New, 5'8", 204 & looking for buddies in the same boat


I'm ready to lose this weight! I'd love to lose 50lbs! I'll admit: staying on track is hard for me especially on the weekends. My goals is to form healthier habits.

I'm getting back into running on my treadmill but its slow going.

Anyone need a buddy because I do :flowerforyou:


  • jro06
    jro06 Posts: 6 Member
    You may be my twin! I'm new to MFP as well. I'm 5'8" and 205. My goal is to lose 50lbs by my 34th birthday in October.
  • tepala21
    tepala21 Posts: 17
    5'7.5 - 217 lbs -- goal weight of 160lbs -- feel free to add me as well :)
  • bmzboston
    bmzboston Posts: 3 Member
    5'7", 208 and also find weekends hard. I'm 38 yrs and looking to add friends!
  • lilmisscatxoxo
    I'm in the same boat 5'7-5'8 .... 195lbs

    Want to lose 40 by the end of the Year!!!

    Add me if you like ... I'm very active on the site :-) ..... I'm looking for friends who will motivate & support me & I will do likewise :-)
  • becktoriatralala
    becktoriatralala Posts: 106 Member
    Annnddd.....I adding you....NOW!!! Totally fitness twins!
  • lilmisscatxoxo
    Weekends are also super hard for me & I find myself on here alot more often on weekends :-)
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    5'9" 211#'s and I have successfully lost almost 50. Looking to lose another 35. I'm on here all the time. Feel free to add me. I'll support anyone, it makes a huge difference. There are ups and downs and having support helps you get through them.
  • missbossypants
    missbossypants Posts: 42 Member
    5'8" and 217lbs here. Going to Disney in September and want to actually be in pictures and be proud of them!
    Feel free to add me! I'm aiming for 165lbs ultimately, we'll see how long it takes me to get there!
  • Brooke1190
    I'm 5'6", 206lbs.. I've lost 38lbs so far, just re-joined MFP, looking for friends! Short term goal: 20lbs more by June 1st, long term: 50lbs more by September 1st. Add me!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I have similar stats. I've added you. Good luck!
  • SusieQred
    Please add me too. I Am right around those numbers also. I have lost and gained so many times, and I am determined to make this the last. I am here for anyone willing to be there for friendship and support for each other. Good luck everyone!!
  • kkjg11
    kkjg11 Posts: 2
    im 5'3" and 165........need some friends on here to help me out! :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cldee_99
    cldee_99 Posts: 3 Member
    New to MFP a month ago. Looking for support and motivation as well. Trying to make this journey FUN and lasting!
    39 years old
    5'9 1/2
    Heaviest weight: 313 pounds
    Starting weight: 208
    Current weight: 201.6
    Goal weight: 175 (then we will see)
    ADD ME!!
  • annaquarium
    annaquarium Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'8-5'9 ish and 219 lbs. I'm heading to Scotland for a semester in the fall and want to look and feel healthy! Looking to lose 30 lbs before I leave. I'd love to have some support from people close to me in body type (or just anyone else looking to lose weight at all!). Feel free to add me!
  • bellyacresfarm
    I am your other twin...... started at 211 and I'm 5'8" tall..... down 18 pounds and stuck .... I want to get down to 160 +/- would love to get lower but know my body and it will fight me much lower than that.....