Member
    I've done Insanity, Asylum and hybrids with both.

    Don't go full out when warming up - you'll run out of gas later.

    And go at your own pace - or focus on those in the back row.

    Tania gets annoying fast.

    Keep doing it - it will get easier - until month 2 that is. Then just keep doing it some more.

    Eat. A lot. In the second month I was just filling my face to survive, and still slimming down.

    And I agree on attention to form. I used Vibram Five Fingers as I was too worried about rolling an ankle or twisting a knee in full shoes.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    My husband and I are starting Insanity today and I can't tell you guys how excited I am! Woot! I've seen a bunch of before and after pictures of people who have done it for the full 60 days and they all look so fabulous.

    So, for all of you that have already done Insanity, from start to finish, any tips for me?

    I cannot wait to get my Insanity tshirt(:

    Ohhh, and also, how do I log it as my excersise? I cannot find it.

    Congrats..Insanity is a great program and it's tough! Don't feel bad if you have to take breaks (you will) Listen to your body. Invest in a heart rate monitor to track your calorie burn.

    All in all, just follow the program and be sure to properly fuel your are going to need it.:smile:
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member

    Tania gets annoying fast.

    the black chick is way more annoying lol
  • Nomi3
    Nomi3 Posts: 13 Member
    Starting Insanity again today too. I've done it before and I toned up a bit but I was eating junk most of the time so I didn't lose like I wanted. I've cleaned up my diet this time: here we go!
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member

    Tania gets annoying fast.

    the black chick is way more annoying lol

    I never liked "The Clapper." If you've made it to the Recovery Week, you'll see who I'm talking about. Then during the 2nd month, the Clapper will drive you crazy as she has perfect form and she will destroy you if you try to keep up with her. My favorite was the dude up front that would quit working out when the camera wasn't on him. :)
  • kennethleftwich
    kennethleftwich Posts: 7 Member
    I start today me and my wife
  • julesdeere
    julesdeere Posts: 12 Member
    YAY! I can't say enough good about Insanity. I just started round 2 today.

    You've received great tips. Drink water, go at your own pace, take every rest day you're given, eat enough, keep good form so you don't get injured, take before/after pics and measurements, keep pushing 'play,' and have fun!! It's addicting.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I started a few days ago. I'm doing 4 times a week and then lifting and walking for 2-3 days. My tips for you are similar to the other posters'
    - take breaks if you need to! If you don't get all the way through on one of the moves, just try to do better another day.
    - Wear the least amount of clothes as possible. If you wear loose clothing, it will start to fall off or come up
    - have a HUGE water bottle. Mine holds 32 oz and I usually have to pause the video for a few seconds to get more water and finish 1.5 of the bottles
    - If you need longer than 30 seconds to have a break, do it. No shame in that. One day you probably won't have to
    - It's best if you have a HRM to track your calories burned
    - EAT ENOUGH! You'll probably be starving at the end of it!
    - Go slow in the beginning part of the workout because the moves will just get faster and you'll need that energy
    - Don't give up!
    - Form is most important! If you have to stop for a second to check your form, do it. Your body will than you later!
    - You probably will get sweat in your eye. Never fails for me.

    I'll add more if I think of them!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Another piece of advice would be to buy a HRM and eat back at least the majority of the calories burned. I was consistently burning 700-800(or more) calories during Insanity workouts(6'2", 200lbs).

    No fair! I just burned 300-400 so far! But I'm 5'3 and 191
    P.S. Don't give up if you gain a pound or two in the first weeks - it's a natural response if you're not used to working at at that intensity level. They will start to fall off.

    ^^^ I gained like 3 pounds the first week, but I think I'm finally going to get my weight back down from my plateau
  • julesdeere
    julesdeere Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, yes, to using a HRM! And about not getting discouraged if you gain a few pounds at first.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    YAY! I can't say enough good about Insanity. I just started round 2 today.

    You've received great tips. Drink water, go at your own pace, take every rest day you're given, eat enough, keep good form so you don't get injured, take before/after pics and measurements, keep pushing 'play,' and have fun!! It's addicting.

    You wn't believe how addictig it . Ooh and the towel, definitley the towel !!:laugh:
  • Bridget0227
    I am on my 2nd time doing insanity:) The first time I lost 18 inches but only 3 pounds. Don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't come off. You will get your new body for sure if you follow the program EXACTLY! You really do have to dig deep to finish it, but it's worth the feeling of being accomplished:)