Tough times, call for tough actions, but....



  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I second what allshebe said. Plus, can you check menus of truck stops in advance, to help you plan ahead?
    Do your stops give you time for a 10minute walk? That'll burn a few calories and help you feel a bit more in control.
    Also, since you spend most of your time in the truck, how about keeping things in there that will motivate you? E.g. weight progress chart so that every time you come to a rest stop you can see how far you've come.
    Good luck!

    Sometimes you dont have time to even stop and take a **** or go into eat at the restaurant. So the easiest thing is to grab 2 for 2 hot dogs a 44 oz pilot drink and chips lol It is double as hard for a trucker than someone who lives at home has a full kitchen and appliances.
  • WalkenFool
    WalkenFool Posts: 2 Member
    There are some great replies here. I hope they help. Celebrate your loss of 95 lbs! Awesome!

    Grocery stores are a great place to buy healthier food. I know I don't do well at most truck stops. But I also know sometimes I just need a hot meal.

    Crank up the music and dance down the highway! I had a 90 minute commute twice a day for a while, and found some great music to move by. Tighten your abs and release - same for your bum. Move, bounce and have fun! Oh and wave at the people who think you are weird.

    Most of the time the blue moods will go on their own, but getting movement in and eating better definitely will help you get there faster.

    I will say some prayers for you too, and would ask that you spend some time in pray as well both for you and for your fellow fitnesspal buddies. We can all use a prayer warrior on our side. Good luck.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Do you have to shout, it is really necessary to use all caps?

    If the posts of other's would have been read; it would be unnecessary for you to post this! Focus on the message the man is sending!!!!!
    Patrick; congrats on the weight loss! It's just a sign of what you are capable of! You are realizing that you are sliding and that is VERY POSITIVE! Be strong and stay focused! This is a journey and it is not always easy... baby steps; one meal at a time and do this for you and your health! You've got this!!!!
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Patrick, first off congratulations on your loss so far, that's fantastic. Keep it going man, you can do it.

    If you're worried about falling off the wagon, you basically just need to remember to log your food every day. That's the starting point for most of us here. And if you have any spare time, try and go for gentle walks, anything to get you moving. I recommend Leslie Sansone's DVD workout called Walk Away The Pounds. I use that, and it's effective! You just walk, right in the comfort of your own home. It's great when you want to have privacy on a walk, knowing you're in your own space. I'm certain you can get these DVDs cheap on Amazon or even just shopping around at your local music and movie store.

    I know it's hard to lose weight, believe me, and food is the most challenging part for me. But you CAN do this, you just need to follow your food diary and log EVERYTHING you eat. This is how you can keep track of what you're eating, and when you see it working, that will motivate you so much.

    I believe in you, and the rest of us do too. God bless you man. :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Please don't give up, you have done so well to have lost 100lbs!!! Keep going, you WILL lose more :smile:
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Congratulations on the amazing loss you've had so far!

    Others have posted great advice about meal planning, better places to buy food, as well as carrying a cooler with you. The only thing I have to add is if you don't always have internet connection to log your food then take along a notebook and a calculator, log it by hand to stay on top of your calorie counts.

    Good luck.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Do you have to shout, it is really necessary to use all caps?

    "Sometimes using all caps is like being just cant help it."~ Me :laugh:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Do you have to shout, it is really necessary to use all caps?
    You obviously haven't read the whole thread. That has been explained twice.if you've nothing more constructive to say then best not to bother.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi Patrick:

    I just started my diet and I'm using the Slim Fast shakes twice a day (breakfast and dinner) and a regular balanced meal for lunch. For my snacks, I eat an apple or some cut up carrots and other veggies. I'm not a cook and have zero interest in meal prep, so the Slim Fast shakes are perfect for me. Since you are traveling so much, you might give them a try.

    Good luck and keep your chin up! :) Saying a prayer for you, wherever you are out on the road this week, that things will get better!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Do you have to shout, it is really necessary to use all caps?

    "Sometimes using all caps is like being just cant help it."~ Me :laugh:

    Third explanation -- his keyboard isn't working, so his comments come out in all caps.
  • pktruckdriver
    pktruckdriver Posts: 63 Member
    ok ok i got thwe caps unlocked , so sorry, please forgive me.

    i am so blessed to see the response here today, i am overwhelmed, can i say thanks to you all

    i have a mini fridge in the truck and have my almond milk and cereal , a cased of water, though still tough getting me to drink it as much as i should.

    instead of biscuits abd gravy they also have steel cut oatmeal too, maybe that will be better, of course it would. a hot meal is a blessing once in awhile.

    my phone, the t mobile prism i got turned out to eb a dude, i thought i got a smart phone that i could use app's on , but the phone has not internal memeory to download any apps , with all the required apps t mobile puts on it, so i got kinda "what i paid for", being cheap got me a no good phone, maybe in a month or so i can afford a new phone with true usage to do what i hoped this one would do, like this app and other app's reminder's and such, even scrabble to help pass time. maybe the samsung galaxy 3 or maybe the HTC windows phone, not sure about iphone, as it is real prricey, but guess it is the best , no???

    again many many thanks to you all

    when i have time i wish to friend you all, thank you so much

    gotta run, time is limited for me

    i promise to not give up, but as for falling down, ,???, but i promise to get back up,

    stress is another post all together, but let me get over this response

    thanks again

  • jycrew
    jycrew Posts: 11 Member
    I have seen some good advice on here for you. Glad that you have a mini fridge too. That should be a big help. Just wanted to give a few more suggestions. My Dad is a truck driver as well. He prefers to prepare most of his meals in the truck and about once or twice a week he will eat at the truck stop. In order to do this he uses 3 small appliances, a small microwave, a small toaster oven, and his favorite is the crockpot. He uses the crockpot all the time. You could prepare anything from soups and stews to baked potatoes or sweet baked potatoes. The best part of that is he just puts everything in the crockpot before he starts driving for the day and when he stops that evening, supper is ready. When you are near a Walmart or grocery store, get supplies for the next few meals. It does take a little advance planning though. Hope this helps.
  • lildebbie121
    lildebbie121 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm glad you came here to post. I think it is great you have lost so much weight already.You CAN do it again. You have gotten great advice already so I will just be here to cheer you on. I am confident you can and will do it!

    Please ignore the "all caps Police" who have nothing better to do with their time than going around being judgmental.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Plan your meals and snacks. Make yourself some baggies of healthy snacks-dried fruit. Nuts. Hummus. Veggies. Even the tuna in pouches-you can open the pouch, add light mayo or whatever-stir it up right in the bag and have it for a snack. String cheese. Laughing Cow cheese.

    You get the idea. Just do it. As much as you can and do it consistently. Then add something else you can do. It is hard to change everything at once. Start small and work your way up.

    (((HUGS))) and feel better.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It sounds like things are a bit better now, and it is good to hear back from you. You've already taken a lot of good steps. Good luck phone shopping. Discovering the MFP phone app helped me to start getting healthier. I didn't find the website until later.:flowerforyou:
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Congratulations on your progress so far. :)

    I'm not a trucker, but if you have the mini fridge, it sounds like you are ready to plan to have healthy stuff to eat while you are on the go. Good for you for getting the water to carry!

    You can eat lots of healthy things while driving:

    Baby Carrots
    Celery Sticks
    Air-popped popcorn (obviously have to do this at home before you go)
    Nuts (pre-portion out your servings in sandwich bags so you know how much you are getting)
    Drinkable yogurt
    Hard boiled eggs (peel a few at a stop and then you can eat them in the car)
    Peanut butter on whole grain bread (good ol' peanut butter sandwich - filling and tasty)

    You get the idea. Basically, if you plan a lot ahead of time, you can really do well even while on the road. I'm not traveling the distances that you are (at least, I assume), but in the past few weeks I've taken several 3+ hour trips in the car with another adult and two kids, all of whom have tons of snacks, not all of them healthy. By planning and bringing a cooler with my own "stuff", I have stayed on track easily.

    Best of luck to you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    you've lost weight before, and you can do it again... once you stop the excuses!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    WhenI can't get to a computer I'll write down what I eat, so I don't forget. You still have an idea of things you should and shouldn't be eating. I for one absolutely LOVE buscuits and gravy, but I know that they're pretty high in fat and calories, so they are only a treat. An occasional thing I eat, and it's been a long time since I've had them. Now I'm sure there's a healthier way to make them, so you can have them sometimes, but you'll have to make them yourself. :( Good luck!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    BTW, it sounds like you need to get a good, insulated lunch bag, and bring your food with you! :wink: Don't make excuses for eating badly. Planning and preparation is everything. It is possible, you just have to make it so! :happy:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    You'll only really fail if you quit, bro.

    So don't give in. Giving up never works, trust me.